Friday, February 24, 2017

Abalone Porridge/鲍鱼粥/전복죽

 In Korean, we call the Abalone Porridge as "전복죽 ( Jeon-buk-juk). Korean like to eat this porridge, especially when they are sick.Korean do eat the intestine of the abalone in raw by dipping the sesame oil. We do steam it, boil, braise or simmer it in soy sauce,etc.
My previous recipe is available at

在韩国,我们称鲍鱼粥为 “전복죽 ( Jeon-buk-juk)”. 韩国人喜欢吃鲍鱼粥,特别是当身体不适时。韩国人也生吃鲍鱼的内脏,沾上麻油就生吃。我们也用采用不同的烹调法,如蒸,焖等。

Abalone,  from the Spanish abulón), , is a common name for any of a group of small to very large edible sea snailsmarine gastropod molluscs in the family Haliotidae. Other common names are ear-shells, sea ears, as well as muttonfish or muttonshells in Australia, ormer in Great Britainperlemoen and venus's-ears in South Africa and pāua in New Zealand.

The flesh of abalones is widely considered to be a desirable food, and is consumed raw or cooked in a variety of different dishes.

Abalone have long been a valuable food source for humans in every area of the world where a species is abundant.

The meat of this mollusk is considered a delicacy in certain parts of Latin America (especially Chile), France, New Zealand, Southeast Asia, and East Asia (especially in China, Japan, and Korea). In Chinese speaking regions, abalone are commonly known as bao yu, and sometimes forms part of a Chinese banquet. Similar to shark fin soup or bird's nest soup, it is considered a luxury item, and is traditionally reserved for special occasions such as weddings and other celebrations. However, the availability of commercially farmed abalone has allowed more common consumption of this once rare delicacy.

In Japan, live and raw abalone are used in awabi sushi, or served steamed, salted, boiled, chopped, or simmered in soy sauce. Salted, fermented abalone entrails are the main component of tottsuru, a local dish from Honshū. Tottsuru is mainly enjoyed with sake.

鮑魚除了是海中的软体动物外,亦是中國傳統的名貴食材,古稱鰒魚,山珍海味中的一種。漢朝王莽就愛吃鳆鱼。曹操喜欢吃鳆鱼,曹操死后,曹植曾向徐州刺史臧霸要二百只來祭祀。 鮑魚通常在水溫度稍低的海底出產。出產地有日本北部、中國東北部、广东南海北部湾、北美洲西岸、南美洲南非澳洲等地。公認最佳產地為日本(乾鮑)及墨西哥(罐頭鮑)。


(source : wikipedia)

Monday, February 20, 2017

Dried Persimmon Rolls/곶감쌈/ 柿子饼卷

Dear friends, have you ever tasted the dried persimmon rolls?
亲爱的朋友们,您可曾尝过柿子卷饼 ?

In China, Korea, Japan, and Vietnam after harvesting, 'Hachiya' persimmons are prepared using traditional hand-drying techniques, outdoors for two to three weeks. The fruit is then further dried by exposure to heat over several days before being shipped to market. In Japan the dried fruit is called hoshigaki (干し柿), in China it is known as "shi-bing" (柿饼), in Korea it is known as gotgam (hangul: 곶감), and in Vietnam it is called hồng khô. It is eaten as a snack or dessert and used for other culinary purposes.

In Korea, dried persimmon fruits are used to make the traditional Korean spicy punch, sujeonggwa, while the matured, fermented fruit is used to make a persimmon vinegar called gamsikcho (감식초), which is alleged to have a variety of health benefits



在日本,柿子饼被称为hoshigaki (干し柿),在中国,称它为"shi-bing" (柿饼), 在韩国,被称为 gotgam (hangul: 곶감),在越南则称它为 hồng khô。

在韩国,韩国人用桂皮加糖,姜,煮成糖水,再配上柿子饼片,那就成了“ sujeonggwa” 甜品饮料。熟透的柿子,经过发酵后,也制成柿子醋,“gamsikcho”

In Korea, Sangju City(상주시) is famous for the persimmons~~

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Seasoned " Bomㅡ Dong"/ 凉拌春白菜 / 봄동무침

Dear friends, do you still remember the name of this vegetable in Korean ? Now, is the season for this vegetable in Korea. We call it " Bom-dong".
This vegetables are  available in Korea , mainly in  late winter and spring. We call it " 봄동 / Bom-Dong". We can use this vegetables to cook soy bean soup, kimchi or season with red pepper sauce,etc.....

这蔬菜,通常在韩国的冬末和春天上市。 我们称它为 “봄동/Bom -Dong/春白菜。 我们用它来煮豆酱汤, 做泡菜或凉拌辣酱等。
The recipe for this vegetable is available at

Friday, February 10, 2017

五谷饭/Rice with five grains / 오곡밥...2017

On the Daeboreum (literally "Great Full Moon") is a Korean festival  that celebrates the first full moon of the new year of the lunar Korean calendar. 

Daeboreum (literally "Great Full Moon") is a Korean holiday that celebrates the first full moon of the new year of the lunar Korean calendar which is the Korean version of the First Full Moon Festival. This holiday is accompanied by many traditions. This year, it falls on the 11th Feb 2017.

For breakfast on Daeboreum, Ogokbap (오곡밥 / 五穀밥), a five-"grain" rice consisting of rice, millet, Indian millet, beans, and red beans is served . This is eaten with various dried herbs. One of the special foods of Daeboreum is Yaksik (약식 / 藥食). This treat is made of glutinous rice, chestnuts, pine nuts, honey, sauce, and sesame oil. Also there is drinking for Daeboreum. It called 'Ear-quickening wine(귀밝이술)'. This alcohol means that if someone drank this alcohol, he or she would be quick to hear and hear good news for one year.

One familiar custom is to crack nuts with one's teeth. It is believed that this practice will help keep one's teeth healthy for the year.
In the countryside, people climb mountains, braving cold weather, trying to catch the first rise of the moon. It is said that the first person to see the moon rise will have good luck all year or a wish will be granted.
Historically, people played the traditional game named Jwibulnori (쥐불놀이) the night before Daeboreum. They burned the dry grass on ridges between rice fields while children whirled around cans full of holes, through which charcoal fire blazed. These cans fertilized the fields and got rid of harmful worms that destroyed the new crops.



정월 대보름(正月 大보름) 또는 대보름은 음력 1월 15일로, 오기일(烏忌日)이라고도 하며, 한자어로는 '상원(上元)'이라고 한다. '상원'은 도교적인 명칭으로, 삼원(상원중원하원) 중 첫 번째이다. 새해 들어 처음 맞이하는 보름날로서 농사의 시작일이라 하여 매우 큰 명절로 여겼다. 대보름 전날인 음력 14일과 당일에는 여러 곳에서 새해의 운수에 관한 여러 풍습들을 행한다.

대보름에 차려 먹는 절식으로는 부럼·귀밝이술 외에도 약밥·오곡밥·묵은 나물과 복쌈 등이 있다. 또 고사리·버섯·오이고지·호박고지·가지껍질·무시래기 등 햇볕에 말린 묵은 나물을 물에 잘 씻어서 먹으면 여름에 더위를 먹지 않고 건강하게 지낸다고 한다.
  • 부럼 - 정월 보름날 새벽에는 부스럼이 생기지 말라는 의미에서 밤·잣·호두 등 단단한 견과류의 부럼을 먹는다. 이때 부럼(주로 밤의 껍질을 직접 깨물어 먹음.
  • 오곡밥 - 쌀, 보리, 조, 수수, 팥 등의 다섯 가지 이상의 곡물을 섞어 지은 오곡밥을 먹음.
  • 진채식 - 무, 오이, 호박, 박, 가지, 버섯, 고사리 등을 말려둔 것을 먹는다. 여러 집에서 아홉 가지 나물을 아홉 번, 또는 열 가지 나물을 먹기도 함.
  • 약밥 - 물에 불린 찹쌀을 시루에 찐 뒤 꿀이나 설탕·참기름·대추 등을 쪄서 거른 것을 섞고, 다시 진간장·밤·대추·계피·곶감·잣 등을 넣어 시루에 찐 밥을 말함.
  • 복쌈 - 밥을 김이나 취나무, 배추잎에 싸서 먹는다. 여러개를 만들어 그릇에 높이 쌓아서 성주님께 올린 다음 먹으면 복이 있다고 함.
  • 귀밝이술 - 보름날 새벽에 데우지 않은 찬술을 남녀구별 없이 조금씩 마심.
  • 솔떡 - 솔을 깔고 떡을 쪄서 나누어 먹음.
대보름날에는 세 집 이상 성이 다른 집 밥을 먹어야 그 해의 운이 좋다고 하였다. 그래서 하루 세번 먹는 밥을 이 날은 아홉 번 먹어야 좋다고 믿음.
( sources : wikipedia )