Tuesday, January 31, 2012


 银杏的种子,白果,在中药上 “白果小苦味甘,性温有小毒,多食令人腹胀”,“熟食温肺,益气,定喘咳,,降痰。。。。”
Ginkgo to be effective in treating dementia. Extracts of Ginkgo leaves contain flavonoid glycosides and terpenoids and have been used pharmaceutically.
In Korea, housewives  will put  3 or 4 drops of  cooking oil in the fry pan to fry the ginkgo fruits and sprinkle   salt on it before serving. Fry the fruits until the surfaces turn  a little golden brown color.
在韩国,韩国主妇们喜欢在平锅内放入 3,4滴的食用油,用来炒白果,至它的表面呈有点金黄色,然后再撒上少许盐。
 Ginkgos adapt well to the urban environment,tolerating pollution and confined soil spaces. For this reason,and for their general beauty,ginkgos are excellent urban and shade trees,the trees are widely planted along many streets in Korea. This trees are planted along the street near my apartment too.
 Ginkgos in autumn.
The hometown of my husband is in Songtan. My father-in-law planted a few ginkgo trees  in the garden. The city hall has built a hut under the ginkgo trees with our consent,  let the local residents take it as a place for leisure spot. In autumn, we also allow the local residents to pick the fruits for consumption, we share the joy together.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

锅巴/Crust of overcooked rice/누룽지

   在古代是把吃剩的饭制成锅巴,现在在韩国的许多家庭,有不少的主妇特意煮饭,将它制成锅巴来享用。哈,我就是其中之一。因为我先生对锅巴是来者不拒  ,特别喜欢它。                                
 In the past,we used the left over cooked rice to make" crust of overcooked rice". Now, in Korea, a lot of housewives purposely cook the rice and use it to make the" crust of overcooked rice". Ha,ha... I am one of them. My husband likes  it very much, he will never reject it.
一般上是将饭粒平铺在平锅上,压成薄薄的一片,以小火慢慢烤成金黄色 后,将它翻过来,再将另一面也烤成金黄色至脆。以前,我也是以这种方法至作,后来我利用烤炉,效果更好。
Normally, we put the cooked rice on the fry pan,press it thin and evenly, with low heat, until it turns golden brown color;turn it over, cook until it turns golden brown color and crispy. Previously, I used this method for making it, but now I use the oven, this method is more better.

在韩国,也有不少的参馆提供 “ 土锅锅巴 ”。将薄薄的一层饭盛在热烘烘的土锅,让饭煮成锅巴,食客则自己将热水倒入锅内,然后品尝。
In Korea, many restaurants provide "Clay pot crust of overcooked rice".Put one thin layer of rice in the clay pot, cook it to become" crust of overcooked rice",customers will pour the hot water into the clay pot and enjoy the food.

The ready made " crust of overcooked rice" is available at the supermarket too.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

韩式通心粉/Korean Style Vermicelli/잡채

韩式通心粉是用蕃薯粉制成的,韩国人称它为“ 당면",在超级市场都可以买到。这一道菜也是在喜庆佳节少不了的。蔬菜类,肉类甚至海鲜类都是通心粉的好配料。。。。

Korean Style Vermicelli is made of sweet potatoes starch,we call in "당면" in Korean language, is available at the supermarket.  This dish is one of the favorite dishes for celebrating the Lunar New Year/Moon Festival or any other special functions. Vegetables, meat or even seafood are good ingredients for cooking this dish......

( This recipe is written in Chinese & English )

韩式通心粉  300g
大洋葱 1 粒,切成片状
蘑菇 4 个,切成片状
菠菜  250g
牛肉/猪肉 250g,切成细条状
鸡蛋 1 粒
蒜蓉 1 tsp

酱清 6 Tsp( 调味后,若不够咸,可多加)
麻油 1 Tsp
芝麻 1Tsp
胡椒粉 1tsp

2. 红萝卜除去外皮,切成丝状。
3. 大洋葱除去外皮,切成片状。
4. 蘑菇,除去茎部没切成片状。
5. 菠菜,放入热水中稍烫一回,挤掉水份。
6. 牛肉或猪肉,切成细条状。
7. 将鸡蛋煎成薄片,切成丝状。
8. 在锅里,加入少许食用油,炒香蒜蓉,加入牛肉/猪肉,红萝卜,大洋葱,蘑菇和 1Tsp 的酱
9. 在一大碗里,放入通心粉,已炒熟的材料和菠菜 ;加入 5  Tsp 的酱清 ,麻油,胡椒粉,调
10. 将调好的通心粉,放在碟子内,在表面撒上些芝麻和鸡蛋丝。

Korean style vermicelli 300g
carrot l, sliced thin
onion 1,  cut into strips
shitake  mushroom/oak mushroom 4, cut into strips
spinach 250g
beef/pork 250g, cut into strips
egg 1
garlic 1tsp,minced
( red bell pepper and yellow bell pepper are recommended too)

light soy bean sauce 6 Tsp ( to taste,if not  salty, may add in some more )
sesame oil 1 Tsp
roasted sesame seeds 1 Tsp
pepper 1 tsp

Method :
1. Cook the vermicelli in boiling water until  soft and transparent. Rinse in the cold water and drain .
2. Carrot, peeled, sliced thin.
3. Onion, cut into thin strips.
4. Mushroom, remove the stems and cut into thin strips.
5. Spinach, blanch the spinach in boiling water and squeeze out excess water.
6. Beef/ pork, cut into thin strips.
7. Fry the egg, make thin sheet and cut into thin strips.
8. In a wok,  fry the minced garlic with little oil, add in beef/pork,carrot,onion,mushroom and 1 Tsp soy bean  sauce until all the ingredients well cooked.
9. In a big bowl, mix the vermicelli with the beef/pork,carrot,onion,mushroom,spinach, 5 Tsp soy bean sauce, sesame oil, pepper.
10. Put the vermicelli on the dish, garnish with egg strips and sprinkle the sesame seeds before serving.


Friday, January 27, 2012

焖牛排/Braised beef short ribs/갈비찜

每逢喜庆佳节,焖牛排(소갈비찜)这道菜也是韩国主妇们喜欢烹调的菜肴。在韩国的超级市场可以买到现成的酱料(소갈비 양념장),也可以自制。即使是买现成的酱料,在醃的时候,不妨加入新鲜的梨汁或者奇异果(kiwi)汁,肉质会更柔软。。。。

For celebrating the Lunar New Year / Moon Festival or any other special functions, braised beef short ribs is one the Korean housewives favorite dishes. We can buy the beef marinade(소갈비 양념장) at the Korean supermarket or make it by ourselves. Even though we buy the ready made beef marinade, it is better to add in  fresh pear juice or kiwi juice for marinating, the rib will be more tender........

( This recipe is written in Chinese & English )

牛排骨 1.5kg
红萝卜 1 条 (把它切成4或5块,再修它的边,使它看起来有点圆形状)
小马铃薯 10粒 (也可用 一般的马玲薯,约 4粒),(若是用小马玲薯,只要切掉外皮,就已经是圆形了;若用大粒的,先将马铃薯切成半,再修其边,使成为圆形状)
奇异果汁一粒, ( 可以不放)

350g     (    若是买现成的酱料)

酱清 8 Tsp
麦芽糖 2 Tsp
蒜蓉 2Tsp
芝麻 1tsp
胡椒粉 1 tsp
麻油 2tsp

1. 把牛排块泡浸在冷水中约 1 个小时,目的是除去牛块中的血,濾乾,
2. 将酱料 拌入牛排块里,拌均,醃约至少 1个小时(也可醃过夜,会更入味),
3. 以中火焖牛排,快半熟时,加入红萝卜和马铃薯,
4. 以小火慢慢焖牛排,红萝卜和马铃薯;偶尔翻动一下,焖至完全熟透为止。

short beef ribs l.5kg
carrot 1 ( cut it into 4 or 5 pieces, trim the side, make it round shape)
small potatoes 10 pieces ( or use the big potatoes, about 4 pieces), ( if use the small potatoes peel the skin; if use the big potatoes,cut it into half, trim the side, make it round shape)
kiwi  l piece ( juice)
p/s:  trim the sides of the carrot and potatoes ( is optional )

350g ( if buy the beef marinade from the supermarket )

if made it by ourselves:
light soy bean sauce 8Tsp
corn syrup 2 Tsp
garlic 1 Tsp, minced
sesame seeds 1 tsp
pepper 1 tsp
sesame oil 2 tsp

1. Soak the short ribs in a large bowl of cold water for about 1 hour, the purpose is to remove the blood and rinse,      
2. combine the short ribs with seasonings, mix it well, marinate it for at least 1 hour ( if overnight, the taste will be more better),
3.  Cook it with medium heat, when halfway cooked, add  carrot and potatoes,
4.  Reduce heat to low heat and continue to simmer, stir occasionally. Cook  until the ribs,carrots and potatoes are fully cooked.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

杂锦萝卜卷/Sliced Radish Roll/무쌈말이


The marinated sliced radish ( sweet & sour) is available at the Korean supermarket  (package form), you can use it to wrap vegetable,seafood or meat. If you are a vegetarian, you can use vegetable only as the ingredient. This picture, I used red and yellow bell pepper/capsicum pepper, luncheon meat as the ingredients.
您也可以自己醃渍白萝卜片。将白萝卜切成圆形状薄片,放入玻璃瓶。以 1 :1:1 的比例将水,白糖,醋和 1tsp 的盐,煮滚,待凉后,将它倒入瓶中,将萝卜片醃渍1,2天即可。
You may make the marinated sliced radish by yourself. Slice the radish into thin pieces form,put in the bottle. Boil the water,vinegar and sugar ( ratio : 1:1:1) and 1tsp salt,pour it into the bottle when it is cool.Keep it for one or 2 days,after that you can use it.


花生酱(塗面包用的) 1Tsp
麦芽糖  1Tsp
柠檬汁 1tsp
芝麻 1tsp

酱清 1Tsp
醋 1Tsp
麦芽糖 1Tsp
蒜蓉 1tsp
辣椒蓉 1tsp
芝麻 1tsp

You can eat it without dipping any sauce, in contrast, you may prepare the following sauces:

Sauce (1)
Peanut butter jam 1Tsp
corn syrup 1Tsp
lemon juice  1tsp
roasted sesame seeds 1tsp

Sauce (2)
light soy bean sauce 1Tsp
vinegar 1Tsp
corn syrup 1Tsp
minced garlic 1tsp
green chili,chop it into small pieces 1 tsp
roasted sesame seeds 1tsp

Sunday, January 22, 2012

蕨菜/Bracken Sprouts/고사리

蕨菜又名拳头菜(bracken sprouts/고사리),也是韩国人在喜庆节日不可缺少的菜肴之一。

Bracken sprouts are also one of the Korean favorite cuisines, especially for the celebration of Lunar New Year and Moon Festival.

(This recipe is written in Chinese  & English )

蕨菜 150g
青葱粒 1tsp
蒜蓉 1tsp
荏油 1Tsp ( 可用麻油代替)
酱清 少许
芝麻 少许

1. 把蕨菜切成 两段,洗干净。
2. 在锅中待荏油热后,加入蒜蓉和蕨菜,炒一炒,再加入酱清(试试看味道后,决定酱清的
   份 量)。
3. 一直炒到蕨菜完全入味为止,加入葱粒。
4. 撒上芝麻

bracken sprouts 150g
spring onion 1tsp, chopped
garlic 1tsp
perilla oil 1Tsp ( can use sesame oil to substitute)
soy bean sauce, to taste
roasted sesame seed

1. Cut the bracken sprouts into 2 parts,wash .
2. Fry with perrilla oil, minced garlic,add in soy bean sauce ( to taste whether is salty or not,then add in
    some more or not ).
3. When it is cooked, add spring onion.
4. Sprinkle sesame seeds before serve.

桔梗/Chinese Bellflower/도라지


This is known as platycodon  or Chinese Bellflower. It is native to East Asia and bears blue flower,although varieties with white and pink flowers are in cultivation, white flowers are more common in Korea. The roots of this species is used extensively as an anti-inflammatory in the treatment of cough and colds. In Korea, the plant is known as doraji (도라지) and its root,either dried or fresh is a popular ingredients in salads and traditional cuisine, especially for the celebration of Lunar New Year and Moon Festival.

(This recipe is written in Chinese & English )

桔梗 150g
青葱粒 1tsp
蒜蓉 1tsp
荏油或称苏子油 1tsp (也可以麻油代替)
芝麻 少许

1. 桔梗带有点苦味,因此在未烹调前先用盐将它揉一揉,除去苦味后,将它洗干净。
2. 在锅中放入荏油,热后,加入蒜蓉和桔梗,加入适量的盐调味。
3. 炒熟后,加入青葱粒。
4. 在桔梗表面撒些芝麻。

Chinese Bellflower 150g
spring onion 1tsp, chopped
garlic 1tsp, minced
perilla oil 1Tsp  ( or can use sesame oil to substitute)
roasted sesame seed
salt, to taste

1. The root is rather bitter,therefore, use a pinch of salt to rub it before cooking,after that, wash it.
2. Heat the perilla oil in the fry pan, add in garlic and Chinese bellflower, add in salt to taste.
3.  When it is cooked, add in spring onion.
4. Sprinkle the sesame seeds before serve.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

人参鸡汤/Ginseng chicken soup/삼계탕


Korean Ginseng Chicken Soup is one of the famous Korean dishes. Korean like to eat this dish in  sultry summer as a tonic food. In ancient , mother-in-laws in Korea will prepare this food for their son-in-laws whenever they visit the parent-in-laws.....
(This recipe is written in Chinese & English )

鸡一只 ( 约 900g)
蒜头  40g
红枣  40g
银杏  40g
糯米  150g
人参  40g


1. 将鸡洗干净,
2. 煮一锅水 (水的份量,足以盖过整只鸡),水滚后,将鸡,蒜头,红枣,银杏,人参放入
      和糯米 熟透。
     ( 另一种煮法是将所有的材料放入鸡肚子内,在两边靠近鸡腿的内侧各刮一刀,将鸡脚交     
3. 煮好后,除去汤表面上的油后,才食用。

chicken 1 ( about 900g)
garlic 40g
red date 40g
ginkgo  40g
glutinous  rice 150g
ginseng 40g

add in salt and pepper when you take this dish

1. Wash the chicken,
2.  Boil a pot of water ( water must be enough to cover the surface of the chicken), when the water is
     boiling, put in chicken,garlic,red date,ginkgo.ginseng. Put the glutinous rice in a cotton pocket, tie it and
     boil  it together with the other ingredients. Boil it with low heat until the chicken & glutinous rice are well
    ( The other method is stuff the cavity of the chicken with the garlic, red date ,ginkgo,ginseng and glutinous
       rice. Cut a slit in the skin on either side of the body cavity of the chicken. Stick the end of each leg
       through the slit on the opposite side. Crossing the legs and closing up the cavity)
3.   Skimming the oil from the surface before you put it in the bowl and serve.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

厚壳贻贝(丝绸壳菜蛤)汤/Mussel Soup/홍합탕


In Korea, January is a good season for  eating mussels, if the fresh of the mussel is white colour, that is male;  orange colour is female......

( This recipe is written in Chinese & English )

厚壳贻贝    500g
大洋葱   1/2粒 (切成片状)
白萝卜 30g (切成片状)
青葱粒 1Tsp

1. 将厚壳贻贝 洗干净,
2. 在一锅里倒入足以盖过厚壳贻贝份量的水量,放入大洋葱和白萝卜片煮至滚,
3. 水滚后,放入厚壳贻贝。熟了的厚壳贻贝,贝壳会一一打开,这时候加入盐调味,上桌

Mussels  500g
half of the big onion ( slice it into pieces)
radish 30g ( slice it into pieces)
salt, pinch of it
spring onion 1 Tsp, chopped
pepper.pinch of it

1. Wash the mussels.
2. Boil a pot of water, enough to cover the surface of  mussels, put in the onion and radish ,boil it,
3. When the water is boiling, put in the mussels. The shell of the mussel will open respectively if it is
    cooked, add in the salt to taste, sprinkle the spring onion and pepper before serve.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

鲜蚝饭/Oyster Rice/굴밥

韩国人非常喜爱吃鲜蚝,他们称鲜蚝是”来自大海的牛奶“。我们家很少吃白米饭,都是吃糙米,大麦,黑豆等煮成的饭。。。通常在吃鲜蚝饭的时候,韩国人都会拌入“单花韭菜(달래,请参阅下面的图片),酱清“ 酱料一起吃,这“单花韭菜(달래)”含有一股芬芳的香味。“单花韭菜(달래)“是葱科葱属植物,分布于韩国半岛,日本及中国北部。

Korean  like to eat fresh oyster, they crown fresh oyster as " the milk from the sea". In my family, we rarely eat the white rice, we use brown rice, barley, black bean etc to cook rice.....Normally, when Korean eat this
oyster rice, they like to mix it with the"  Korean wild chive,soy bean sauce". This  is the fragrant Korean wild chive. Korean Wild Chive/ Allium Monanthum ( Korean  call it "dallae",달래) is a small wild onion found in the woodlands of Korea  Peninsula,Japan & northern part of  China.

(This recipe is written in Chinese & English )

一般糙米 1 杯
糯米糙米  1/2杯
大麦   1/2杯
鲜蚝 200g
栗子  50g
黑豆  50g

单花韭 50g(切细)(若没单花韭菜可用青葱代替)
酱清 2Tsp
辣椒粉 1/2tsp
芝麻 1tsp
蒜蓉 1tsp
麻油 1/2tsp

1。 将鲜蚝洗乾净,沥干水份,
2.     一般糙米,糯米糙米,黑豆也洗干净,
3.     栗子洗干净后,切成两半,
4.     将所有的材料加入水,放入电饭锅内煮至熟便可。
5.      吃鲜蚝饭的时候,拌入事先准备的酱清酱料( 随个人的喜好而拌入酱清酱料,半汤
         匙,1汤匙 或多。。。。

brown rice 1 cup
glutinous brown rice 1/2 cup
barley 1/2 cup
fresh oyster 200g
chestnut 50g
black bean 50g

Korean wild chive ,soy bean sauce:
Korean wild chive 50g (chopped) ( can use spring onion to substitute Korean wild chive)
soy bean sauce 2Tsp
red pepper powder 1/2tsp
sesame seed 1tsp
garlic 1tsp,minced
sesame oil 1/2tsp

1. Wash the fresh oyster, rinse and drain,
2. Wash the brown rice,glutinous brown rice, black beans,
3. Wash the chestnuts,  for each chestnut cut it into two,
4. Put all the ingredients and the water into the rice cooker, cook it,
5. When the rice is served, mix in the ready made Korean wild chive soy bean sauce, it depends
     on your  taste  whether you want to add in half spoon, one spoon or more....

Thursday, January 12, 2012

焖小马铃薯/braised small potatoes/알감자조림


In Korea, one of the favorite snacks of the passengers is the baked butter small potatoes at the restaurants located at the rest house of the expressway.  Not only for baking the small potatoes, Korean housewives like to braise it with the soy bean sauce and other ingredients....
( This recipe is written with Chinese & English)

小马铃薯 15粒
水 2杯

酱清 5 Tsp
麦芽糖 2Tsp
白糖 1Tsp
蒜蓉  1tsp

1. 将小马铃薯洗干净,
2. 在小锅里倒入 2杯水及少许盐,将小马铃薯放入锅中煮,
3. 当小马铃薯煮至将近半熟的状态,将酱料倒入一起再煮;以小火慢慢的焖至小马铃薯完全
4. 将焖好的小马铃薯放在碟子上,并撒下芝麻。

small potatoes 15 pieces
water 2 cup
salt, a pinch of salt
sesame seeds, a little

soy bean sauce 5 Tsp
corn syrup 2Tsp
sugar 1Tsp
garlic 1tsp,minced
pepper. a pinch of  pepper

1. Wash the potatoes,
2. Pour 2 cups of water and a pinch of salt into a pot, put in the potatoes to boil,
3. Boil the potatoes until half-cooked, add in the sauces, lower the heat and braise the potatoes until the
    potatoes absorb the gravy,otherwise,the potatoes are tasteless and till well-cooked, at this moment, the
    the gravy should be left a little bit only,
4. Put the cooked potatoes on the  plate and sprinkle with sesame seeds on the top of it.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

蒸包菜/Steam Cabbage/양배추


This is a very simple and easy dish.....
(This recipe is written in Chinese & English)

材料 :
包菜  100g

韩式辣椒酱  2Tsp
醋  2Tsp
蒜蓉  1/2tsp
细糖 1Tsp 或麦芽糖 1Tsp
芝麻 1tsp

1. 将包菜洗干净,切成方块状,隔水蒸至软就可;无需太软,
2.  将韩式酸辣椒酱的材料拌均,
3.  吃的时候,用筷子夹一片已蒸好的包菜,然后沾上酸辣椒酱吃即可。

Cabbage  100g

Korean Vinegar-red pepper sauce:
Korean red pepper sauce 2 Tsp
vinegar 2 Tsp
garlic  1/2tsp
sugar 1Tsp  or corn syrup 1Tsp
roasted sesame seeds 1tsp

1. Wash the cabbage, cut it into square form. Steam it  until soft by using the steamer,   don't be too soft,
2.  Mix all the ingredients for vinegar-red pepper sauce well,
3.  Get a piece of the steamed cabbage by dipping the sauce  when you eat.

Monday, January 9, 2012

潭阳/Tamyang/담양 (竹筒饭/Bamboo rice)

在韩国,潭阳有“竹林之乡” 的美称。在潭阳,有个大竹林,供游客游览,这是入口处。在潭阳也有个“竹博物馆”
In Korea, many bamboo trees are cultivated in Tamyang. There  is one big bamboo garden in Tamyang for tourists to visit.This is the entrance.There is also a " Bamboo Museum" in Tamyang too.

One of the scenery in Bamboo Garden

 Went to Tamyang with my family. We went to a restaurant for meal, in fact, this restaurant is a bamboo  garden. We sat under the bamboo trees, all the dishes were served in the bamboo dishes,even the chopsticks,spoons were kept in the bamboo box. 

地址/  The address is : 죽림원,전남담양군 원산면 화방리 624-24 번지
Tel: 061-383-1292

This is the "Bamboo rice" in Tamyang

Mushroom in the bamboo garden, is eligible for consumption.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

凉拌短果茴芹/Pimpinella Brachycarpa/참나물무침

短果茴芹 又名 大叶芹( Pimpinella brachycarpa /참나물 ), 为伞形科茴芹属植物,分布于俄罗斯,朝鲜半岛,日本及中国大陆的河北,贵州,吉林,辽宁等地。生长于海拔 500米至900米的地区,多生长于河边。。。含有香草味。。。。

Pimpinella Brachycarpa is a plant genus in the family Apiaceae, it includes the aromatic herb Anise。 Available in Russia,Korea Peninsula, Japan and the northern part of  China,such as Hebei,Guizhou,Jilin.Liaoning etc.

( This recipe is written in Chinese & English)

大叶芹   110g
青葱粒  1Tsp
蒜蓉 1tsp
盐 少许
芝麻  1tsp
麻油 1/2 Tsp
辣椒粉 少许

1.  我喜欢先将大叶芹的茎部,撕去外层的皮。将大叶芹切成段状,放入热水中轻轻一烫,然
2.  在大碗里,将大叶芹,青葱粒,蒜蓉,盐,芝麻,麻油,辣椒粉,混合拌均即可

Pimpinella brachycarpa  110g
spring onion 1Tsp, chopped
garlic 1tsp,minced
salt, pinch of salt
sesame seed 1tsp
sesame oil 1/2 Tsp
red pepper powder, pinch of it

1. I like to peel the external skin of the stem, cut it into a few parts. Blanch in the boiling water, take it out,
    squeeze out the water with the palms,
2.  In a big bowl, put the pimpinella brachycarpa,spring onion,garlic,salt,sesame seed,sesame oil,red pepper
     powder, mix it well and serve.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

煎蛋卷 /달걀말이/Eggs Roll


Last year, when I was watching a TV program, I was surprised to know about the survey, it showed that this fried egg roll was one of the favorite dish among those foreigners who are staying in Korea. In Korea, this fried egg roll, it can be the daily dish, it also a good side dish for Korean Soju or rice wine,it also suitable for preparing the lunch box. It depends on your taste, you can add in the vegetables,seafood or meat with the eggs; or don't add an anything, just use the eggs....
(This recipe is written in Chinese & English)

蛋  3粒
菠菜  40g
葱粒  1tsp
盐 1/4 tsp ( 若嫌味道淡,可多加一些)
麻油 1/2tsp
胡椒粉 1/4tsp

1.  先将菠菜洗净,放入热水里轻轻一烫,挤掉水份,切成细状,
2.  将青葱切成小粒状,
3.  在一大碗里,将蛋液打散,加入菠菜,葱粒,盐,麻油,胡椒粉混合均匀,
4.  在一平镬内,倒入少许油(不要太多),油热后,加入以上调好的蛋糊。 当蛋糊在半熟的  
     全熟   为止。若觉得这方法有点难,那就把蛋煎熟后,马上放在竹片(卷寿司用的竹),
5.  把煎好的蛋卷,切段。可沾上蕃茄酱或酱清吃 。

eggs 3 pieces
spinach 40g
spring onion 1tsp
salt 1/4 tsp ( if you think is not salty,may add in some more)
sesame oil 1/2tsp
pepper powder 1/4tsp

1.  Wash the spinach, blanch it in the hot water,immediately take it out,squeeze out the water,slice it into
      small pieces,
2.  Chop the spring onion,
3.  In a big bowl, blend the eggs, add in spinach,spring onion,salt,sesame oil,pepper,mix well,
4.  Put a little amount of cooking oil in the fry pan ( don't put too much), when it hot, add in the eggs mixture.
     When  it is half-cooked, I use the spatula and iron spoon to roll it while I am frying the eggs, make it to
     become rectangle form,until  well cooked. If you think this method is rather difficult, you may fry the
     eggs, remove it from the fry pan, put it on the bamboo sheet ( those we use to roll the sushi) while it is still
     hot, roll it.
5.  Cut the egg roll into small pieces. May dip it with tomato sauce or soybean sauce.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

佛甲草属(景天属) /Stonecrop (Sedum)/돌나물

佛家草属也称为景天属( Stonecrop / Sedum ,돌나물 ) 的种类约有 400 多种。 在欧洲国家也常以这蔬菜当 salad 食用。记得居住在新加坡期间,在市场上买到的景天属,叶子的颜色比较深;韩国的却比较浅色,而且比较嫩。。。我个人喜欢在吃这一道菜的时候,加上红枣丝和芝麻,再淋上韩式酸辣椒酱,味道会更好。。。
Stonecrop or called Sedum, it has about 400 kinds. In Europe, it is used as salad for consumption. In my memory, while I was staying in Singapore, those I bought it from the market, the color was rather dark green; in contrast, in Korea, the color is light and tender...When I prepare this dish, I like to add in some sliced dried dates,roasted sesame seeds with Korean vinegar-red pepper sauce, the taste will be better...

 ( This recipe is written in Chinese & English )

景天属 (stonecrop/sedum,돌나물)  120g
红枣  6 粒,切片后,再切成细丝状
芝麻 1/2 tsp

韩式辣椒酱 2Tsp
醋 2Tsp                                                        (p/s:在韩国超及市场可买到现成的酸辣酱)
蒜蓉  1/2 Tsp
细糖 1 Tsp或 麦芽糖 1/2 Tsp
芝麻  1/2 tsp

1.  将景天属 (돌나물/stonecrop)轻轻的洗干净,一定要濾乾水份,
2.  将红枣切片后,再切成丝状,
3.  先将景天属 (돌나물/stonecrop)放在碟子内,把红枣丝放在景天属(돌나물/stonecrop)上面,
4.  在吃之前才淋上韩式酸辣酱 ( 不一定要将以上所准备的韩式酸辣酱份量全淋上,依个人
     的喜好而决定 。剩下的份量可放入冰箱保存,待日后用。)。

stonecrop/sedum 120g
dried dates 6 pieces, slice it into thin strips
sesame seeds 1/2 tsp

Korean style vinegar-red pepper sauce::
Korean red pepper paste 2Tsp
vinegar 2Tsp
garlic 1/2 Tsp,minced
sugar 1Tsp or corn syrup 1/2 Tsp
sesame seeds 1/2tsp
(p/s: The ready made vinegar-red pepper sauce is sold in Korean supermarket too)

1..Wash the sedum gently , must drain it,
2. Slice and cut the dried date into thin strips,
3.  Put the sedum on the dish and  put the sliced date on the top of it, sprinkle with roasted sesame seeds,
4.  Mix it with the vinegar-red pepper sauce before serve. Toss well and serve. ( It doesn't mean that you
     have to use all the vinegar-red pepper sauce as prepared above, it depends on your taste. keep the
     remaining sauce in the refrigerator for future use)

Monday, January 2, 2012

泡芙 /슈 / Choux

2012年,新年伊始,犹疑了好一会儿,到底要烘焙什麽点心与家人分享,结果烘了"泡芙" (슈 / Choux). " 泡芙“ 内 塗了 custard cream, 还夹了黄桃。。。。。

( This recipe is written in Chinese & English )

“    泡芙 ”材料:
中筋面粉 150g
鲜奶  125cc
牛油 100g
水 125cc
白糖  7g
幼盐 3g
鸡蛋 4粒

1. 先将面粉筛一回,
2. 将鲜奶,牛油,盐,糖和水放入锅里以中火煮至滚,离火,
3. 将面粉参入 (2),完全搅拌均匀后,再将锅子放在炉上,以小火煮至面糊出现透明感,并在       锅底形成薄膜即告完成,熄火。但要小心,不要烧焦 。
4. 在另一个碗内,将鸡蛋充分打散,分 2或 3 次加入 (3) 的面糊。分几次将蛋加入面糊的主要  目的是,如果面糊太稀,则无需加入所有的蛋液。 加入蛋液是要不断搅拌。
5. 在挤花袋上装挤花嘴,装入面糊,挤成每个直径约 3 cm左右。
6. 用喷雾器在面糊表面上喷水,然后才放入烤箱内烘,烘至金黄色。在烘时,中途不可打开烘 炉们。
7.  以 180C, 烘至金黄色。
8.. 待冷后,将泡芙切开,塗上custard cream ,中间放入一块黄桃。放入冰箱内保存,味道更好。

Custard cream 的材料:
鲜奶  500ml
蛋黄  5 粒
粟粉 10g
幼糖 100g
普通面粉 40g


“Choux" ingredients:
flour 150g
fresh milk 125 cc
butter 100g
water 125cc
sugar 7g
salt 3g
eggs 4

1. Sieve the flour,
2. Put the milk,butter,salt,sugar and water  in a pot, boiling it with medium heat,turn off the heat.
3. Add in flour to (2),quickly mix well.Turn on the heat again,low heat, continue stirring flour until dough mix
    well, in "transparent" form.
4.  Beat the eggs in another bowl. mix in (3) by 2 or 3 times. Mix in 2 or 3 times, the purpose is to make
     sure that the dough texture will not be too soft.
5.  Place the dough in a pastry bag fitted with a tip. Squeeze it out at about 3cm diameter each.
6.  Spray the water on the surface of the dough by using a spray  ,before put it in the oven.
7.  Bake at pre-heat oven at 180C until golden brown.
8.  Till cool, serve it with custard cream and peach. Put in the refrigerator for storage, it will be more

Custard cream:
fresh milk 500ml
yolk 5
corn starch 10g
sugar 100g
flour 40g

Put the milk,yolk,corn starch, sugar and flour in a pot, boiling it with low heat,continue stirring. Set aside, put in the refrigerator for storage.