Sunday, January 22, 2012

蕨菜/Bracken Sprouts/고사리

蕨菜又名拳头菜(bracken sprouts/고사리),也是韩国人在喜庆节日不可缺少的菜肴之一。

Bracken sprouts are also one of the Korean favorite cuisines, especially for the celebration of Lunar New Year and Moon Festival.

(This recipe is written in Chinese  & English )

蕨菜 150g
青葱粒 1tsp
蒜蓉 1tsp
荏油 1Tsp ( 可用麻油代替)
酱清 少许
芝麻 少许

1. 把蕨菜切成 两段,洗干净。
2. 在锅中待荏油热后,加入蒜蓉和蕨菜,炒一炒,再加入酱清(试试看味道后,决定酱清的
   份 量)。
3. 一直炒到蕨菜完全入味为止,加入葱粒。
4. 撒上芝麻

bracken sprouts 150g
spring onion 1tsp, chopped
garlic 1tsp
perilla oil 1Tsp ( can use sesame oil to substitute)
soy bean sauce, to taste
roasted sesame seed

1. Cut the bracken sprouts into 2 parts,wash .
2. Fry with perrilla oil, minced garlic,add in soy bean sauce ( to taste whether is salty or not,then add in
    some more or not ).
3. When it is cooked, add spring onion.
4. Sprinkle sesame seeds before serve.

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