Friday, January 27, 2012

焖牛排/Braised beef short ribs/갈비찜

每逢喜庆佳节,焖牛排(소갈비찜)这道菜也是韩国主妇们喜欢烹调的菜肴。在韩国的超级市场可以买到现成的酱料(소갈비 양념장),也可以自制。即使是买现成的酱料,在醃的时候,不妨加入新鲜的梨汁或者奇异果(kiwi)汁,肉质会更柔软。。。。

For celebrating the Lunar New Year / Moon Festival or any other special functions, braised beef short ribs is one the Korean housewives favorite dishes. We can buy the beef marinade(소갈비 양념장) at the Korean supermarket or make it by ourselves. Even though we buy the ready made beef marinade, it is better to add in  fresh pear juice or kiwi juice for marinating, the rib will be more tender........

( This recipe is written in Chinese & English )

牛排骨 1.5kg
红萝卜 1 条 (把它切成4或5块,再修它的边,使它看起来有点圆形状)
小马铃薯 10粒 (也可用 一般的马玲薯,约 4粒),(若是用小马玲薯,只要切掉外皮,就已经是圆形了;若用大粒的,先将马铃薯切成半,再修其边,使成为圆形状)
奇异果汁一粒, ( 可以不放)

350g     (    若是买现成的酱料)

酱清 8 Tsp
麦芽糖 2 Tsp
蒜蓉 2Tsp
芝麻 1tsp
胡椒粉 1 tsp
麻油 2tsp

1. 把牛排块泡浸在冷水中约 1 个小时,目的是除去牛块中的血,濾乾,
2. 将酱料 拌入牛排块里,拌均,醃约至少 1个小时(也可醃过夜,会更入味),
3. 以中火焖牛排,快半熟时,加入红萝卜和马铃薯,
4. 以小火慢慢焖牛排,红萝卜和马铃薯;偶尔翻动一下,焖至完全熟透为止。

short beef ribs l.5kg
carrot 1 ( cut it into 4 or 5 pieces, trim the side, make it round shape)
small potatoes 10 pieces ( or use the big potatoes, about 4 pieces), ( if use the small potatoes peel the skin; if use the big potatoes,cut it into half, trim the side, make it round shape)
kiwi  l piece ( juice)
p/s:  trim the sides of the carrot and potatoes ( is optional )

350g ( if buy the beef marinade from the supermarket )

if made it by ourselves:
light soy bean sauce 8Tsp
corn syrup 2 Tsp
garlic 1 Tsp, minced
sesame seeds 1 tsp
pepper 1 tsp
sesame oil 2 tsp

1. Soak the short ribs in a large bowl of cold water for about 1 hour, the purpose is to remove the blood and rinse,      
2. combine the short ribs with seasonings, mix it well, marinate it for at least 1 hour ( if overnight, the taste will be more better),
3.  Cook it with medium heat, when halfway cooked, add  carrot and potatoes,
4.  Reduce heat to low heat and continue to simmer, stir occasionally. Cook  until the ribs,carrots and potatoes are fully cooked.

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