Monday, January 2, 2012

泡芙 /슈 / Choux

2012年,新年伊始,犹疑了好一会儿,到底要烘焙什麽点心与家人分享,结果烘了"泡芙" (슈 / Choux). " 泡芙“ 内 塗了 custard cream, 还夹了黄桃。。。。。

( This recipe is written in Chinese & English )

“    泡芙 ”材料:
中筋面粉 150g
鲜奶  125cc
牛油 100g
水 125cc
白糖  7g
幼盐 3g
鸡蛋 4粒

1. 先将面粉筛一回,
2. 将鲜奶,牛油,盐,糖和水放入锅里以中火煮至滚,离火,
3. 将面粉参入 (2),完全搅拌均匀后,再将锅子放在炉上,以小火煮至面糊出现透明感,并在       锅底形成薄膜即告完成,熄火。但要小心,不要烧焦 。
4. 在另一个碗内,将鸡蛋充分打散,分 2或 3 次加入 (3) 的面糊。分几次将蛋加入面糊的主要  目的是,如果面糊太稀,则无需加入所有的蛋液。 加入蛋液是要不断搅拌。
5. 在挤花袋上装挤花嘴,装入面糊,挤成每个直径约 3 cm左右。
6. 用喷雾器在面糊表面上喷水,然后才放入烤箱内烘,烘至金黄色。在烘时,中途不可打开烘 炉们。
7.  以 180C, 烘至金黄色。
8.. 待冷后,将泡芙切开,塗上custard cream ,中间放入一块黄桃。放入冰箱内保存,味道更好。

Custard cream 的材料:
鲜奶  500ml
蛋黄  5 粒
粟粉 10g
幼糖 100g
普通面粉 40g


“Choux" ingredients:
flour 150g
fresh milk 125 cc
butter 100g
water 125cc
sugar 7g
salt 3g
eggs 4

1. Sieve the flour,
2. Put the milk,butter,salt,sugar and water  in a pot, boiling it with medium heat,turn off the heat.
3. Add in flour to (2),quickly mix well.Turn on the heat again,low heat, continue stirring flour until dough mix
    well, in "transparent" form.
4.  Beat the eggs in another bowl. mix in (3) by 2 or 3 times. Mix in 2 or 3 times, the purpose is to make
     sure that the dough texture will not be too soft.
5.  Place the dough in a pastry bag fitted with a tip. Squeeze it out at about 3cm diameter each.
6.  Spray the water on the surface of the dough by using a spray  ,before put it in the oven.
7.  Bake at pre-heat oven at 180C until golden brown.
8.  Till cool, serve it with custard cream and peach. Put in the refrigerator for storage, it will be more

Custard cream:
fresh milk 500ml
yolk 5
corn starch 10g
sugar 100g
flour 40g

Put the milk,yolk,corn starch, sugar and flour in a pot, boiling it with low heat,continue stirring. Set aside, put in the refrigerator for storage.

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