Sunday, January 8, 2012

凉拌短果茴芹/Pimpinella Brachycarpa/참나물무침

短果茴芹 又名 大叶芹( Pimpinella brachycarpa /참나물 ), 为伞形科茴芹属植物,分布于俄罗斯,朝鲜半岛,日本及中国大陆的河北,贵州,吉林,辽宁等地。生长于海拔 500米至900米的地区,多生长于河边。。。含有香草味。。。。

Pimpinella Brachycarpa is a plant genus in the family Apiaceae, it includes the aromatic herb Anise。 Available in Russia,Korea Peninsula, Japan and the northern part of  China,such as Hebei,Guizhou,Jilin.Liaoning etc.

( This recipe is written in Chinese & English)

大叶芹   110g
青葱粒  1Tsp
蒜蓉 1tsp
盐 少许
芝麻  1tsp
麻油 1/2 Tsp
辣椒粉 少许

1.  我喜欢先将大叶芹的茎部,撕去外层的皮。将大叶芹切成段状,放入热水中轻轻一烫,然
2.  在大碗里,将大叶芹,青葱粒,蒜蓉,盐,芝麻,麻油,辣椒粉,混合拌均即可

Pimpinella brachycarpa  110g
spring onion 1Tsp, chopped
garlic 1tsp,minced
salt, pinch of salt
sesame seed 1tsp
sesame oil 1/2 Tsp
red pepper powder, pinch of it

1. I like to peel the external skin of the stem, cut it into a few parts. Blanch in the boiling water, take it out,
    squeeze out the water with the palms,
2.  In a big bowl, put the pimpinella brachycarpa,spring onion,garlic,salt,sesame seed,sesame oil,red pepper
     powder, mix it well and serve.

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