Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Coffee Powder as the fertilizer.....
We roast the coffee beans at home, grind them, brew a cup of coffee, those coffee powder left on the paper filter, I dry it under the sun. I use it as the fertilizer for the flowers. Look, these are my flowers.....
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
My mini cafe at home....
Coffee berries, which contain the
coffee bean, are produced by several species of small evergreen bush of the
genus Coffea. The two most commonly grown species are Coffea canephora (also
known as Coffea robusta) and Coffea arabica. These are cultivated in Latin
America, southeast Asia, and Africa. Once ripe, coffee berries are picked,
processed, and dried. The seeds are then roasted, undergoing several physical
and chemical changes. be prepared and presented by a variety of
盘子内的咖啡豆是未经过炒熟的。不在照片上的水壶内直接泡咖啡,只是装了热水,慢慢地徐徐倒入装有咖啡粉的paper filter,让咖啡一滴一滴的流入容器内。。。
Coffee beans grinder.
Once brewed, coffee may be served in a variety of ways. Drip-brewed,
percolated, or French-pressed/cafetière coffee may be served as white
coffee with a dairy product such as milk or cream, or dairy substitute, or
as black coffee with no such addition. It may be sweetened with sugar or
artificial sweetener. When served cold, it is called iced coffee.
Espresso-based coffee has a wide variety of possible presentations. In its most basic form, espresso is served alone as a shot or with hot water added, known as Caffè Americano. Reversely, long black is made by pouring espresso in water, which retains the crema compared to Caffè Americano. Milk is added in various forms to espresso: steamed milk makes a caffè latte, equal parts steamed milk and milk froth make a cappuccino] and a dollop of hot foamed milk on top creates a caffè macchiato. The use of steamed milk to form patterns such as hearts or maple leaves is referred to as latte art.
Coffee can also be incorporated with alcohol in beverages—it is combined with whiskey in Irish coffee, and forms the base of alcoholic coffee liqueurs such as Kahlúa, and Tia Maria.
曾几何时,我家的咖啡也从即溶咖啡演变成自炒,自磨,100% homemade
The consumption for coffee is soaring up recently. Each of the coffee shop in Korea has their unique interior decoration. My husband he likes self roasting coffee,roast it,grind it...100% home made coffee...
Coffee was first consumed in the 9th century,when it was discovered in the highlands of Ethiopia.From there,it spread to Egypt & Yemen & by the 15th century had reached Armenia,Persia,Turkey & North Africa.From the Muslim world,coffee spread to Italy,then to the rest of Europe & Americas.
The word "coffee" comes from the Italian "caffe".
Coffee was first consumed in the 9th century,when it was discovered in the highlands of Ethiopia.From there,it spread to Egypt & Yemen & by the 15th century had reached Armenia,Persia,Turkey & North Africa.From the Muslim world,coffee spread to Italy,then to the rest of Europe & Americas.
The word "coffee" comes from the Italian "caffe".
My Coffee beans Roasting
Coffee bean can be sold roasted by the supplier, or it can be home
roasted. The
roasting process influences the taste of the beverage by changing the coffee
bean both physically and chemically. The bean decreases in weight as moisture is
lost and increases in volume, causing it to become less dense. The density of
the bean also influences the strength of the coffee and requirements for
The actual roasting begins when the temperature inside the bean reaches approximately 200 °C (392 °F), though different varieties of beans differ in moisture and density and therefore roast at different rate During roasting, caramelization occurs as intense heat breaks down starches in the bean, changing them to simple sugars that begin to brown, changing the color of the bean.
Sucrose is rapidly lost during the roasting process and may disappear entirely in darker roasts. During roasting, aromatic oils and acids weaken, changing the flavor; at 205 °C (401 °F), other oils start to develop. One of these oils is caffeol, created at about 200 °C (392 °F), which is largely responsible for coffee's aroma and flavor.
The actual roasting begins when the temperature inside the bean reaches approximately 200 °C (392 °F), though different varieties of beans differ in moisture and density and therefore roast at different rate During roasting, caramelization occurs as intense heat breaks down starches in the bean, changing them to simple sugars that begin to brown, changing the color of the bean.
Sucrose is rapidly lost during the roasting process and may disappear entirely in darker roasts. During roasting, aromatic oils and acids weaken, changing the flavor; at 205 °C (401 °F), other oils start to develop. One of these oils is caffeol, created at about 200 °C (392 °F), which is largely responsible for coffee's aroma and flavor.
Depending on the color of the roasted beans as perceived by the human eye, they will be labeled as light, medium light, medium, medium dark, dark, or very dark. A more accurate method of discerning the degree of roast involves measuring the reflected light from roasted beans illuminated with a light source in the near infrared spectrum.
Coffee beans grinder.
After the coffee beans has been roasted, put on this cooling machine .....
After the coffee beans has been roasted, put on this cooling machine .....
- 将paper filter 放在 dripper内之后,才放入咖啡粉。右手边的是 称为 Hario type dripper,左手边的是 Kalita type dripper。。。。
- Put the paper filter on the dripper,after that, put in the coffee powder. The dripper on the right hand side is called "Hario type dripper", the left hand side is named " Kalita type dripper"
Ice coffee
冰釀咖啡再加入几滴 caramel syrup ( 右手边的那瓶),香气扑鼻。。。。
冰釀咖啡再加入几滴 caramel syrup ( 右手边的那瓶),香气扑鼻。。。。
Espresso-based coffee has a wide variety of possible presentations. In its most basic form, espresso is served alone as a shot or with hot water added, known as Caffè Americano. Reversely, long black is made by pouring espresso in water, which retains the crema compared to Caffè Americano. Milk is added in various forms to espresso: steamed milk makes a caffè latte, equal parts steamed milk and milk froth make a cappuccino] and a dollop of hot foamed milk on top creates a caffè macchiato. The use of steamed milk to form patterns such as hearts or maple leaves is referred to as latte art.
Coffee can also be incorporated with alcohol in beverages—it is combined with whiskey in Irish coffee, and forms the base of alcoholic coffee liqueurs such as Kahlúa, and Tia Maria.
- 黑咖啡(black coffee):又稱「清咖啡」,香港俗稱「齋啡」--直接用咖啡豆燒製的咖啡,不添加奶、糖等會影響咖啡原味的飲用方式。速溶咖啡是不屬於黑咖啡的範圍的。
- 白咖啡(white coffee):马来西亚特产,起源于怡保镇,是指用黄油烘培的咖啡豆,冲煮后,加入甜炼乳的饮品。从本质上是一种拿铁咖啡。在美国,白咖啡也指轻度烘培的咖啡豆,使用意式冲煮,具有较强酸味的咖啡。
- 加味咖啡(flavored-coffee):依據各地口味的不同,在咖啡中加入巧克力、糖漿、果汁、肉桂、肉荳蔻、橘子花等不同調料。
- 意式濃縮咖啡(Espresso):以熱水藉由高壓沖過研磨成很細的咖啡粉末沖煮出咖啡。
- 卡布奇諾(Cappuccino):蒸汽加壓煮出的濃縮咖啡加上攪出泡沫(或蒸汽打發)的牛奶,有時還依需求加上肉桂或香料或巧克力粉。通常咖啡、牛奶和牛奶沫的比例各佔1/3。另也可依需求加上兩份濃縮咖啡,稱為「Double」。
- 拿鐵咖啡(Caffè latte):「Caffè latte」為義大利文音譯;拿鐵咖啡又稱「歐蕾咖啡」(Cafe au lait),法文音譯─咖啡加上大量的熱牛奶和糖。又稱「咖啡牛奶」—中文釋意,由一份濃縮咖啡加上兩份以上的熱牛奶。另也可依需求加上兩份濃縮咖啡,稱為「Double」。
- 瑪奇哈朵(Macchiato):在浓缩咖啡上放上適量蒸汽打發奶泡。Macchiato義大利文原意便是“被牛奶弄髒的咖啡”。
- 摩卡咖啡(Caffè Mocha):咖啡中加入巧克力、牛奶和攪拌奶油,有時加入冰塊。
- 美式咖啡(American Coffee / Americano):濃縮咖啡加上大量熱水。比普通的濃縮咖啡柔和。
- 愛爾蘭咖啡(Irish Coffee):在咖啡中加入威士忌,頂部放上奶油。
- 维也纳咖啡(Viennese):由奥地利马车夫爱因·舒伯纳发明,在咖啡中加入巧克力糖浆、鲜奶油,并洒上糖制的七彩米。
- 越南咖啡(Vietnamese Coffee):將咖啡粉盛在金屬特殊的炮製過濾器,倒入滾水,讓咖啡一滴一滴流到杯子裡;等咖啡滴完,隨每個人口味加糖或者加點煉奶攪拌好即可飲用,在越南有兩種飲法是冷飲和熱飲的。熱飲的咖啡,人們主要在冬天飲用,泡製的時候將杯子放在另一個有熱水的小碗裡以保暖;冷飲咖啡則多在炎熱的夏季飲用,在泡製後的咖啡中加入冰塊而成。
- 曼特寧咖啡(Mandeling coffee):產於亞洲印度尼西亞的蘇門答臘,別稱蘇門答臘咖啡。風味非常濃郁,香、苦、醇厚,帶有少許的甜味。
Sunday, February 26, 2012
"宴会面 "/"Party Noodles"/잔치국수
In Korean language, "잔치" means "Party", "국수" means "Noodles"; in ancient Korea, this noodles was one of the dishes for almost all the parties.....
( This recipe is written in Chines & English )
韩式细面 300g
江鱼子上汤 10 Cup
鸡蛋 2 粒
红萝卜 1/2条
节瓜 1/2 条
蘑菇 50g(可用任何蘑菇)
青葱粒 1Tsp
1. 先熬大约 10杯水分量的江鱼子上汤,加盐调味,汤必须是热的。待用。
2. 将蛋黄和蛋白分开煎成薄片,在分别切成约 4cm长的细条。
3. 将红萝卜和 节瓜切成丝状。
4. 将蘑菇切成片状 (我今天所采用的蘑菇无需切)。
5. 将红萝卜,节瓜,蘑菇,分别用食用油,盐和蒜蓉炒香,待用。
6. 最后才煮一锅的热水,将面条放入,需用汤匙搅拌,以免面条全粘在一块。煮软后,用冷
7. 将煮好的面条放入碗里,面条上面再放上以炒好红萝卜丝,节瓜丝,蛋黄片,蛋白片,青
(在享用这面条时,配上泡菜一起吃,那会更好吃 )
Korean style noodles 300g
Anchovy broth 10 cup
egg 2 pieces
carrot 1/2 piece
zucchini 1/2 piece
mushroom 50g ( can use any mushroom)
green onion 1Tsp,chopped
salt,to taste
pepper, to taste
garlic, to taste
vegetable oil
1. Prepare 10 cups of anchovy broth,add salt to taste, this broth must be hot,set aside.
2. Separate the egg yolk and white, make thin sheet of each and cut into thin strips.
3. Carrot, zucchini, peeled and sliced thin.
4. Mushroom, sliced ( Today I use Enoki mushroom,therefore, no need to slice)
5. Fry the carrot,zucchini,mushroom separately with the oil,salt and garlic, set aside.
6. Finally, boil a pot of water,cook the noodles in boiling water.Stir them with a spoon to prevent
them sticking together.Rinse them in cold water for a couple of times, drain them. The noodles will
expand and lose their chewiness as time passes, so the last step of preparing this dish is always cooking
the noodles.The noodles should be chewy. When you cook the noodles, it is better to put much water,
because the noodles will absorb the water.
7. Put the noodles in a bowl, garnish with carrot,zucchini,egg yolk & white,green onion, finally pour in the
anchovy broth,sprinkle the pepper before serve.
( When you eat this noodles with the kimchi, it will be more delicious )
Saturday, February 25, 2012
辣酱八爪鱼/Webfoot Octopus With Red Pepper Sauce/주꾸미볶음
In Korea, Spring is the harvest season for webfoot octopus.There are various ways for eating this,e.g fry webfoot octopus with red pepper sauce,webfoot octopus steamboat, webfoot pancake etc, the most simple and easy way is to boil it in the hot water and serve with sweet vinegar red pepper sauce......
(This recipe is written in Chinese & English )
八爪鱼 300g
洋葱 1粒
青葱 1棵
青辣椒 1 条
面粉 1Tsp
盐 1/2tsp
芝麻 1tsp
红萝卜 1/2 条
蕃薯/地瓜 1条
食用油 2 1/2Tsp
辣椒粉 1Tsp
韩式辣椒酱 2Tsp
米酒 1Tsp
麦芽糖 (或白糖) 1Tsp
蒜蓉 1Tsp
姜蓉 1/2tsp
麻油 1Tsp
1. 除去八爪鱼的内脏,洗干净。
2. 用面粉和盐将八爪鱼揉一揉,用水洗干净,濾乾水分。
3. 将八爪鱼切成 1/2 或 1/3 片。
4. 将洋葱,青辣椒,红萝卜,蕃薯 却成片状;青葱切段状。
5. 调好调味酱料,待用。
6. 在锅内倒入食用油,将所有的菜类炒至软,加入八爪鱼和调味酱料一起炒至八爪鱼入味和
7. 上桌前撒些芝麻在表面。
( P/s: 若到韩国的餐馆吃这一道菜,当还吃剩下一点点的时候,服务员会为客人在锅中加入白饭,紫菜,麻油等,将饭炒的香喷喷的。。。。好好吃。。。。在家中也可以这样吃)
webfoot octopus 300g
onion 1 piece
green onion 1 stalk
green chili 1 piece
flour 1Tsp
salt 1/2tsp
sesame seeds 1tsp
carrot 1/2 piece
sweet potato 1 piece
vegetable oil 2 1/2Tsp
red pepper powder 1Tsp
Korean red pepper paste 2Tsp
rice wine 1Tsp
corn syrup ( or sugar) 1Tsp
garlic 1Tsp ,minced
ginger 1tsp,minced
sesame oil 1Tsp
1. Remove the webfoot octopus's intestines,wash and clean .
2. Use the flour and salt to "massage' the webfoot octopus,rinse and drain.
3. Cut the webfoot octopus into 1/2 or 1/3.
4. Slice the onion, green chili,carrot,sweet potato; cut the green onion.
5. Mix well all the seasoning.set aside.
6. Pour the vegetable oil in the fry pan, fry the vegetables until soft, add in webfoot octopus and the
seasoning, stir well and fry well.
7. Garnish with the sesame seeds before serve.
(P/s: If you visit the restaurant in Korea to take this cuisine, when the customer have eaten this food and still left some more ,the waitress will add the rice,seaweed,sesame oil etc, to fry the rice for the customer,the taste is very may do this at home too.)
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
泡菜汤/Kimchi Jigae/김치찌개
泡菜汤,韩文的发音为 “ Kimchi Jigae", 在韩国是家户喻晓的,几乎是人人对它爱不释手的家常便饭。泡菜汤的主要材料是发酵已久的泡菜,再随个人的喜爱加上猪肉,香肠,豆腐等配料。刚做成的泡菜是不用来煮泡菜汤的,发酵越久的泡菜,所含的酵母菌就越多。新鲜的泡菜是煮不出来那香醇的味道。。。。
"Jigae" is a Korean dish similar to a Western stew. Kimchi Jigae is often cooked in Korean homes using older,more fermented kimchi, creating a much stronger taste and containing higher amounts of bacteria as found in yogurt. The stew is said to be more flavorful if prepared with older kimchi, while fresh kimchi may not bring out a full and rich flavor. Kimchi is the most important ingredient and other ingredients ,such as pork,sausage,tuna,tofu, it depends on personal preferences.
( This recipe is written in Chinese & English )
发酵已久的泡菜 300g
豆腐 150g,切成块状
香肠 100g
罐头 tuna 130g
青葱粒 1Tsp
蒜蓉 1tsp
青辣椒片 1Tsp
辣椒粉 1Tsp
韩式辣椒酱 1 1/2 Tsp
江鱼子上汤 2 1/2 cup ( 或只用水)
(P/s : 可用猪肉来代替 香肠和tuna . 若用猪肉,则必须和泡菜一起炒,在还未加入水之前)
1. 先准备 2 1/2 杯的江鱼子上汤 ( 或只用一般的水)。
2. 将泡菜切片后放入土锅(一般上韩国人喜欢用土锅来煮这道菜,若没土锅,用一般的锅也可
3. 将韩式辣椒酱和辣椒粉拌均后,用中火来炒土锅中的泡菜(无需加油)约 5 分钟。
4. 豆腐,罐头tuna,香肠放入锅里,倒入江鱼子上汤,煮至滚。
5. 煮约 20分钟后,放入青辣椒片,青葱粒,蒜蓉,再煮5分钟即可。
6. 配饭吃。。。。
fermented kimchi 300g
tofu 150g,cut in cubes
sausage 100g
canned tuna 130g
chopped green onion 1 Tsp
garlic 1tsp,minced
sliced green pepper 1 Tsp
red pepper powder 1 Tsp
Korean red pepper paste 1 1/2 Tsp
Anchovy broth 2 1/2 cup ( can use water to substitute)
( P/s: can use pork to substitute sausage & tuna. If use the pork to substitute,then, you have to fry it together with the kimchi before you pour in the water)
1. Prepared 2 1/2 cup of anchovy broth, set aside ( or use water ).
2. Slice the kimchi,put into the clay pot ( generally, Korean like to use clay pot to cook this dish, if you
don't have, can use any pot).
3. Mix the red pepper powder and red pepper paste well,use it to fry the kimchi with medium heat ( no
vegetable oil is required), for about 5 minutes.
4. Put the tofu,sausage,canned tuna into the pot, pour in the broth, boil it.
5. Boil it for about 20 minutes, add in green pepper,green onion,garlic, boil it for another 5 minutes.
6. Serve it with steamed rice.
"Jigae" is a Korean dish similar to a Western stew. Kimchi Jigae is often cooked in Korean homes using older,more fermented kimchi, creating a much stronger taste and containing higher amounts of bacteria as found in yogurt. The stew is said to be more flavorful if prepared with older kimchi, while fresh kimchi may not bring out a full and rich flavor. Kimchi is the most important ingredient and other ingredients ,such as pork,sausage,tuna,tofu, it depends on personal preferences.
( This recipe is written in Chinese & English )
发酵已久的泡菜 300g
豆腐 150g,切成块状
香肠 100g
罐头 tuna 130g
青葱粒 1Tsp
蒜蓉 1tsp
青辣椒片 1Tsp
辣椒粉 1Tsp
韩式辣椒酱 1 1/2 Tsp
江鱼子上汤 2 1/2 cup ( 或只用水)
(P/s : 可用猪肉来代替 香肠和tuna . 若用猪肉,则必须和泡菜一起炒,在还未加入水之前)
1. 先准备 2 1/2 杯的江鱼子上汤 ( 或只用一般的水)。
2. 将泡菜切片后放入土锅(一般上韩国人喜欢用土锅来煮这道菜,若没土锅,用一般的锅也可
3. 将韩式辣椒酱和辣椒粉拌均后,用中火来炒土锅中的泡菜(无需加油)约 5 分钟。
4. 豆腐,罐头tuna,香肠放入锅里,倒入江鱼子上汤,煮至滚。
5. 煮约 20分钟后,放入青辣椒片,青葱粒,蒜蓉,再煮5分钟即可。
6. 配饭吃。。。。
fermented kimchi 300g
tofu 150g,cut in cubes
sausage 100g
canned tuna 130g
chopped green onion 1 Tsp
garlic 1tsp,minced
sliced green pepper 1 Tsp
red pepper powder 1 Tsp
Korean red pepper paste 1 1/2 Tsp
Anchovy broth 2 1/2 cup ( can use water to substitute)
( P/s: can use pork to substitute sausage & tuna. If use the pork to substitute,then, you have to fry it together with the kimchi before you pour in the water)
1. Prepared 2 1/2 cup of anchovy broth, set aside ( or use water ).
2. Slice the kimchi,put into the clay pot ( generally, Korean like to use clay pot to cook this dish, if you
don't have, can use any pot).
3. Mix the red pepper powder and red pepper paste well,use it to fry the kimchi with medium heat ( no
vegetable oil is required), for about 5 minutes.
4. Put the tofu,sausage,canned tuna into the pot, pour in the broth, boil it.
5. Boil it for about 20 minutes, add in green pepper,green onion,garlic, boil it for another 5 minutes.
6. Serve it with steamed rice.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
南瓜米糕蛋糕/Pumpkin Rice Cake/단호박 케이크
5 -6个小时,冬天则
The main ingredients for the traditional Korean rice cake are rice powder or glutinous rice powder, not flour.Wash the rice or glutinous rice ,soak in the water for 5-6 hours in summer, for 6-8 hours in winter.Rinse and drain, bring it to the rice cake shop to grind. Use the pumpkin powder,green tea powder ,raspberry powder,etc for colouring instead of artificial colouring......I used the fresh pumpkin,rice powder and sugar to make this pumpkin rice cake ....
白米粉 5 cup(将米泡浸后磨成粉)
白糖 5Tsp
水2 Tsp (p/s :虽然食谱上是写2 Tsp,但还是要看看白米粉的湿度,也许要多加一些减少,这就要靠多做,用手触摸粉的感觉,从中取得经验)
草莓,南瓜子 作装饰。。。
1. 先煮滚一锅的水,待用。在韩国有专用来蒸米糕的锅,称为“물솥“。
2. 将白米粉,南瓜泥和水混合均匀后,放入筛子筛 2次。如果水份太多,成了糊状,很难筛;若配的好,筛出来的米粉,是很轻盈。
3. 把白糖加入已筛过的米粉内,混均后,放入竹制的蒸笼里(대나무찜기)。在未放入蒸笼之前,蒸笼内要放一块与蒸笼面积一样大的紗布 (시루밑),撒些糖在其表面然后才轻轻的将米粉放入。
5.将蒸笼放在已煮滚热水的锅上,蒸 20-25 分钟。熄火,先不要打开蒸笼的盖子,让它在锅上待上 5 分钟后,才将蒸笼离开锅子。
6. 在一大碟子上铺上一张大张的塑胶纸(可利用塑胶袋,将它剪开,平铺在碟子上),将蒸笼内的米糕倒在碟子上;再用另一个大碟放在米糕的表面,将下面的碟子连同米糕一起倒反过来,拿掉塑胶纸。
7.趁热的时候, 在米糕的表面放上南瓜子作装饰。稍后才放上草莓和小南瓜。
(我将约 100 g南瓜米团,搓成3个南瓜模样的米糕,里面放了芝麻和糖做馅,放在另一个蒸笼将它们蒸熟,作装饰用)
rice powder 5 cup ( soak the rice in the water and grind it)
sugar 5Tsp
water 2 Tsp (p/s:even though the amount required is 2 Tsp as stated in the recipe, it still depends on the rice powder,whether it is still wet or dry after grinding. You may add some more water or reduce, you have to learn it from your experience ; from the feeling when you touch the rice powder)
1/2 fresh small pumpkin,slice and steam; smash it
strawberry, pumpkin seed for decoration
1. Boil the water, set aside. In Korea we have special water pot for steaming the rice cake,we call it "물솥"
2. Mixed the rice powder,pumpkin paste and water, sift for twice. If it is too wet, is difficult to sift; in contrast,the mixture should be very light and soft.
3. Add in the sugar,mix well. Put the mixture in the bamboo steamer (대나무찜기).Before you put it, should put a piece of cloth (시루밀) in the steamer,sprinkle some sugar on the surface of the cloth,then put in the mixture .
4. Make sure that the surface is flat.
5. Steam it for 20-25 minutes. Switch off the fire, don't remove it, and also don't open the cover of the steamer, set aside for about 5 minutes.
6. Put a piece of big plastic on the dish , put the steamer and the rice cake on top of it, take off the steamer;put
another big dish on the surface of the rice cake,turn over the dish on the bottom and remove the plastic.
7. Put the pumpkin seeds on the surface of the rice cake while it is still hot for decoration. Later on,put the strawberries and small pumpkins.
( I use about 100g pumpkin dough , make 3 small pumpkin, add sesame seeds and sugar as the paste,steam it, for decoration )
“I am submitting this post to Asian Food Fest: Korea, hosted by Sharon of Feats of Feasts.
The main ingredients for the traditional Korean rice cake are rice powder or glutinous rice powder, not flour.Wash the rice or glutinous rice ,soak in the water for 5-6 hours in summer, for 6-8 hours in winter.Rinse and drain, bring it to the rice cake shop to grind. Use the pumpkin powder,green tea powder ,raspberry powder,etc for colouring instead of artificial colouring......I used the fresh pumpkin,rice powder and sugar to make this pumpkin rice cake ....
白米粉 5 cup(将米泡浸后磨成粉)
白糖 5Tsp
水2 Tsp (p/s :虽然食谱上是写2 Tsp,但还是要看看白米粉的湿度,也许要多加一些减少,这就要靠多做,用手触摸粉的感觉,从中取得经验)
草莓,南瓜子 作装饰。。。
1. 先煮滚一锅的水,待用。在韩国有专用来蒸米糕的锅,称为“물솥“。
2. 将白米粉,南瓜泥和水混合均匀后,放入筛子筛 2次。如果水份太多,成了糊状,很难筛;若配的好,筛出来的米粉,是很轻盈。
3. 把白糖加入已筛过的米粉内,混均后,放入竹制的蒸笼里(대나무찜기)。在未放入蒸笼之前,蒸笼内要放一块与蒸笼面积一样大的紗布 (시루밑),撒些糖在其表面然后才轻轻的将米粉放入。
5.将蒸笼放在已煮滚热水的锅上,蒸 20-25 分钟。熄火,先不要打开蒸笼的盖子,让它在锅上待上 5 分钟后,才将蒸笼离开锅子。
6. 在一大碟子上铺上一张大张的塑胶纸(可利用塑胶袋,将它剪开,平铺在碟子上),将蒸笼内的米糕倒在碟子上;再用另一个大碟放在米糕的表面,将下面的碟子连同米糕一起倒反过来,拿掉塑胶纸。
7.趁热的时候, 在米糕的表面放上南瓜子作装饰。稍后才放上草莓和小南瓜。
(我将约 100 g南瓜米团,搓成3个南瓜模样的米糕,里面放了芝麻和糖做馅,放在另一个蒸笼将它们蒸熟,作装饰用)
rice powder 5 cup ( soak the rice in the water and grind it)
sugar 5Tsp
water 2 Tsp (p/s:even though the amount required is 2 Tsp as stated in the recipe, it still depends on the rice powder,whether it is still wet or dry after grinding. You may add some more water or reduce, you have to learn it from your experience ; from the feeling when you touch the rice powder)
1/2 fresh small pumpkin,slice and steam; smash it
strawberry, pumpkin seed for decoration
1. Boil the water, set aside. In Korea we have special water pot for steaming the rice cake,we call it "물솥"
2. Mixed the rice powder,pumpkin paste and water, sift for twice. If it is too wet, is difficult to sift; in contrast,the mixture should be very light and soft.
3. Add in the sugar,mix well. Put the mixture in the bamboo steamer (대나무찜기).Before you put it, should put a piece of cloth (시루밀) in the steamer,sprinkle some sugar on the surface of the cloth,then put in the mixture .
4. Make sure that the surface is flat.
5. Steam it for 20-25 minutes. Switch off the fire, don't remove it, and also don't open the cover of the steamer, set aside for about 5 minutes.
6. Put a piece of big plastic on the dish , put the steamer and the rice cake on top of it, take off the steamer;put
another big dish on the surface of the rice cake,turn over the dish on the bottom and remove the plastic.
7. Put the pumpkin seeds on the surface of the rice cake while it is still hot for decoration. Later on,put the strawberries and small pumpkins.
( I use about 100g pumpkin dough , make 3 small pumpkin, add sesame seeds and sugar as the paste,steam it, for decoration )
“I am submitting this post to Asian Food Fest: Korea, hosted by Sharon of Feats of Feasts.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
南瓜粥 ( 羹)/Pumpkin Puree/호박죽
南瓜粥(羹)是韩国人喜爱享用的粥/羹之一,韩国人称它为“ Hobakjuk" 。将南瓜煮熟或蒸熟,搅烂成泥状,再加上糯米粉,糖而制成。。。。。。。
Pumpkin Puree, Korean call it " Hobakjuk". Hobakjuk is a variety of juk (죽) or Korean porridge, made with steamed pumpkin and glutinous rice flour, sugar.....
(This recipe is written in Chinese & English )
南瓜 300g
水 200ml ( 如果是用蒸的方法将南瓜煮熟,则无需加200ml的水在南瓜内)
糯米 30g
水 200ml (用来调糯米粉用的)
盐 2g
白糖 15g
1. 将南瓜切掉外皮和除去种子,洗净后,切成小方块状。
2. 把南瓜块和200ml的水,放入锅中煮至南瓜熟软 ( 或者也可将南瓜以蒸的方法将南瓜蒸,
3. 煮好的南瓜(不要倒掉水)连同水一起放入搅拌器内将南瓜搅烂。
4. 糯米粉加入200ml的水,调均,待用。
5. 将南瓜泥,糯米粉水,糖和盐,一起放入锅中煮至沸(如果嫌它的浓度太浓,可加入一些
6. 在南瓜粥/羹的表面撒些松果子做装饰。
pumpkin 300g
water 200ml ( if you steam the pumpkin, then , is no need to add 200ml with the pumpkin)
glutinous rice flour 30g
water 200ml ( mix with the glutinous rice flour)
salt 2g
sugar 15g
pine nuts ( for decoration, optional )
1. Peel the skin of the pumpkin and get rid off the seeds, wash, cut it into small cube form.
2. Put the pumpkin and 200ml water in a pot and cook it, till well cooked and soft ( or you may steam the
3. Put the cooked pumpkin (don't pour away the water) together with the water in the blender,blend it.
4. Add 200ml water with the glutinous rice flour, mix well, set aside.
5. Put the blended pumpkin, glutinous rice water, sugar and salt in a pot, boil it ( if you think the puree is too
sticky, you may add in some more water).
6. Garnish it with the pine nuts.
Pumpkin Puree, Korean call it " Hobakjuk". Hobakjuk is a variety of juk (죽) or Korean porridge, made with steamed pumpkin and glutinous rice flour, sugar.....
(This recipe is written in Chinese & English )
南瓜 300g
水 200ml ( 如果是用蒸的方法将南瓜煮熟,则无需加200ml的水在南瓜内)
糯米 30g
水 200ml (用来调糯米粉用的)
盐 2g
白糖 15g
1. 将南瓜切掉外皮和除去种子,洗净后,切成小方块状。
2. 把南瓜块和200ml的水,放入锅中煮至南瓜熟软 ( 或者也可将南瓜以蒸的方法将南瓜蒸,
3. 煮好的南瓜(不要倒掉水)连同水一起放入搅拌器内将南瓜搅烂。
4. 糯米粉加入200ml的水,调均,待用。
5. 将南瓜泥,糯米粉水,糖和盐,一起放入锅中煮至沸(如果嫌它的浓度太浓,可加入一些
6. 在南瓜粥/羹的表面撒些松果子做装饰。
pumpkin 300g
water 200ml ( if you steam the pumpkin, then , is no need to add 200ml with the pumpkin)
glutinous rice flour 30g
water 200ml ( mix with the glutinous rice flour)
salt 2g
sugar 15g
pine nuts ( for decoration, optional )
1. Peel the skin of the pumpkin and get rid off the seeds, wash, cut it into small cube form.
2. Put the pumpkin and 200ml water in a pot and cook it, till well cooked and soft ( or you may steam the
3. Put the cooked pumpkin (don't pour away the water) together with the water in the blender,blend it.
4. Add 200ml water with the glutinous rice flour, mix well, set aside.
5. Put the blended pumpkin, glutinous rice water, sugar and salt in a pot, boil it ( if you think the puree is too
sticky, you may add in some more water).
6. Garnish it with the pine nuts.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Valentine Day....情人节
2月14日是情人节,在韩国,这一天并不只限于恋人间欢庆的日子;更无年龄的限制;连幼稚园的小朋友们也会忙着互赠巧克力给朋友们们。当情人节接近眉梢的时候,大街小巷,到处都可买到各式各样,不同口味的巧克力 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。
In Korea, not only the lovers will celebrate the Valentine Day on the 14th Feb; among the friends, relatives, colleagues or even the students from the kindergartens will give the chocolates to each other.....................
My eldest daughter specially made this chocolates for her daddy....
。。。( 在韩国有着这习俗,2月14日,是女生送巧克力给男生;
My eldest daughter made these chocolates for her daddy after
work, when her daddy was sleeping.( In Korea,there is such a custom, ladies will
give the chocolates to men on the 14th Feb; in contrast, men will present
candies to ladies on the 14th of Mar )
锅巴海鲜/Crust Overcooked rice with seafood/해물누룽지탕
Generally, Korean like to add hot water, slightly cook the crust overcooked rice and eat; some of the Korean restaurants or Chinese restaurants in Korea, they also provide dishes by using crust overcooked rice as the ingredient.......
(This recipe is written in Chinese & English)
锅巴 6 片 (每片约 3cm x 5cm)( 请参阅先前介绍锅巴的制作方法)
虾 12只
墨鱼 1 只
洋菇 4 粒
蒜蓉 1 tsp
青葱粒 1 Tsp
姜丝 1tsp
淀粉 1 1/2 tsp 加 3Tsp 的 水
食用油 ( 用来炸锅巴)
食用油 1 Tsp
麻油 1tsp
蚝油 1 tsp
胡椒粉 1/2 tsp
1. 在一锅里,加入食用油,以 热油 (约 180度 C)炸锅巴片;若油的温度不够热,那炸出来 的锅巴就不会膨胀和脆,待用。
2. 将虾去壳,墨鱼切成片,洋菇也成切片。
3. 在锅内倒入 1Tsp 的食用油,将蒜蓉和姜丝炒至香,然后加入虾,墨鱼和洋菇;加入胡椒粉,蚝油,将材料炒至香,加入淀粉水(请调好适当的浓度),若不够咸,可加入少许的盐调 味,最后才加入麻油和青葱粒。
4. 将炸好的锅巴放在碟子上,淋上(3) 的材料在锅巴上。
crust overcooked rice 6 pieces ( about 3cm x 5cm) ( Please refer to the previous recipe for making crust overcooked rice
shrimp 12 pieces
cutter fish 1 piece
button mushroom 4 pieces
garlic 1 tsp, minced
spring onion 1 Tsp
ginger 1tsp, slice into thin stripes
corn starch 1 1/2tsp + 3 Tsp water
cooking oil ( for frying the crust overcooked rice)
cooking oil 1 Tsp
sesame oil 1tsp
oyster sauce 1 tsp
pepper 1/2tsp
a pinch of salt
Method :
1. Put the cooking oil in a pot, fry the crust overcooked rice ( about l80 degree C ); if the oil is not hot enough, then, the crust overcooked rice will not be expanded and crispy, set aside.
2. Get rid off the shell of the shrimp, slice the cutter fish, slice the button mushroom.
3. In another pot, add in 1Tsp of cooking oil,fry the garlic and ginger, till fragrant; add in shrimp,cutter fish and button mushroom; add in pepper, oyster sauce,fry all the ingredients, till fragrant, add in the corn starch water ( please adjust the gravy whether is sticky or not ) , if the taste is not salty , can add in salt ; finally, add in sesame oil and spring onion.
4. Put the fried crust overcooked rice on the plate, pour the ( 3) on top of it.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
8th Feb 2012, I went to the market, bought a box of strawberries, big and sweet...

这粒草莓的重量是 65g。。。
This strawberry is 65g....
8th Feb 2012, I went to the market, bought a box of strawberries, big and sweet...
这粒草莓的重量是 65g。。。
This strawberry is 65g....
Monday, February 6, 2012
Kiwi sauce salad
韩国在 1974年 开始从纽西兰入口 Kiwi果, 1980年开始在韩国南海岸地区栽种Kiwi果。如今,在韩国的超级市场,都可买到大而甜的土产Kiwi 果。Kiwi 果,除了当水果吃之外,也是当沙拉(salad)的好材料,用它来腌肉,肉质会更柔软。。。今天向大家介绍的这道沙拉是用,栗子,西兰菜,各种蔬菜幼苗和韩国米糕,配上Kiwi 酱料的沙拉。
Korea started to import Kiwi from New Zealand in 1974, it was cultivated in Korea at the southern part since 1980. Now, big and sweet local kiwi are available at the supermarkets in Korea. We eat kiwi as a fruit,it is also a good ingredient for making salad, use it to marinate the meat,will be more tender... Today, I am going to introduce this salad by using kiwi,chestnut,vegetables' sprouts,broccoli and Korean rice cake as main ingredients, serve it with kiwi sauce....
( This recipe is written in Chinese & English )
kiwi 1 粒
西兰菜又称綠花菜 50g
栗子 3粒
各种蔬菜幼苗 50g
韩式米糕 60g (可不放)
kiwi 沙拉酱:
kiwi 1 粒
醋 1/2Tsp
白糖 1/2Tsp
Cider juice ( or other juice) 4 Tsp
mayonnaise 1Tsp
盐 1/4tsp
1. 将 Kiwi 去皮,切成片状。
2. 切了西兰菜后,用热水烫一回。
3. 将栗子切成片状。
4. 将韩式米糕切成块状,在平锅上煎至表面呈金黄色(不加油)。
5. 洗干净幼苗。
6. 将沙拉酱的材料,全放入搅拌器内搅拌。
7. 将所有的蔬菜材料放在盘上,淋上酱料享用。
kiwi 1
broccoli 50g
chestnuts 3 pieces
vegetable sprouts 50g
Korean style rice cake 60g ( optional )
Kiwi sauce:
kiwi 1
vinegar 1/2 Tsp
sugar 1/2 Tsp
cider juice ( or other juice ) 4 Tsp
mayonnaise 1 Tsp
salt 1/4 tsp
1. Peel the skin of kiwi, slice it.
2. Cut the broccoli, blanch in the boiling water.
3. Slice the chestnuts.
4. Cut the Korean rice cake,fry it in the fry pan without oil, until the surface turns golden brown color.
5. Wash the sprouts.
6. Put all the ingredients for kiwi sauce in the blender,blend it.
7. Put all the ingredients on the dish and serve with kiwi sauce.
用kiwi 汁来腌肉类,肉质会更柔软。
Use the kiwi juice to marinate meat, it will be more tender.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
五谷饭/Rice with five grains/오곡밥
Ogokbap or five-grains rice is a kind of Korean food made of a bowl of steamed rice mixed with grains including barley, foxtail millet, millet and soy beans] Ogokbap
usually served during the end of winter,
especially on the first full
moon of the year (jeongwol daeboreum). In the past, many
Koreans ate foods lacking nutritional value during the long winter because
such foods were scarce. Anticipating these problems, they dried the grains
before the coming of the winter to fulfill the winter’s meals. On the night of
jeongwol daeboreum, people would eat ogokbap with ingredients such as walnuts, chestnuts, pine nuts, and beans to provide them with adequate energy. Today, the concept of making ogokbap has been
changing. Koreans make ogokbap with many different kinds of grains that do not
necessarily mirror those traditionally used in the past. Ogokbap continues to be
enjoyed by Koreans for its nutritious and healthful benefits。This are the good ingredients for "bibimbap".
On the eve of lunar calender Jan 15, Korean will take walnuts and ground nuts too. According to the traditional custom, after eating nuts, this will prevent to get skin disease; Korean will also drink a cup of wine, in order to have good hearing through out the year.
On the eve of lunar calender Jan 15, Korean will take walnuts and ground nuts too. According to the traditional custom, after eating nuts, this will prevent to get skin disease; Korean will also drink a cup of wine, in order to have good hearing through out the year.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
凉拌大豆芽/Seasoned Soybean Sprouts/콩나물 무침
Those soybean sprouts available at the Korean supermarket are very fresh and "crunchy". Soybean sprouts soup,soybean sprouts rice ,seafood cuisine,soybean sprouts are the economical and delicious cooking ingredient.
(This recipe is written in Chinese & English )
大豆芽 200g
蒜蓉 1tsp
青葱粒 1 Tsp
芝麻 1tsp
辣椒粉 1tsp
麻油 1 1/2tsp
1. 将大豆芽除去其根部份。
2 煮一锅水(水的分量要可以盖过大豆芽的表面),水滚后,放入大豆芽,煮至大豆芽开始
变 软。要注意,若煮的太久,豆芽变得太软,那就不爽口了;若太早就捞起,则会有一股
3. 除去水份,加入所有的调味料拌均即可。
soybean sprouts 200g
garlic 1tsp,minced
spring onion 1 Tsp
sesame seeds 1tsp
red pepper powder 1tsp
sesame oil 1 1/2tsp
salt, to taste
1. Trim the soybean sprouts' root.
2. Cook a pot of water ( is enough to cover the surface the of soybean sprouts), when the water is boiling,
add the soybean sprouts and toss well. If cooked too long, the soybean sprouts will become mushy;if
take them out from the water immediately, will have the soybean sprouts' odor.
3. Pour away the water, add in all the seasonings mix it well.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
韩式糯米糕 "Yak-sik"/Glutinous Cake "Yak-sik"/약식
In Korea, we call this glutinous cake as " Yak-sik". The traditional method to make this rice cake is to steam the glutinous rice in the steamer. But, I am going to introduce a very simple and easy method for you, use the electric rice cooker to make it.
(This recipe is written in Chinese & English )
糯米 2 1/2 杯
栗子 10粒
松子 2Tsp
红枣 8粒
红枣 4粒 (做装饰用)
水 1 1/2杯
黑糖 1 杯
韩式酱清 1杯·
桂皮粉 1tsp
麻油 1 1/2 Tsp
麦芽糖 2 Tsp
盐 1/2tsp
1.将糯米泡浸在水里约 3 个小时后,濾乾水份。
2.将栗子,每粒切成 6等份;除去红枣内的种子后,切成 4 等份。
5.当煮熟后,将糯米饭铺在已塗上一层麻油的长形/方形烘盘上,压平后,切成小方块状 或者
glutinous rice 2 1/2 cup
chestnuts 10 pieces
pine nuts 2Tsp
red dates 8 pieces
red dates 4 pieces ( for decoration)
water 1 1/2 cup
brown sugar 1 cup
Korean soy bean sauce 1cup
cinnamon powder 1tsp
sesame oil 1 1/2Tsp
corn syrup 2Tsp
salt 1/2tsp
1. Soak the glutinous rice in the water for about 3 hours, rinse and drain.
2. Cut each of the chestnut into 6; get rid of the seed, cut the red date into 4.
3.Put all the abovementioned seasonings in a small pot, boil the brown sugar till it melts.
4. Put the glutinous rice,chestnut,pine nut,red date and the boiled seasonings in the electric rice cooker.cook
5. When well cooked, put the rice in the rectangle / square baking pan( before that,should brush one layer
of sesame oil on the pan), press it firmly, cut it into small pieces or the size as you want . Or you can put
the rice in the sushi mould, make the shape as you want.
If you are going to use the sushi mould, you can refer to the following method:
Use the knife to cut one side of the red date, don't cut it into two,take out the seed, roll the red date,hold it
firmly. Cut it into small pieces, then, it will become "flower". Put the flower in the mould.

After putting the flower, put in the glutinous rice, press it firmly.

Close it with the cover.
In Korea, we call this glutinous cake as " Yak-sik". The traditional method to make this rice cake is to steam the glutinous rice in the steamer. But, I am going to introduce a very simple and easy method for you, use the electric rice cooker to make it.
(This recipe is written in Chinese & English )
糯米 2 1/2 杯
栗子 10粒
松子 2Tsp
红枣 8粒
红枣 4粒 (做装饰用)
水 1 1/2杯
黑糖 1 杯
韩式酱清 1杯·
桂皮粉 1tsp
麻油 1 1/2 Tsp
麦芽糖 2 Tsp
盐 1/2tsp
1.将糯米泡浸在水里约 3 个小时后,濾乾水份。
2.将栗子,每粒切成 6等份;除去红枣内的种子后,切成 4 等份。
5.当煮熟后,将糯米饭铺在已塗上一层麻油的长形/方形烘盘上,压平后,切成小方块状 或者
glutinous rice 2 1/2 cup
chestnuts 10 pieces
pine nuts 2Tsp
red dates 8 pieces
red dates 4 pieces ( for decoration)
water 1 1/2 cup
brown sugar 1 cup
Korean soy bean sauce 1cup
cinnamon powder 1tsp
sesame oil 1 1/2Tsp
corn syrup 2Tsp
salt 1/2tsp
1. Soak the glutinous rice in the water for about 3 hours, rinse and drain.
2. Cut each of the chestnut into 6; get rid of the seed, cut the red date into 4.
3.Put all the abovementioned seasonings in a small pot, boil the brown sugar till it melts.
4. Put the glutinous rice,chestnut,pine nut,red date and the boiled seasonings in the electric rice cooker.cook
5. When well cooked, put the rice in the rectangle / square baking pan( before that,should brush one layer
of sesame oil on the pan), press it firmly, cut it into small pieces or the size as you want . Or you can put
the rice in the sushi mould, make the shape as you want.
If you are going to use the sushi mould, you can refer to the following method:
Use the knife to cut one side of the red date, don't cut it into two,take out the seed, roll the red date,hold it
firmly. Cut it into small pieces, then, it will become "flower". Put the flower in the mould.
After putting the flower, put in the glutinous rice, press it firmly.
Close it with the cover.
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