Monday, February 6, 2012

Kiwi sauce salad

韩国在 1974年 开始从纽西兰入口 Kiwi果,  1980年开始在韩国南海岸地区栽种Kiwi果。如今,在韩国的超级市场,都可买到大而甜的土产Kiwi 果。Kiwi 果,除了当水果吃之外,也是当沙拉(salad)的好材料,用它来腌肉,肉质会更柔软。。。今天向大家介绍的这道沙拉是用,栗子,西兰菜,各种蔬菜幼苗和韩国米糕,配上Kiwi 酱料的沙拉。

Korea started to import Kiwi from New Zealand  in 1974, it was cultivated in Korea at the southern part since 1980. Now, big and sweet local kiwi are available at the supermarkets in Korea. We eat kiwi as a fruit,it is also a good ingredient for making salad, use it to marinate the meat,will be more tender... Today, I am going to introduce this salad by using kiwi,chestnut,vegetables' sprouts,broccoli and  Korean rice cake as main ingredients, serve it with kiwi sauce....
( This recipe is written in Chinese & English ) 

kiwi  1 粒
西兰菜又称綠花菜  50g
栗子 3粒
各种蔬菜幼苗 50g
韩式米糕 60g (可不放)

kiwi 沙拉酱:
kiwi 1 粒
醋 1/2Tsp
白糖 1/2Tsp
Cider juice ( or other juice) 4 Tsp 
mayonnaise 1Tsp
盐 1/4tsp

1. 将 Kiwi 去皮,切成片状。
2. 切了西兰菜后,用热水烫一回。
3. 将栗子切成片状。
4. 将韩式米糕切成块状,在平锅上煎至表面呈金黄色(不加油)。
5. 洗干净幼苗。
6. 将沙拉酱的材料,全放入搅拌器内搅拌。
7. 将所有的蔬菜材料放在盘上,淋上酱料享用。

kiwi 1
broccoli 50g
chestnuts 3 pieces
vegetable sprouts 50g
Korean style rice cake 60g ( optional )

Kiwi sauce:
kiwi 1
vinegar 1/2 Tsp
sugar 1/2 Tsp
cider juice ( or other juice ) 4 Tsp
mayonnaise 1 Tsp
salt  1/4 tsp

1. Peel the skin of kiwi, slice it.
2. Cut the broccoli,   blanch in the boiling water.
3. Slice the chestnuts.
4. Cut the Korean rice cake,fry it in the fry pan without oil, until the surface turns golden brown color.
5. Wash the sprouts.
6. Put all the ingredients for kiwi sauce in the blender,blend it.
7. Put all the ingredients on the dish and serve with kiwi sauce. 

     用kiwi 汁来腌肉类,肉质会更柔软。
      Use the kiwi juice to marinate meat, it will be more tender.                                           


1 comment:

  1. 很健康的奇异果沙拉,又加了那么多料,好想试试看:)
