Wednesday, February 15, 2012

南瓜粥 ( 羹)/Pumpkin Puree/호박죽

南瓜粥(羹)是韩国人喜爱享用的粥/羹之一,韩国人称它为“  Hobakjuk" 。将南瓜煮熟或蒸熟,搅烂成泥状,再加上糯米粉,糖而制成。。。。。。。
Pumpkin Puree, Korean call it " Hobakjuk". Hobakjuk is a variety of juk (죽) or Korean porridge, made with steamed pumpkin and glutinous rice flour, sugar.....
(This recipe is written in Chinese & English )

南瓜 300g
水 200ml ( 如果是用蒸的方法将南瓜煮熟,则无需加200ml的水在南瓜内)
糯米 30g
水 200ml (用来调糯米粉用的)
盐 2g
白糖 15g

1. 将南瓜切掉外皮和除去种子,洗净后,切成小方块状。
2. 把南瓜块和200ml的水,放入锅中煮至南瓜熟软 ( 或者也可将南瓜以蒸的方法将南瓜蒸,
3.  煮好的南瓜(不要倒掉水)连同水一起放入搅拌器内将南瓜搅烂。
4.  糯米粉加入200ml的水,调均,待用。
5.  将南瓜泥,糯米粉水,糖和盐,一起放入锅中煮至沸(如果嫌它的浓度太浓,可加入一些
6.  在南瓜粥/羹的表面撒些松果子做装饰。

pumpkin 300g
water 200ml ( if you steam the pumpkin, then , is no need to add 200ml with the pumpkin)
glutinous rice flour 30g
water 200ml ( mix with the glutinous rice flour)
salt 2g
sugar 15g
pine nuts ( for decoration, optional )

1. Peel the skin of the pumpkin and get rid off the seeds, wash, cut it into small cube form.
2. Put the pumpkin and 200ml water in a pot and cook it, till well cooked and soft ( or you may steam the
3. Put  the cooked pumpkin (don't pour away the water) together with the water in the blender,blend it.
4. Add 200ml water with the glutinous rice flour, mix  well, set aside.
5. Put the blended pumpkin, glutinous rice water, sugar and salt in a pot, boil it ( if you think the puree is too
    sticky, you may add in some more water).
6.  Garnish it with the pine nuts.

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