Saturday, March 31, 2012
醃渍蒜头/Pickled Garlic/마늘짱아지
In Korea, summer is the harvest season for garlic. Every summer, I like to make a lot of pickled garlic, it is almost on my dinning table every day...
Garlic is widely used around the world for its pungent flavor as a seasoning or condiment.
The garlic plant's bulb is the most commonly used part of the plant. With the exception of the single clove types, garlic bulbs are normally divided into numerous fleshy sections called cloves. Garlic cloves are used for consumption (raw or cooked) or for medicinal purposes. They have a characteristic pungent, spicy flavor that mellows and sweetens considerably with cooking.
Other parts of the garlic plant are also edible. The leaves and flowers (bulbils) on the head (spathe) are sometimes eaten. They are milder in flavor than the bulbs, and are most often consumed while immature and still tender. Immature garlic is sometimes pulled, rather like a scallion, and sold as "green garlic"] When green garlic is allowed to grow past the "scallion" stage, but not permitted to fully mature, it may produce a garlic "round", a bulb like a boiling onion, but not separated into cloves like a mature bulb. Additionally, the immature flower stalks (scapes) of the hardneck and elephant types are sometimes marketed for uses similar to asparagus in stir-fries.
Inedible or rarely eaten parts of the garlic plant include the "skin" and root cluster. The papery, protective layers of "skin" over various parts of the plant are generally discarded during preparation for most culinary uses, though in Korea immature whole heads are sometimes prepared with the tender skins intact. The root cluster attached to the basal plate of the bulb is the only part not typically considered palatable in any form.
Garlic is a fundamental component in many or most dishes of various regions, including eastern Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, northern Africa, southern Europe, and parts of South and Central America. The flavour varies in intensity and aroma with the different cooking methods. It is often paired with onion, tomato, or ginger. The parchment-like skin is much like the skin of an onion, and is typically removed before using in raw or cooked form. An alternative is to cut the top off the bulb, coat the cloves by dribbling olive oil (or other oil-based seasoning) over them, and roast them in an oven. Garlic softens and can be extracted from the cloves by squeezing the (root) end of the bulb, or individually by squeezing one end of the clove. In Korea, heads of garlic are fermented at high temperature; the resulting product, called black garlic, is sweet and syrupy, and is now being sold in the United States, United Kingdom and Australia.
Garlic may be applied to breads to create a variety of classic dishes, such as garlic bread, garlic toast, bruschetta, crostini and canapé.
Oils can be flavored with garlic cloves. These infused oils are used to season all categories of vegetables, meats, breads and pasta.
In some cuisines, the young bulbs are pickled for three to six weeks in a mixture of sugar, salt, and spices. In eastern Europe, the shoots are pickled and eaten as an appetizer.
Immature scapes are tender and edible. They are also known as "garlic spears", "stems", or "tops". Scapes generally have a milder taste than the cloves. They are often used in stir frying or braised like asparagus. Garlic leaves are a popular vegetable in many parts of Asia. The leaves are cut, cleaned, and then stir-fried with eggs, meat, or vegetables.
Mixing garlic with egg yolks and olive oil produces aioli. Garlic, oil, and a chunky base produce skordalia. Blending garlic, almond, oil, and soaked bread produces ajoblanco.
Garlic powder has a different taste from fresh garlic. If used as a substitute for fresh garlic, 1/8 teaspoon of garlic powder is equivalent to one clove of garlic.
(sources: wikipedia)
garlic 1 kg
vinegar 1 Cup
sugar 1 cup
water 2 cups
salt 2 Tsp
1. Peel the skin of the garlic, wash and drain.
2. Boil the vinegar, sugar, water and salt together, set aside, till cool.
3. Put the garlic in a bottle container, pour in the boiled water, make sure that the water must cover over the surface of the garlic.
4. Close the lid of the container and store it in the refrigerator for about 5 days.
5. Pour out the water from the container and let the garlic to remain in the container.
6. Boil the water again, set aside, till cool.
7. Pour the boiled water in the container again and store in the refrigerator again.
8. Repeat this process for one more time. After that, keep it in storage for at least one month. For me, I like to keep it for at least 3 to 4 months, the longer the period, the taste will be more better and delicious.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Rice cakes...
I made this Korean rice cake for my husband brother & sister's birthday. I used the raspberry syrup and steamed the pumpkin to make this cake and the decoration, without using artificial colouring.......
青椒肉丝/Beef With Green Bell Pepper/고추잡채(gochu chapchae)
将面团擀成 6 片圆形状,再做一花蕾。须整理一下花瓣,那才会漂亮。
Roll out the dough as the above ( 6 round pieces is required )
将它卷起来后,在中间用刀将它切成两段,就成了 2 朵花。
Roll it up, cut it into two from the middle, then, you will get two roses. You have to adjust it in order to make it more beautiful.
在韩国,青椒肉丝这道菜很普遍,尤其是在中华料理餐馆。 一般上,在吃这一道菜的时候都配上“花卷”。在超市可以买到冷冻花卷,也可以自己亲手做。 今天,心血来潮,做了玫瑰花卷。。。。
In Korea, fried beef stripes with green bell pepper is a very common and popular dish, especially when you go for dinning at the Chinese restaurant in Korea. Generally, we will eat this dish together with the bun. We can either buy the frozen buns from the supermarkets or make it ourselves. Today, I make a special " Rose Buns "......
(This recipe is written in Chinese & English )
The ingredients for making this "rose bun", please refer to the previous recipe for "Bun".
青灯笼椒 2 粒
牛肉 或猪肉 50g ( 在韩国,通常都用牛肉)
粟米粉 1tsp 加上 1 1/2Tsp 的水
洋葱 1/2 粒
蒜蓉 1tsp
耗油 1 Tsp
酱清 1tsp ( 请自调味 )
胡椒粉 少许
油 2 Tsp
麻油 1tsp
1. 除去灯笼椒内部的种子,切成长形丝状。
2. 将洋葱切成丝状。
3. 将牛肉切成丝状。
4. 在锅内倒入食用油,油热,加入蒜蓉和洋葱一起炒。 20秒后,加入灯笼椒丝,再炒约 30秒,最后才炒牛肉。炒约 5秒后,加入调味料,耗油,酱清和胡椒粉。炒入味后,加入粟米粉勾芡,最后才加入麻油。
5. 将“花卷”撕开,夹些青椒肉丝放在花卷上,一起吃。
Ingredients for cooking beef stripes and green bell pepper:
green bell peppers 2
beef or pork 50g ( In Korea, most of us use beef instead of pork)
corn starch 1tsp + 1 1/2 Tsp water
onion, 1/2
garlic, minced, 1tsp
oyster sauce 1 Tsp
soy bean sauce 1tsp ( to taste )
pepper, a pinch
vegetable oil 2 Tsp
sesame oil 1 tsp
1. Remove the seeds from green bell pepper.cut it into long and thin stripes.
2. Slice the onion into long and thin stripes.
3. Slice the beef into long and thin stripes .
4. Add the vegetable oil on the pan, heat it up, add in garlic and onion, fry it for about 20 seconds. Add in green bell pepper, fry another 30 seconds, finally add in beef, fry for about 5 seconds, add in the seasonings, oyster sauce,soy bean sauce, pepper. Till well cooked, add in the corn starch, to make it a little bit sticky . Finally, add in the sesame oil.
5. Tear the bun, one piece by one piece; place the beef and vegetables on the bun, eat together.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
包子/Bun/왕만두( Wang Mandu)
Korean like to eat "만두 (Mandu),especially in winter. It is served while it is still hot. This big size of" mandu" is called "왕마두 (Wang Mandu, king size mandu ). The filling of the "mandu" is either the red bean paste or pork,chives and other ingredients.
Ingredients for the skin:
bread flour 80g
cake flour 270g
yeast 7g
sugar 30g
salt 5g
baking powder 6g
olive oil or vegetable oil 20g
lukewarm water 180g
Ingredients for the filling:
chives 100g
garlic, chopped 1/2 Tsp
onion, chopped 50g
shrimp, ground, 50g
pork or beef,ground, 300g
pepper, 1/2 tsp
oyster sauce 1 Tsp
sesame oil, 1 Tsp
salt, to taste
P/s: if you want to make the" red bean mandu", divide the red bean paste into 40g each.
1. Mix all the ingredients for the filling, set aside.
2. Mix yeast with lukewarm water, set aside for 5 min.
3. Add the baking powder to the flour, sift together. Mix the yeast mixture,sugar,salt and oil together. Knead to form a smooth and elastic dough.
4. Cover dough with a damp cloth and let it rest in a warm place for 1 1/2 hours or until it double in size.
5. Punch out the air.
6. Divide the dough into 50g each and shape into balls and rest for 15 min.
7. Flatten and roll out the dough, spoon in the filling onto the centre of the dough, pleat up the sides and seal.
8. Place the" mandu "onto a piece of greaseproof paper individually, let rest for another 30 min.
9. While you are making the "mandu", boil a pot of boiling water. Put the "mandu" on the steamer and steam on high heat for about 10 min.
10. Remove the "mandu" from the steamer, serve it while it is still hot.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
迷你韩式米糕/Mini Rice Cake
The method for making this rice cakes is the same as the " Raspberry Rice Cake" that I introduced previously. If you are interested, please refer to my blog, under the title of " Rice Cake".....
Friday, March 23, 2012
甜酱黑都/Black Beans in sauce/콩자반
可曾嚐过韩食的小菜之一,甜酱黑豆? 它可是当便当的好菜肴。。。。
Have you ever tasted this Korean side dish, boil the black beans in soy sauce & corn syrup? It is a good dish for preparing lunch box...
(This recipe is written in Chinese & English )
1 杯黑豆
1 杯水
4 Tsp 韩式酱清
3 Tsp 麦芽糖
1 Tsp 麻油
1 Tsp芝麻
1. 将黑豆洗干净,泡浸在水中约 30 分钟后取出。
2. 在一小锅里,倒入水和黑豆一起煮,将黑豆煮软后,并且锅中的水还剩下一半时,加入韩式酱清,麦芽糖,偶尔要翻动一下锅中的黑豆, 继续以小火煮至没有酱汁为止。请不要盖上锅盖。
3. 趁热,加入麻油,搅拌均匀。
4. 撒上芝麻。
1 cup of black beans
1 cup of water
4 Tsp of Korean soy sauce
3 Tsp of corn syrup
1 Tsp of sesame oil
1 Tsp of sesame seeds
1. Wash black beans, soak in the water for about 30 minutes, rinse & drain.
2. Boil one cup of water in a pot , add in black beans, boil until the black beans turn soft, and the water left about half only, add in the Korean soy sauce,corn syrup, you have to stir the beans 2.3 times while it is boiling. Simmer over low heat, until no more gravy left. Please don't cover the pot.
3. Add in sesame oil while it is still hot, mix well.
4. Sprinkle the sesame seeds...
Have you ever tasted this Korean side dish, boil the black beans in soy sauce & corn syrup? It is a good dish for preparing lunch box...
(This recipe is written in Chinese & English )
1 杯黑豆
1 杯水
4 Tsp 韩式酱清
3 Tsp 麦芽糖
1 Tsp 麻油
1 Tsp芝麻
1. 将黑豆洗干净,泡浸在水中约 30 分钟后取出。
2. 在一小锅里,倒入水和黑豆一起煮,将黑豆煮软后,并且锅中的水还剩下一半时,加入韩式酱清,麦芽糖,偶尔要翻动一下锅中的黑豆, 继续以小火煮至没有酱汁为止。请不要盖上锅盖。
3. 趁热,加入麻油,搅拌均匀。
4. 撒上芝麻。
1 cup of black beans
1 cup of water
4 Tsp of Korean soy sauce
3 Tsp of corn syrup
1 Tsp of sesame oil
1 Tsp of sesame seeds
1. Wash black beans, soak in the water for about 30 minutes, rinse & drain.
2. Boil one cup of water in a pot , add in black beans, boil until the black beans turn soft, and the water left about half only, add in the Korean soy sauce,corn syrup, you have to stir the beans 2.3 times while it is boiling. Simmer over low heat, until no more gravy left. Please don't cover the pot.
3. Add in sesame oil while it is still hot, mix well.
4. Sprinkle the sesame seeds...
Thursday, March 22, 2012
밤과자 "Bam Gua Ja"/栗子饼/chestnut Cookies
在韩国,韩国人称这糕点为 "밤과자 Bam Gua Ja",意思是 “ 栗子饼”。 不用面粉·,纯粹是用白豆沙,蛋黄和鲜奶油。。。。
In Korea, we call this cookies as "밤과자 Bam Gua Ja", it means " chestnut cookies". The main ingredient s are white bean paste,yolk and whipping cream...
(This recipe is written in Chinese & English )
白豆沙 500g
蛋黄 1 1/2 粒
鲜奶油 50ml
1. 将白豆沙,蛋黄和鲜奶油拌均即可,将它放入挤花袋。
2. 将袋子里的豆沙一一挤在烘盘上。
3. 以180度 C, 烘烤约 5 或 6 分钟,即可.
white bean paste 500g
yolk 1 1/2
whipping cream 50ml
Tool :
pastry bag
1. Mix the white bean paste,yolk and whipping cream well, put the mixture in the pastry bag.
2. Squeeze out the mixture on the baking pan from the pastry bag.
3. 180 degree C, bake for 5 or 6 minutes.
Monday, March 19, 2012
寿司卷/Rice Rolled in Laver/김밥 Kimbab
Spring is around the corner, is the good season for picnic...In Korea, rice rolled in laver is the common and popular lunch box! If you don't want to do it , it can be available at the mini store,supermarket,snack corner or even from the hawker near the roadside.....
*This recipe is written in Chinese & English
白饭 6OO g (在煮饭的时候,请加入 1/2tsp 的盐
紫菜 1O张
醃制的黄色萝卜条 1O 条 ,称为 “단무지,dan muji"
1O条 长形黄瓜条
1O 条 长形红萝卜条
1O条长形 ham,在韩国超市可买到,称为 “김밥햄,kimbab ham"
2OOg 罐头 tuna
1OOg 波菜
2 粒蛋
盐 少许
麻油 少许
1 Tsp 糖
1 1/2 Tsp 醋
1 1/2 Tsp 麻油
1. 白饭煮好后,趁热的时候加入 1Tsp 的糖, 1 1/2 Tsp 的 醋 和 1 1/2 Tsp 的麻油,将调味料和饭拌均,待用。饭必须冷后才可用来包卷。
2. 将黄瓜和红萝卜切成长形条状,并撒上少许盐,醃约 半小时。半小时后,用手挤去黄瓜和红萝卜的一些水份。
3. 在镬里加入少许食用油,分别将黄瓜和红萝卜炒一炒。
4. 煮一小锅的水,将洗干净的菠菜放入水里轻轻一汤,取出,挤掉水份;以盐和麻油调味。
5. 若有长方形的镬更好,将鸡蛋煎成薄片后,切成 1O 条长形的薄片;若没有,可用一般圆
6. 倒掉罐头内的水份,将tuna在镬上弄热,若喜欢吃辣,可加入 1/2 Tsp韩式辣椒酱。
7. 在竹片上放上一张紫菜,在紫菜片上放大约 6Og的饭。 套上一回用塑胶手套,用手掌将饭平均的压薄在紫菜片上,必须留下大约4cm的空间没沾上饭。
8. 将黄色的萝卜条,ham,黄瓜,红萝卜,tuna,菠菜,蛋一一摆在饭上,然后用竹片将它卷起来,切成片状即可。韩国人喜欢在寿司卷的表面塗上一层麻油。
cooked rice 6OOg ,please add 1/2 tsp salt when you cook the rice
laver 1O pieces
yellow pickle radish 1O pieces, we call it "단무지,danmuji"
1O long cucumber strips
1O long carrot strips
1O long ham strips,is available at the Korean supermarket,we call it "김밥햄,kimbab ham"
2OOg can tuna
1OOg spinach
2 eggs
sesame oil
Seasoning for rice:
1 Tsp sugar
1 1/2 Tsp vinegar
1 1/2 Tsp sesame oil
Bamboo mat
1. Prepare 600g cooked rice, add in 1 Tsp of sugar, 1 1/2 Tsp of vinegar and 1 1/2Tsp of sesame oil while the rice is still hot,mix it well, set aside. Please don't roll the rice while it is still hot.
2. Cut the cucumber and carrot into long thin strips, sprinkle pinch of salt, marinate for about 30 minutes. 30 minutes later, use your hands to squeeze out the water from the cucumber and carrot.
3. Fry the cucumber and carrot with little oil in the fry pan separately.
4. Boil a small pot of water, blanch the spinach,take it out,squeeze out the water, marinate with salt and sesame oil.
5. If you have a rectangular shape fry pan will be more better, fry the egg into thin omelette,cut it into long strips. A round fry pan is also can.
6. After open the can of tuna, pour away the water,put it on a heated pan;if you like spicy food,you may add in 1/2 Tsp of Korean red pepper paste.
7.Place a sheet of sea laver over a bamboo mat, wear the plastic glove, spread the rice thinly ,leave about 4cm space without spreading the rice.
8. Put the yellow pickle radish,ham,cucumber,carrot,tuna flake, spinach and egg on the top of the rice, roll sea laver with the bamboo mat firmly, slice the roll. Korean like to brush the rolls with sesame oil.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
烤蕃薯/ Roast Sweet Potato
Dear Friends, when you eat the roasted or steamed sweet potato , I strongly recommend you to eat it together with kimchi or fresh milk, it will be more delicious.....
This is my oven for roasting the sweet potatoes.....
Dear Friends, when you eat the roasted or steamed sweet potato , I strongly recommend you to eat it together with kimchi or fresh milk, it will be more delicious.....
This is my oven for roasting the sweet potatoes.....
Put the kimchi on the sweet potato, eat it together, is more delicious, please try it !
Thursday, March 15, 2012
迷你寿司卷/Mini Rice Roll/미니김밥
Rice roll or sushi roll, it will remind people think about the sushi roll in Japan. In fact, rice roll in Korea is very common and popular, we can buy it at the supermarket , snack shop or even from the hawker near the road side.....Today I am going to make mini rice roll, I will make the round rice roll in very near future....
( This recipe is written in Chinese & English )
饭 250g
醋 1 Tsp
糖 1Tsp
麻油 1/2 Tsp
红灯笼椒 30g
黄灯笼椒 30g
罐头 tuna 50g
蛋 1 粒
韩式辣椒酱 1tsp ( 若不喜欢吃辣,可不放或者以mayonnaise代替)
长形的醃制黄色萝卜条 4 条 ( 在 韩国超市可买到,称为" 단무지")
紫菜片 2 大片
1. 将已煮熟的饭放在一大碗内,乘热的时候,加入醋,糖,盐和麻油,拌均,待用。
2. 将红灯笼椒和黄灯笼椒分别切成细长条状。
3. 去掉罐头tuna内的水份,在镬中将它弄热,若喜欢吃辣,可加入韩式辣椒酱拌均。
4. 将每一条醃制的黄色萝卜片切成 2 段。
5. 用剪刀将每片大片的紫菜片剪成两片。
6. 将蛋煎成薄片,切成细条。
7. 把紫菜片铺在竹片上,将 大约 60g左右的饭铺在紫菜片上,用手掌将饭团压一压,然后分别放入红灯笼条,黄灯笼椒条,萝卜条,tuna 和 鸡蛋条,再将它卷成圆锥形。
cooked rice 250g
vinegar 1 Tsp
sugar 1 Tsp
salt, to taste
sesame oil 1/2 Tsp
red bell pepper 30g
yellow bell pepper 30g
can tuna 50g
egg 1 piece
Korean red pepper paste 1 tsp ( optional, if you don't like; or can use mayonnaise to substitute)
long yellow radish pickle 4 pieces ( is available at the Korean supermarket,it called "단무지")
big laver, 2 pieces
Tool :
Bamboo sheet for making rice roll
1. Put the cooked rice in a big bowl, add in vinegar,sugar,salt and sesame oil while it is still hot,mix well.Set aside.
2. Slice the red & yellow bell peppers into long thin strips.
3. Remove the oil or water from the can, put the tuna on a heated pan, you may add in the red pepper paste if you like the spicy food,mix well.
4. Cut each of the yellow radish pickle into 2 pieces.
5. Use the scissor to cut each of the laver into 2 pieces.
6. Fry the egg, thin piece, cut it into long strips.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
梅/Chinese Plum/매실
Every summer, I will buy the fresh Chinese Plum fruits to make pickles, liquor and plum syrup/juice...This is the sweet plum pickles
This is the sour plums, I use it to cook the duck soup with sour plums....
Plum liquor, also known as plum wine, is popular in both Japan and Korea, and is also produced in China. Umeshu (梅酒; sometimes translated as "plum wine") is a Japanese alcoholic drink made by steeping green plums in shōchū (焼酎; clear liquor). It is sweet and smooth. A similar liquor in Korea, called maesil ju (매실주), is marketed under various brand names, including Mae Hwa Su, Mae Chui Soon, and Seol Joong Mae. Both the Japanese and Korean varieties of plum liquor are available with whole plum fruits contained in the bottle.
在西方,常把梅、李和杏混淆,常以「plum」一词翻譯梅,但此字實為李,其正式名稱多稱作「Japanese apricot」或「ume」,ume是梅在日语中的发音,据傳这是因为梅是从日本介绍到西方的。
In Korea, we use the Chinese plum seeds to make the pillows....
光阳(광양) 是韩国盛产梅子的地方,这是光阳梅花村内的瓷甕,里面都是装了梅产品,例如:梅汁,梅酱清,梅辣椒酱,梅酒等。。。。
In Korea, many Chinese plum trees are cultivated in Guangyang(광양) . These are the clay pots in Chinese plum village, plum juices,plum soy sauce,plum red pepper paste,plum wine etc are stored inside.
There is a big stone at the entrance of the Chinese plum village in Guangyang...
This are the products of Chinese Plum available in the market....
Every summer, I will buy the fresh Chinese Plum fruits to make pickles, liquor and plum syrup/juice...This is the sweet plum pickles
This is the sour plums, I use it to cook the duck soup with sour plums....
We can use the plum juice to make a cup of hot plum juice tea or ice juice................................................
In mainland China and Taiwan, suanmeitang (酸梅湯; sour plum juice) is made from
smoked plums, called wumei
(烏梅) The plum
juice is extracted by boiling smoked plums in water and sweetened with sugar to
make suanmeitang. It ranges
from light pinkish-orange to purplish black in colour and often has a smoky and
slightly salty taste. It is traditionally flavoured with sweet osmanthus
flowers, and is enjoyed chilled, usually in summer. The juice produced in Japan
and Korea, made from green plums, tastes sweet and tangy, and is considered a
refreshing drink, also often enjoyed in the summer. In Korea, maesil
juice, which is marketed as a healthful tonic, is enjoying increasing
popularity. It is commercially available in glass jars in sweetened,
concentrated syrup form; it is reconstituted by stirring a small amount of syrup
into a glass of water. The syrup may also be prepared at home by storing one
part fresh plums in a container with one part
sugar with no water...................................................................................................................................
梅花酒在日本和韩国广受欢迎。其味甘甜,有顺气的功能,是优良的果酒Plum liquor, also known as plum wine, is popular in both Japan and Korea, and is also produced in China. Umeshu (梅酒; sometimes translated as "plum wine") is a Japanese alcoholic drink made by steeping green plums in shōchū (焼酎; clear liquor). It is sweet and smooth. A similar liquor in Korea, called maesil ju (매실주), is marketed under various brand names, including Mae Hwa Su, Mae Chui Soon, and Seol Joong Mae. Both the Japanese and Korean varieties of plum liquor are available with whole plum fruits contained in the bottle.
Prunus mume is a deciduous
tree that starts flowering in mid-winter, typically around January or February
in East Asia. It can grow to
4–10 meters tall The flowers
are 2-2.5 cm in diameter and have a strong fragrant scent. They have
colors in varying shades of white, pink, and red. The leaves appear shortly after the petals fall, are oval-shaped with a pointed
tip, and are 4–8 cm long and 2.5–5 cm wide. The fruit
ripens in early summer, around June and July in East Asia, and coincides with
the rainy season of East Asia, the meiyu (梅雨, literally "plum
rain"). The drupe is 2–3 cm in diameter with a groove running from
the stalk to the tip. The skin
turns yellow, sometimes with a red blush, as it ripens, and the flesh becomes
Prunus mume, with the common names including Chinese plum and
Japanese apricot
In Korea, we use the Chinese plum seeds to make the pillows....
光阳(광양) 是韩国盛产梅子的地方,这是光阳梅花村内的瓷甕,里面都是装了梅产品,例如:梅汁,梅酱清,梅辣椒酱,梅酒等。。。。
In Korea, many Chinese plum trees are cultivated in Guangyang(광양) . These are the clay pots in Chinese plum village, plum juices,plum soy sauce,plum red pepper paste,plum wine etc are stored inside.
There is a big stone at the entrance of the Chinese plum village in Guangyang...
there are over 300 recorded cultivars of Prunus mume. These are
divided into three groups by phylogenetics (P. mume and hybrids). These are
further classified by the type of branches: upright (直枝梅類), pendulous (垂枝梅類), and tortuous (龍游梅類); and by the
characteristics of the flower. Some varieties
are especially famed for their ornamental value, including the hongmei
(红梅), taigemei, zhaoshuimei (照水梅), lü'emei (绿萼梅),
longyoumei (龍游梅), and chuizhimei (垂枝梅
This are the products of Chinese Plum available in the market....
Sunday, March 11, 2012
难忘的釜山风味——猪肉汤饭和杂粮面/Busan Food Tour
- 猪肉汤饭——浸泡在肉汤里的满满一碗米饭和猪肉
- 在猪肉汤饭店里点一个“白煮猪肉套餐”,用肉汤煮好的新鲜猪肉看上去让人很有食欲。
- 盛好的杂粮面卖相可人。面条上还有鸡蛋和肉。按韩国的习惯要先把鸡蛋吃掉。
- 凉爽的杂粮面和热气腾腾的饺子可谓“天作之合”。
-营业时间:10:00~22:00 (星期日,节假日不营业)
-营业时间:10:00~24:00 (节假日不营业)
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