Thursday, March 8, 2012

凉拌墨鱼/Broiled spicy cuttlefish/오징어초무침


Have you ever tried the broiled spicy cuttlefish?  Try it.......
( This recipe is written in Chinese & English)

洋葱 20g
红灯笼椒 50g
黄灯笼椒 50g
红萝卜 30g
南瓜 200g

韩式辣椒酱 2Tsp
梅汁 ( 韩文称为 "매실청",在韩国超市可买得到。我在每年的夏天都会买新鲜的梅子自制)
          ( 若没有可用麦芽糖代替)  1 Tsp
麦芽糖  2 Tsp  ( 若没有以上的梅汁,那就需要 3 Tsp 的麦芽糖)
醋  1 Tsp
芝麻 1 Tsp

1. 除去墨鱼的内脏和外皮,用刀尖在墨鱼的内部,以相反的方向轻轻划一划,成钻石型,洗
2. 煮一小锅的热水,将墨鱼放入热水中,轻轻一汤,熟后马上捞起来。若煮得太久,那就不
    爽口。濾乾,切成 1 1/2  x 2 cm 长方形块状。
3. 在一小碗里,将辣椒酱,梅汁,麦芽糖,醋 和芝麻混合均匀,待用。
4. 将南瓜切成长形块状,蒸熟它。
5. 将红灯笼椒,黄灯笼椒,红萝卜和洋葱,切成细片。
6. 在一大碗里,放入墨鱼片,红灯笼椒,黄灯笼椒,红萝卜,洋葱和事先调好的酱料,拌
7. 先将南瓜排放在碟子上,再将 (6)的材料放在南瓜上面。

cuttlefish 1 piece
onion 20g
red bell pepper 50g
yellow bell pepper 50g
carrot 30g
pumpkin 200g

Korean red pepper paste 2 Tsp
plum syrup ( In Korean, we call "매실정",is available at the Korean supermarket. Every summer, I buy the
the fresh plum and make the syrup for myself)
( If you don't have the plum syrup,can use corn syrup to substitute)
corn syrup  2 Tsp ( If you don't have the abovementioned  plum syrup, then should  use 3 Tsp of corn
vinegar 1 Tsp
sesame seeds  1 Tsp

1. Remove the ink bag and cartilage of the cuttlefish, peel the skin, wash it. Using the tip of a knife,score the inner side of the body diagonally in a diamond pattern.

2. Boil the water, put in the cuttlefish, cook until it just starts to curl, please don't boil it for too long time. Drain, cut into 1 1/2 x 2 cm rectangles.

3. In a small bowl, put in the red pepper paste, plum syrup, corn syrup, vinegar and sesame seeds, mix it.Set  aside.

4. Wash the pumpkin, slice it , steam it.

5. Slice the red bell pepper, yellow bell pepper, carrot and onion.

6. In a big bowl, put in the cuttlefish, red bell pepper, yellow bell pepper, carrot, onion and the ready mixed sauce, mix it well.

7. Place the pumpkin on the dish , put the ingredients of (6) on top of the pumpkin.

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