Tuesday, March 13, 2012

梅/Chinese Plum/매실

Every summer, I will buy the fresh Chinese Plum fruits to make pickles, liquor and plum syrup/juice...This is the sweet plum pickles
This is the sour plums, I use it to cook the duck soup with sour plums....

We can use the plum  juice to make a cup of hot plum juice tea or  ice juice................................................
In mainland China and Taiwan, suanmeitang (酸梅湯; sour plum juice) is made from smoked plums, called wumei (烏梅) The plum juice is extracted by boiling smoked plums in water and sweetened with sugar to make suanmeitang. It ranges from light pinkish-orange to purplish black in colour and often has a smoky and slightly salty taste. It is traditionally flavoured with sweet osmanthus flowers, and is enjoyed chilled, usually in summer. The juice produced in Japan and Korea, made from green plums, tastes sweet and tangy, and is considered a refreshing drink, also often enjoyed in the summer. In Korea, maesil juice, which is marketed as a healthful tonic, is enjoying increasing popularity. It is commercially available in glass jars in sweetened, concentrated syrup form; it is reconstituted by stirring a small amount of syrup into a glass of water. The syrup may also be prepared at home by storing one part fresh plums in a container with one part
sugar with no water...................................................................................................................................
Plum liquor, also known as plum wine, is popular in both Japan and Korea, and is also produced in China. Umeshu (梅酒; sometimes translated as "plum wine") is a Japanese alcoholic drink made by steeping green plums in shōchū (焼酎; clear liquor). It is sweet and smooth. A similar liquor in Korea, called maesil ju (매실주), is marketed under various brand names, including Mae Hwa Su, Mae Chui Soon, and Seol Joong Mae. Both the Japanese and Korean varieties of plum liquor are available with whole plum fruits contained in the bottle.
Prunus mume is a deciduous tree that starts flowering in mid-winter, typically around January or February in East Asia. It can grow to 4–10 meters tall The flowers are 2-2.5 cm in diameter and have a strong fragrant scent. They have colors in varying shades of white, pink, and red. The leaves appear shortly after the petals fall, are oval-shaped with a pointed tip, and are 4–8 cm long and 2.5–5 cm wide. The fruit ripens in early summer, around June and July in East Asia, and coincides with the rainy season of East Asia, the meiyu (梅雨, literally "plum rain"). The drupe is 2–3 cm in diameter with a groove running from the stalk to the tip. The skin turns yellow, sometimes with a red blush, as it ripens, and the flesh becomes yellow.  
 在西方,常把梅、李和杏混淆,常以「plum」一词翻譯梅,但此字實為,其正式名稱多稱作「Japanese apricot」或「ume」,ume是梅在日语中的发音,据傳这是因为梅是从日本介绍到西方的。
Prunus mume, with the common names including Chinese plum and Japanese apricot
In Korea, we use the  Chinese plum seeds to make the pillows....
 光阳(광양) 是韩国盛产梅子的地方,这是光阳梅花村内的瓷甕,里面都是装了梅产品,例如:梅汁,梅酱清,梅辣椒酱,梅酒等。。。。
In Korea, many Chinese plum trees are  cultivated in Guangyang(광양) . These are the clay pots in Chinese plum village, plum juices,plum soy sauce,plum red pepper paste,plum wine etc are stored inside.
There is a big stone at the entrance of the Chinese plum village in Guangyang...
there are over 300 recorded cultivars of Prunus mume. These are divided into three groups by phylogenetics (P. mume and hybrids). These are further classified by the type of branches: upright (直枝梅類), pendulous (垂枝梅類), and tortuous (龍游梅類); and by the characteristics of the flower. Some varieties are especially famed for their ornamental value, including the hongmei (红梅), taigemei, zhaoshuimei (照水梅), lü'emei (绿萼梅), longyoumei (龍游梅), and chuizhimei (垂枝梅

This are the products of Chinese Plum available in the market....


  1. nice sharing on these plums information. I've seen sour plums in jar that used for cooking but not too sure what sort of varieties are they.

  2. Lena, sorry for late replying ...That is the plum red pepper paste....
