Monday, April 30, 2012

"Cheese Kimbab" cheese 寿司卷

 春天的脚步声已近在眉梢,又是郊游的好季节。。。在韩国,寿司卷是最佳及最普遍的便当!若不想亲自动手做,在便利商店,超市,小食店或街边的小贩那儿都可以买到。。孩子喜欢在寿司卷内加入 cheese,于是做了 cheese 寿司卷。。寿司卷,韩文称为 “ kimbab"
Spring is around the corner, is the good season for picnic...In Korea, rice rolled in laver is the common and popular lunch box! If you don't want to do it , it can be available at the mini store,supermarket,snack corner or even from the hawker near the roadside....My children like to eat Cheese  rice roll in laver, therefore, I make it.
Rice rolled in laver, in Korea, we call it " Kimbab"

 *This recipe is written in Chinese & English

白饭 6OO g (在煮饭的时候,请加入 1/2tsp 的盐
紫菜 1O张
醃制的黄色萝卜条 1O 条 ,称为 “단무지,dan muji"
1O条 长形黄瓜条
1O 条 长形红萝卜条
2OOg 罐头 tuna
1OOg 波菜
2 粒蛋
盐 少许
麻油 少许
1  Tsp mayonnaise or Korean  red pepper paste
1 Tsp 糖
1 1/2 Tsp 醋
1  1/2 Tsp 麻油
cheese  5 张 (将每一片 cheese 分成 4 块,每一条寿司卷放入 2 片)


1. 白饭煮好后,趁热的时候加入 1Tsp 的糖, 1 1/2 Tsp 的 醋 和 1 1/2 Tsp 的麻油,将调味料和饭拌均,待用。饭必须冷后才可用来包卷。
2. 将黄瓜和红萝卜切成长形条状,并撒上少许盐,醃约 半小时。半小时后,用手挤去黄瓜和红萝卜的一些水份。
3. 在镬里加入少许食用油,分别将黄瓜和红萝卜炒一炒。
4. 煮一小锅的水,将洗干净的菠菜放入水里轻轻一汤,取出,挤掉水份;以盐和麻油调味。
5. 若有长方形的镬更好,将鸡蛋煎成薄片后,切成 1O 条长形的薄片;若没有,可用一般圆
6. 倒掉罐头内的水份,将tuna在镬上弄热,若喜欢吃辣,可加入  1 Tsp韩式辣椒酱 或 mayonnaise
7. 在竹片上放上一张紫菜,在紫菜片上放大约 6Og的饭。 套上一回用塑胶手套,用手掌将饭平均的压薄在紫菜片上,必须留下大约4cm的空间没沾上饭。
8. 将黄色的萝卜条,黄瓜,红萝卜,tuna,菠菜,蛋一一摆在饭上,然后用竹片将它卷起来,切成片状即可。韩国人喜欢在寿司卷的表面塗上一层麻油。

cooked rice 6OOg ,please add 1/2 tsp salt when you cook the rice
laver 1O pieces
yellow pickle radish 1O pieces, we call it "단무지,danmuji"
1O  long cucumber strips
1O long carrot strips
2OOg can tuna
1OOg spinach
2 eggs
sesame oil
5 sliced cheese ( each of the sliced cheese is divided into 4 stripes, 2 stripes for each roll)

Seasoning for rice:
1 Tsp sugar
 1 1/2 Tsp vinegar
 1 1/2 Tsp sesame oil

Bamboo mat

1. Prepare 600g cooked rice, add in 1 Tsp of sugar, 1 1/2 Tsp of vinegar and 1 1/2Tsp of sesame oil while the rice is still hot,mix it well, set aside. Please don't  roll the rice while it is still hot.
2. Cut the cucumber and carrot into long thin strips, sprinkle pinch of salt, marinate for about 30 minutes. 30 minutes later, use your hands to squeeze out the water from the cucumber and carrot.
3. Fry the cucumber and carrot with little oil  in the fry pan separately.
4. Boil a small pot of water, blanch the spinach,take it out,squeeze out the water, marinate with salt and sesame oil.
5. If you have a rectangular shape fry pan will be more better, fry the egg into thin omelette,cut it  into long strips. A round fry pan is also can.
6. After open the can of tuna, pour away the water,put it on a heated pan;if you like spicy food,you may add in 1  Tsp  of Korean red pepper paste or mayonnaise.
7.Place a sheet of sea laver over a bamboo mat, wear the plastic glove, spread the rice thinly ,leave about 4cm space  without spreading the rice.
8. Put the yellow pickle radish,cucumber,carrot,tuna flake, spinach and egg on the top of the rice, roll sea laver with the bamboo mat firmly, slice the roll. Korean like to brush the rolls with sesame oil.

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