Thursday, April 12, 2012

Mini Moon Cake/迷你月饼

For Korean, they make the " Songpyeon"( 松糕/송편 ) for celebrating the Moon Festival in autumn;for Chinese, they make the " Moon Cake" ( 月饼 ). In my family, whether " Songpyeon" or " Moon Cake", we make it whenever we want to eat. This " Moon Cake" is almost the same as  one of   the "한과자" ( 韩菓),especially when I use the red bean paste as the filling....
The pictures shown above is only half of the numbers that I baked. I baked  about 180  pieces for my daughter & husband's friend, as the snacks for their tea time....

Ingredients :
400 g medium protein flour
250g sugar syrup
60g grape seeds oil or any cooking oil
2 tsp alkaline water
( p/s : for making 180 pieces,  4 times  of ingredients is required )

Filling :
red bean paste l kg

Ingredients for making the syrup: ( have to prepare this in advance )
sugar 400g, water 180 ml. fresh lemon juice 50 ml

Method for making the syrup :
l. Boil the sugar,water and lemon juice together, until it is boils. Do not stir.

2. Cook until it  turns brown in colour  by low heat. The process may require about 1 - 1 1/2 hours.

3. Test it, by dropping a drop of the thicken syrup into a cup of water. If it does not spread, then it is ready.

4. Leave it  to cool. Can leave for a year to put into use if you prepare large amount.

Method for making the cake:

1. Roll the red bean paste into round ball   for about 30g each,set aside.

2. Sift the flour and mix with the sugar syrup, oil, akaline water. Knead it into a fine dough. Leave it to rest for about 1-2 hours. Cover it with a damp cloth.

3. Divide  the dough into 30g each.

4. Flatten the dough and wrap with red bean paste.

5. Place it into the mould and knock it out.

6. Brush with egg wash ( egg yolk mix with a pinch of sugar powder), spread some water onto the surface of the moon cakes and bake it for 15-20 min or until golden brown colour  . At 180 degree C.


Spread some water onto the surface of the moon cakes and bake it for 10 min or until it is slightly brown in colour. Take it out from the oven

Brush with egg wash and bake for another 10 min or until golden brown in colour

7. Once baked, leave to cool. Put in the small boxes if you will send it as the present

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