Saturday, May 19, 2012

"Patbingsu ( 팥빙수)"/冰沙/Shaved Ice Dessert

"Patbingsu ( 팔빙수)"/ Shaved ice dessert/冰沙 is a popular shaved ice dessert in South Korea, especially during the sweltering and humid summer from May to September. Therefore, now is the time for me to make "home-made Patbingsu"  .

Shave the ice, put the shaved ice  on the glass cup,place the red bean,walnut, banana, 미숫가루 (mi-shu-ka-ru /ground grains, it contains 14 kinds of ground grains), condensed milk and fresh milk. For me, I never put the sweet  colour syrup ! In fact, in Korea,  they rarely use the sweet colour syrup.  For  my family,  if the"Patbingsu" without the "mi-shu-ka-ru", it will be tasteless

炎炎夏日,来一杯冰凉的冰沙那是夏季最佳饮料。。。在夏季,它是韩国人的最爱之一。我个人不喜欢采用彩色糖浆,事实上在韩国所售卖的冰沙似乎都没采用彩色糖浆。 我的家人最爱在冰沙加上豆粉,红豆,鲜奶,炼奶 及水果。。。其中,豆粉是绝对不可缺少的。。。。


For this " Patbingsu", I put the red beans,strawberries,rice cakes,mi-shu-ka-ru, condensed milk, fresh  milk.......................................................................... 

                                                This is my ice shaver....

This is the "미숫가루 ( mi-shu-ka-ru), it contains 14 kinds of ground grains. In summer, Korean like to pour the fresh  milk or ice water in the blender, put a few spoons of mi-shu-ka-ru, add sugar , blend it. A very nutritious beverage...

                                            This is the "mi-shu-ka-ru"...

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