Monday, July 23, 2012

Grill Mackerel pike with saffron powder/꽁치구이/烤秋刀鱼

The Pacific saury, Cololabis saira, is a member of the family Scomberesocidae. This saury, which is a food source in some East Asian cuisines, is also known by the name mackerel pike
It is known as sanma (サンマ / 秋刀魚) in Japanese, kongchi (꽁치) in Korean, qiu dao yu (秋刀魚) in Chinese, and saira (сайра) in Russian. Pacific saury are often imported to the United Kingdom where they are used as bait for sea fishing. In the UK they are usually called blueys, possibly due to people confusing the Pacific saury with blue mackerel


mackerel pike 2
a pinch of saffron powder ( turmeric & rice are the ingredients)/黄姜粉
a pinch of salt


1.  Remove the intestine of the fish,wash it and use the kitchen towel to remove the water.

2.  Sprinkle a pinch of saffron powder and salt on it.

3.  Grill it till it is well done.

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