Saturday, July 14, 2012

Webfoot octopus with noodle/辣酱八爪鱼与面/주꾸미볶음 &소면

On the 25th Feb 2012, I have introduced the recipe for cooking Webfoot Octopus with Red Pepper Sauce. Today, I cook this dish again, and I boil some of the Korean noodles, we call it "소면"/sol-meon.  Stir the noodles together with the spicy webfoot octopus, the taste is good too.

P/s:The recipe for cooking Webfoot Octopus with Red Pepper Sauce is available on the 25th Feb 2012 article. For the noodles, cook a pot of boiling water, place the noodles in the boiling water, cook it till soft . Remove from the water, drain in the runny water.

 辣酱八爪鱼的食谱可在 25-2-2012 的食谱中参阅。至于韩式细面条,煮开一锅热水,将面烫熟,再用冷水冲洗一会,除去水份后,放在碟上,拌辣酱八爪鱼,一起吃。。。。

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