Friday, August 10, 2012

Potatoes salad for bread....

Dear Readers, Good Morning! What do you have for breakfast this morning ? Would you like to have this Potatoes Salad as the ingredient for the sandwich ?  I baked the morning roll, you may use either morning roll or other kinds of breads...Or you can even eat it without bread.....

亲情爱的读者,大家早上好 !今天早上,您享用了什麽早餐 ? 来个马铃薯 salad 三文治,如何 ? 我烘焙了迷你汉堡面包, 您可以选用其他种类的面包。。。或者就直接拿来当 salad 享用, 不做三文治。。。

Boil the  eggs, remove the shell; slice it into thin pieces and then chop it as small as possible..


You may eat this potatoes paste as the salad instead of as the ingredient for the
您也可以以这马铃薯泥当作  salad 享用,而不将它塗在面包上当三文治。


potatoes 300g
eggs 3
mayonnaise 70g
ham or sausage 50g
a pinch of salt
a pinch of pepper
jam ( for sandwich only; if you take this as salad, jam is not required)
sliced tomato


1. Boil the eggs, remove the shell. Slice it into thin pieces and then chop it as small pieces as possible.

2. Steam the potatoes, peel the skin, smash it as potatoes paste.

3. Slice the ham or sausage into small cubes form, as small as possible.

4. Put the eggs,potatoes paste,ham/sausage,mayonnaise,salt and pepper in a bowl, mix it well.

5. Place one layer of jam on the bread before you put the potatoes paste,garnish with tomato and lettuce.

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