Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Seasoned Garlic Scapes/Garlic shoot/마늘쫑무침/凉拌蒜花

 If you don't like to use cooking oil for cooking, you make try this seasoned garlic scapes or garlic shoots. It is not oily....

如果您不喜欢吃油腻的食物 或用油炒菜,那就来个凉拌蒜花。。。。。

garlic scapes/garlic shoots 250g
Korean red pepper sauce 2 Tsp
minced garlic 1/2 Tsp
Korean soy bean sauce 1tsp
corn syrup 2 Tsp
sesame oil 1 tsp
roasted sesame seeds 1/2 tsp

1. Cut the garlic scapes/garlic shoots into 4 or 5 cm long.

2. Wash the garlic scapes/garlic shoots.

3. Blanch the garlic scapes/garlic shoots in boiling water for 2 or 3  minutes.

4. Remove from water and drain.

5. Mix all the red pepper sauce,garlic,soy bean sauce,corn syrup,sesame oil in a bowl .

6. Mix the sauces and garlic scapes/garlic shoots together.

7. Sprinkle the roasted sesame seeds before serve.

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