- Homemade Songpyeon ( Korean traditional rice cakes for Thanks Giving Day/ Moon Festival ) 松糕 for 2012.
" Happy Chusok / 欢渡中秋节“/행복하고 즐고운한가위 보내세요"
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Songpyeon /송편/松糕
Friday, September 28, 2012
Songpyeon from different provinces in Korea/팔도 송편여행, 이웃동네 송편은 어떻게 생겼을까?/韩国各区域的松糕
추석의 대표음식이라고 하면 단연 송편이다. 올해 추수한 햇곡식으로 만들어 쫄깃쫄깃하면서 고소한 맛이
일품이다. 다양한 소를 넣어 만들 수 있어 취향에 따라 골라먹는 재미도 있다.
송편은 오랜 시간을 우리민족과 함께 지내왔다. 1680년대에 편찬된 것으로 추정되는 고조리서 ‘요록(要綠)’에는 송편을 만드는 법에 대해 ‘백미가루로 떡을 만들어 솔잎과 여러 켜를 이루어 쪄서 물에 씻어낸다’고 설명하고 있다. 속에 들어가는 재료는 콩, 검정콩, 팥, 꿀, 대추, 미나리, 잣, 호두, 생강 등 예부터 다양하게 사용했다.
멥쌀로 떡을 만들어 솔잎에 쪄내는 간단한 조리법 때문인지 지방마다 다르게 발전한 송편을 볼 수 있다. 외관에 멋을 내고, 독특한 재료들을 첨가해 그 지방만의 특색이 있는 떡이 탄생한다.
도토리송편(Dotori/Acorn Seongpyeon from Kangwan Province/Dotori 松糕,来自江原道)
송편은 오랜 시간을 우리민족과 함께 지내왔다. 1680년대에 편찬된 것으로 추정되는 고조리서 ‘요록(要綠)’에는 송편을 만드는 법에 대해 ‘백미가루로 떡을 만들어 솔잎과 여러 켜를 이루어 쪄서 물에 씻어낸다’고 설명하고 있다. 속에 들어가는 재료는 콩, 검정콩, 팥, 꿀, 대추, 미나리, 잣, 호두, 생강 등 예부터 다양하게 사용했다.
멥쌀로 떡을 만들어 솔잎에 쪄내는 간단한 조리법 때문인지 지방마다 다르게 발전한 송편을 볼 수 있다. 외관에 멋을 내고, 독특한 재료들을 첨가해 그 지방만의 특색이 있는 떡이 탄생한다.
도토리송편(Dotori/Acorn Seongpyeon from Kangwan Province/Dotori 松糕,来自江原道)
- 도토리송편 『한국의 떡』, 정재홍, 형설출판사
감자송편(Potato Songpyeon from Kangwan Province/来自江原道的马铃薯松糕)
- 감자송편 『한국의 떡』, 정재홍, 형설출판사
모시잎송편푸른 모시잎을 삶아 멥쌀과 같이 빻아서 가루로 만들어 빚어내는 모시잎송편, 모시가 많이 재배되는 남부지방에서 만들어 먹는다. 모시잎을 넣어 송편을 만들면 쫄깃한 식감을 더해주고 오래 두어도 쉽게 굳지 않는 장점이 있다. 모시잎에는 지방흡수를 억제하는 성분이 있어 과식을 하게 되는 추석에 딱 맞는 송편이라고 해도 좋을 듯 하다.
꽃송편(Flower Songpyeon from Cholla Province/来自全罗南道的花松糕)
- 꽃송편 『한국의 떡』, 정재홍, 형설출판사
호박송편( Pumpkin Songpyeon from Cheong Chong Province/来自忠清道的南瓜松糕)
- 호박송편 『한국의 떡』, 정재홍, 형설출판사
Sources / 质料来源 :사진출처=『한국의 떡』, 정재홍, 형설출판사
조선닷컴 라이프미디어팀 정재균 PD
Thursday, September 27, 2012
How to make acorn jelly(Dotori Muk) powder & Seasoned Dotori Muk/도토리가루 만들기& 도토리무침
The Acorn or Oak Nut, is the nut of the oak. It is usually contains a single seeds, enclosed is tough, leathery shell .
Acorns are a vital food source for squirrels. Acorns served also an important role in food resources.
In Korea, an edible jelly named Dotori Muk is made from acorns and Dotori Guksu( Noodle) are Korean noodles made from acorn flour or starch.
(A) How to make the Acorn Powder ?(도토리가루)
1. Dry the acorns for one or two days before you peel the acorns,this will be more easier to peel.
2. Finely grind with water in the blender and put the ground nuts in a big container .
3. After that, pour water in the container, must cover over the surface.
4. After pouring the water, leave quietly for sediment to be subsided.
5. Pour away the above water and fill it once more.
6. It is more appetizing, if you repeat steps 4 & 5 more.
7. Pour away the water and dry the sediment.
8. You may sieve the sediment ( optional), it will be more soft.
(B) How to make the Dotori Muk ?
acorn powder 1 cup
water 6 cups
salt 2 tsp
Method :
1.Whisk acorn powder in the water, make sure there are no chunks.
2. Blend it well and let stand for a while.
3. Sieve into a pan and boil. Have to stir continuously and have to scrape the bottom of the pan to prevent scorching. When it begins to boil, please reduce to low heat, and keep on stirring, the longer it simmers, the bouncier it will be.
4. Pour the boiled acorn liquid into a container. To flatten the surface and let it stands in a cool and shady place.
( P/s : If you keep the acorn jelly in the refrigerator for a few days, it will be stiffer; in this case, you may blanch it in the hot water and quickly remove from the water, it will become soft )
Seasoning the Dotori Muk :
soy bean sauce 2 Tsp
minced garlic 1 tsp
chopped spring onion 2 Tsp
sesame oil 1 Tsp
sesame seeds 1 Tsp
red pepper powder 1tsp
vinegar 1 tsp
1. Slice the Dotori Muk into pieces and garnish with the sources. You can also add in sliced cucumber or carrot if you want.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
"Jeotgal"( salted seafood)/젓갈/醃渍海鲜
Myeongran jeot (명란젓) - jeot made with roe (ran, 란) of pollock (myeongtae, 명태)/醃渍明太鱼卵
In Korean cuisine Myeongran or Myeongran jeot (명란젓) (Korean pronunciation: [mjʌŋnandʑʌt]) is a jeotgal (salted fermented seafood) made with the roe of flathead mullet or pollock and seasoned with chili pepper powder. It is commonly served as a banchan, or small dish accompanying rice or as an ingredient for altang (알탕), a kind of jjigae (Korean stew). Mentaiko in Japanese cuisine was derived from Myeongran jeot.
Myeongran has strong cultural connotations with fertility and is often served at weddings, where it is traditionally packaged in small bamboo canisters and presented to the bride. Outside of weddings it is commonly served as an appetizer with kimchi and other pickled vegetables.
Ojingeojeot (오징어젓) - Jeot made with squid (ojingeo, 오징어)/醃渍墨鱼
Jogaejeot (조개젓) - jeot made with shellfish/醃渍蛤蜊
Many kinds of " Jeotgal" are available at the market....
Have you ever tasted the "Jeotgal" ( salted seafood)/젓갈/醃渍海鲜from Korea ? I took these pictures when I visited the Yeosu Fish Market in Korea. Generally, we don't make it at home; buy it from the market and eat as the side dishes, we do also use it as the ingredient for cooking...
Jeotgal or jeot (Korean pronunciation: [tɕʌt̚k͈al]) is a salted fermented food in Korean cuisine. It is made with various seafood, such as shrimp, oysters, shellfish, fish, fish eggs, and fish intestines.
Jeotgal is mainly used as a condiment in pickling kimchi and as a dipping sauce for pig's feet (jokbal) and blood/noodle sausage (sundae). Sometimes jeotgal, commonly saeujeot, is added to Korean style stews (jjigae) and soups (guk and tang), for flavor instead of using salt or soy sauce (ganjang).
The types of jeotgal vary depending on main ingredients, regions, and family and personal preferences. In past times, due to the limited transportation, regions near seas had more types of jeot compared to the inland areas.
- Saeujeot - jeot made with small
shrimp (saeu, 새우/虾)
- Ojeot (오젓) - saeujeot made with shrimp harvested in May
- Yukjeot (육젓) - saeujeot made with shrimp harvested in June
- Tohajeot (토하젓) - jeot made with small fresh water shrimp, which is rare local specialty of Jeolla Province
- Hwangsaegijeot (황새기젓) - jeot made with fish
- Myeolchijeot - jeot made with anchovies (myeolchi, 멸치/江鱼子)
- Jogijeot - jeot made with croaker (jogi, /조기)
- Jogaejeot (조개젓/蛤蜊) - jeot made with shellfish
- Guljeot (굴젓) - jeot made with oyster (gul, 굴/蚝)
- Eoriguljeot (어리굴젓) - jeot made with salted oysters (gul, 굴/蚝) and hot peppers
- Myeongran jeot (명란젓) - jeot made with roe (ran, 란) of pollock (myeongtae, 명태/明太鱼)
- Changnanjeot (창란젓) - jeot made with pollock intestines/明太鱼的内脏
- Ojingeojeot (오징어젓) - Jeot made with squid (ojingeo, 오징어/墨鱼)
- Ggolddugijeot (꼴뚜기젓) - jeot made with small squid
- Gejang - jeot made with crabs/蟹
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Figs/ 무화과 /无花果
- This picture was taken when I was in Yeosu, at the extrance of a restaurant...
Figs (无花果)are one of the highest plant sources of calcium and fiber。
Figs can be eaten fresh or dried, and used in jam-making. Most commercial production is in dried or otherwise processed forms, since the ripe fruit does not transport well, and once picked does not keep well.
Monday, September 24, 2012
In Korea, autumn is the harvest season for persimmon. Yesterday (23/9/2012),we went back to home town and saw this persimmon tree.
Persimmons are eaten fresh, dried, raw, or cooked. When eaten fresh they are usually eaten whole like an apple or cut into quarters, though with some varieties it is best to peel the skin first. One way to consume very ripe persimmons, which can have the texture of pudding, is to remove the top leaf with a paring knife and scoop out the flesh with a spoon. Riper persimmons can also be eaten by removing the top leaf, breaking the fruit in half and eating from the inside out. The flesh ranges from firm to mushy, and the texture is unique. The flesh is very sweet and when firm due to being unripe, possesses an apple-like crunch. American persimmons are completely inedible until they are fully ripe.
In China, Korea, Japan, and Vietnam after harvesting, 'Hachiya' persimmons are prepared using traditional hand-drying techniques, outdoors for two to three weeks. The fruit is then further dried by exposure to heat over several days before being shipped to market. In Japan the dried fruit is called hoshigaki (干し柿), in China it is known as "shi-bing" (柿饼), in Korea it is known as gotgam (hangul: 곶감), and in Vietnam it is called hồng khô. It is eaten as a snack or dessert and used for other culinary purposes
In Korea, dried persimmon fruits are used to make the traditional Korean spicy punch, sujeonggwa, while the matured, fermented fruit is used to make a persimmon vinegar called gamsikcho (감식초), which is alleged to have a variety of health benefits. The hoshigaki tradition traveled to California with Japanese American immigrants.
In Korea, the dried leaves of the fruit are used for making tea. The Korean name for this tea is ghamnip cha (감잎차). ( sources from wikipedia)
Friday, September 21, 2012
Potato Pancake/감자전/马铃薯煎饼
I made this pancake by using potatoes,meat and other ingredients. Korean may grate the potatoes to make potato pancake,but, I steam the potato instead of grating.
这回,我用了马铃薯,肉和其他配料来做煎饼。 韩国人会将马铃薯磨成泥来做煎饼,但,这回我是将马铃薯蒸熟。
4 big potatoes
ground pork / beef 230g
oyster sauce 1 Tsp
chopped spring onion 2 Tsp
chopped onion 1 /2 Tsp
minced ginger 1 tsp
salt ( to taste)
a pinch of pepper
1 Tsp of flour
a few spoons of frying flour for coating use
vegetable oil
1. Peel the potatoes and steam .
2. Smash the steamed potatoes.
3. Mix the smashed potatoes with spring onion,onion,ginger,oyster sauce,salt and pepper.
4. Add in 1 Tsp of flour in the batter.
5. Heat a pan over medium high heat and add vegetable oil. Slowly drop the batter by the spoonful in the frying flour before you place it on the fry pan. Pan fry until golden brown on both sides.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Sweet Potatoes Roll/ 고구마빵/蕃薯卷
Sweet Potatoes are large,starchy, sweet-tasting. Besides simple starches, sweet potatoes are rich in complex carbohydrates, dietary fiber, beta carotene ( a vitamin A equivalent nutrient), vitamin C and vitamin B6.
The flesh range from beige through white, red, pink, violet, yellow, orange and purple. Sweet potatoes varieties with white or pale yellow flesh are less sweet and moist than those with red, pink or orange flesh.
Pink, yellow and green varieties are high in carotene, the precursor of vitamin A. Sweet potatoes varieties with dark orange flesh have more carotene than those with light-colour flesh.
In certain parts of the world, sweet potatoes are locally known as camote, kamote, goguma, man thet, ubi jalar, ubi keladi, shakarkand, satsuma imo, batata or el boniato.[5] In New Zealand English, the Māori term kūmara is commonly used.
番薯(学名:Ipomoea batatas),又名蕃薯、红薯、甘薯、山芋、番芋、地瓜、红苕、线苕、白薯、金薯、甜薯、朱薯、枕薯等。常见的多年生双子叶植物,草本,其蔓细长,茎匍匐地面。块根,无氧呼吸产生乳酸,皮色发白或发红,肉大多为黄白色,但也有紫色,除供食用外,还可以製糖和釀酒、製酒精
中医学 认为甘薯補虛乏、益氣力、健脾胃、強腎陰[。
(A) bread flour 450g
yeast 2 tsp
salt 1 tsp
sugar 50g
(B) water or milk 200ml
egg, 1
(C) butter 30g ( for me I use grape seeds oil )
sweet potatoes 600g ( cut it into small cube form)
sugar 6 Tsp
water 6 Tsp
( Boil the sweet potatoes together with the sugar and water with medium heat. Reduce the heat to a low simmer and braise by occasionally spooning the sauce over the sweet potatoes ,continue cooking until the sweet potatoes have absorbed the sauce and are flavorful) ,remove from heat and set aside.
1. Mix all the ingredients for filling, except butter. Set aside.
2. Mix (A) till well blended.
3. Add (B) and knead to form a dough.
4. Add (C), continue to knead to form a smooth and elastic dough.
5. Cover the dough with a damp cloth. Let it prove for 50 to 60 min or till it doubles in size.
6. Punch out the air.
7. Divide the dough into 2 potions and let it rest for 15 min.
8. Flatten and roll out the dough into a long rectangle respectively, about 21cm x 32cm.
9. Brush the melted butter over the dough, leaving about 0.75cm around the edges clear.
10. Divide "the filling" into 2 potions. Sprinkle " the filling" on the surface of the dough, leaving about 0.75cm around the edges clear . Roll it up respectively and trim the edges.
11. Cut the rolled dough, about 4cm each. Place the dough on the baking cup and rest for another 30 min.
12. Preheat the oven for 5 min.
13. Bake for 15-20 min at 180 degree C or till it turns golden brown colour.
14. Remove from the oven.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Clam & Radish Soup/ 조개 무국/蛤蜊 萝卜汤
Radish is one of the favourite vegetables for Korean. We use it for making kimchi, boiling soup ,etc. Today, I am going to introduce a simple radish soup, cook it with the clams.
白萝卜是韩国人最喜爱的蔬菜之一。 韩国人用它来做泡菜,熬汤等。 今天,我要向大家介绍一道简单的蛤蜊萝卜汤。
radish 260g
clam 650g
dried anchovy 15 pieces
kelp one piece, about 5cm x 6cm
1/4 of the onion
water 800 ml
salt , to taste
chopped spring onion
1. Soak the clams in a big bowl, for 30 minutes, the purpose is to remove the soil or sand in the clams.
2. Wash the clams and set aside.
3. Cut the radish into 3cm cubes, 0.5cm thick.
4. To prepare the broth, pour the water in a cooking pot, add in the dried anchovy, kelp and the onion. boil it for 20 minutes with medium heat.
5. After 20 minutes, remove the dried anchovy,kelp and onion from the broth.
6. Add in the radish, keep on boiling until the radish becomes soft.
7. Add in the clams and cook till well done. While the soup is boiling, add in salt, it depends on your taste.
8. Pour the soup into a soup bowl, sprinkle spring onions and dust with pepper. Serve hot.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Traditional way for wrapping gift sets/보자기 랩핑/传统的礼物包装法
" Chusok/추석/秋夕“ is the Korean Thanksgiving Day in autumn, it falls on the lunar calender 15th of August. As the Chusok is approaching, Korean are busy for buying gift sets, as gifts for relatives or friends. This two pictures show that the gift sets are wrapped in Korean traditional way.
It is not wrapped by paper , is either a big rectangular or square napkin/cloth. In Korean, we call it "보자기 (boh-ja-ki)
"Chusok/추석/秋夕“ 是韩国人在秋天庆丰收的一大节日,是在农历八月十五日。 ”秋夕“的脚步近在眉梢,韩国人也忙着购物送礼。 这两张照片是其中一些礼蓝的传统包装法。
不是用纸张包装,而是一条大型的长方形或正方形丝巾。 韩国人称这丝巾为 ”보자기 (boh-ja-ki)
Saturday, September 15, 2012
“Songpyeon ”/송편/松糕
" Chusok/추석/秋夕" or Korean Thanksgiving Day, one of the biggest national holidays of the year。 For centuries, it has been common to see an entire Korean family sitting around kneading " songpyeon"( a form of tteok or rice cake) while chatting happily,just one or two days before celebrating this holiday.
"Songpyeon/송편/松糕“ is a stuffed "tteok". Depending on the region, some places use potato or sweet potato starch to make songpyeon instead of rice grains. the ingredients used to stuff the songpyeon also vary from family to family. Some put red beans,chestnut,jujube or sesame seeds.
There are stories that have passed from generation to generation about the making of songpyeon :
For the mum or grandma, will tell the grand daughter, " you will get a beautiful child if you makes the songpyeon in beautiful shape".
For the unmarried, they can find a beautiful wife or a handsome husband when the songpyeon they make has a beautiful shape......
华族赏月饼过中秋,韩族则吃松饼/songpyeon庆“秋夕”(韩国人称中秋节为 “秋夕”/Chusok/추석),这是一年内最大的节日之一。历经了多少个世纪,依旧可以见到韩国人,在“秋夕”的前一日或二日,家庭的成员们都会围绕的坐在一起,一边做松饼,必变谈笑风生。
"Songpyeon/송편/松糕“是米糕的一种。依地区而异,有些地区的居民用马玲薯粉或蕃薯粉做面团,一般上的家庭都用米粉。 内陷也有差异,有些是用红豆,栗子,红枣或芝麻。
一代传一代,流传了有关“松饼”的故事:老一辈的妇人家,都会对晚辈女儿家说 ”手儿巧,搓个美松饼,将来好生个漂亮的娃娃 “。

These "songpyeoan" are not steamed yet. We will place a layer of pine needle or pine leaf on the steamer and the songpyeon will be placed on top of it.
这些是搓好,但未蒸好的松饼。 一般上,在蒸笼内都会铺上一层松叶, 然后才放入松饼,目的是取松叶的香味。
These are the songpyeon that are sold in the market.
rice powder 6 cups ( soak the rice in the water for 6,7 hours,drain,grind it )
warm water 8 Tsp ( because the witness of freshly ground powder is not always the same,we need to adjust the amount of water that is added)
sesame seed 1 cup
brown sugar 1/2 cup
sesame oil,a little
pumpkin powder ,a little
raspberry powder, a little
artemisia vulgaris ( also known as mugwort/ common wormwood) powder, a little
Method :
1) Divide the rice powder into 4 portions,mix the rice powder with warm water and the pumpkin powder,raspberry powder, mugwort powder respectively,the other one is white colour.Knead the dough until it is soft and smooth
2) Cut the dough into small balls,make a hole on the center and fill with sesame seed(mixed with brown sugar). Shape the ball into a half moon and seal well by pinching together edges
3) Put the Songpyeon into a bamboo steamer, steam for about 20 minutes. When it is ready cooked, rinse with cold water,take it out from the water immediately. Brush it with sesame oil. ( If you can get the pine needle or pine leaf, place it one the steamer before you put in the songpyeon).
米粉 6 杯 (将白米泡在水中 6,7个小时后,濾乾水份,磨成粉状)
温水 8 Tsp (若粉团太干,可多加一些)
芝麻 1 杯
黄糖 1/2 杯
1) 将粉团分成4 份,分别加入南瓜粉,覆盆子汁,艾草粉,另一份则是白色,加入温水,搓成团
2) 将芝麻稍压碎,加入黄糖,做馅用
3) 将上述的粉团分成小粒状,擀成圆形,放入馅料,再将它捏成半圆形状。照片中的松饼表面有花朵,不放也可
4) 锅内的水沸滚后,放上蒸笼,在蒸笼内放入松叶或纱布,然后将松饼放在上面,蒸约20 分钟(若有松叶,则铺一层在蒸笼上,然后才放入松饼)
5) 蒸好的松饼,放入冷水里,马上取出,涂上麻油.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Seasoned "Bi-rem-na-mu " / 비름나물무침
In Korea, we call this vegetable as " 비름나물/ Bi-rem-na-mul" ( Amaranthus Mangostanus). It is cultivated in summer.....
在韩国,我们称它 “비름나물/ Bi-rem-na-mul" ( Amaranthus Mangostanus),盛产于夏季。
P/s: Dear readers, do you know the name of this vegetable in English or Chinese ? I appreciate if you can tell me...
亲爱的读者们,您可否知道这蔬菜的中文名称 ? 请分享,谢谢。。
비름나물/ Bi-rem-na-mul 300g
Korean red pepper paste 30g
corn syrup 1/2 Tsp
minced garlic 1 tsp
chopped spring onion 2 tsp
Korean soy bean paste 2 tsp
sesame oil 2 tsp
roasted sesame seeds 2 tsp
Method :
1. Wash the 비름나물/ Bi-rem-na-mu gently and blanch in boiling water.
2. Gather the 비름나물/ Bi-rem-na-mul in your palms and press out the excess water.
3. Put the red pepper paste,garlic,spring onion,soy bean paste,sesame oil in a bowl. Mix it well.
4. Pour the seasonings on the 비름나물/ Bi-rem-na-mul" and mix it well.
5. Sprinkle the roasted sesame seeds before serve.
Fry Tofu/두부튀김/ 炸豆腐
Tofu is also known as "Bean curd". It is commonly used for cooking, to fry,to braise etc. I believe that you all know that tofu is originated in ancient China, but, do you know that who was the one to invent this tofu ? Tofu was invented in northern China around 164 BC by Lord Liu An (刘安), a Han (汉) Dynastry Prince.
This is a very simple dish by frying it and dipping it with Korean soy bean sauce & leek.
豆腐,是非常普遍的料理材料,可用来炸,烩等。 我相信大家都知道豆腐源自中国。但,您可知道那是谁发明的? 豆腐起源自中国北部,大约是在公元前 164 年,汉朝的刘安太子。
tofu 150g
corn starch
cooking oil
Korean soy bean sauce 4 Tsp
vinegar 2 Tsp
sugar 1 tsp
leek 1 Tsp
minced garlic 1 tsp
yellow bell pepper ( optional) for decoration
Method :
1. Cut the tofu into thin rectangular form.
2. Drain liquid from tofu and coat generously with corn starch.
3. Heat the fry pan and add in cooking oil.
4. Grill tofu pieces on both sides until crispy.
5. Serve hot with the sauce.
This is a very simple dish by frying it and dipping it with Korean soy bean sauce & leek.
豆腐,是非常普遍的料理材料,可用来炸,烩等。 我相信大家都知道豆腐源自中国。但,您可知道那是谁发明的? 豆腐起源自中国北部,大约是在公元前 164 年,汉朝的刘安太子。
tofu 150g
corn starch
cooking oil
Korean soy bean sauce 4 Tsp
vinegar 2 Tsp
sugar 1 tsp
leek 1 Tsp
minced garlic 1 tsp
yellow bell pepper ( optional) for decoration
Method :
1. Cut the tofu into thin rectangular form.
2. Drain liquid from tofu and coat generously with corn starch.
3. Heat the fry pan and add in cooking oil.
4. Grill tofu pieces on both sides until crispy.
5. Serve hot with the sauce.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Custard cream tart with nectarines
Peaches and nectarines are closely related even though they are regarded commercially as different fruits. Nectarines belong to the same species as peaches, nectarines have smooth skin while peaches have fuzzy skin.
In Korea, peaches have been cultivated from ancient times. Peach is seen as the fruit of happiness, riches, honours and longevity. Peaches and peach trees are believed to chase away spirits , so peaches are not placed on tables for " Jesa" (제사 ,ancestor veneration) in Korea.
I baked this tart,spread the custard cream and garnish with nectarines...
从商业的立场而言,桃和天桃是两种不同的水果;但,事实上,它们是属于同一科的。 天桃的外皮光滑,桃的表皮则毛耸耸的。。。。在韩国,韩国人是不用桃来祭拜祖先的,据说桃具有驱魂的威力。若用它来祭拜祖先,那会将祖先驱赶走的。。。
烘焙了这塔,配上 custard cream 和 天桃。。。。
For the pastry:
plain flour 70g
milk powder 1 Tsp
sugar powder 30g
almond powder 50g
butter 75g
1/2 egg
For custard cream:
milk 500ml
5 egg yolk
corn starch 10g
sugar 120g
plain flour 40g
rum 1 Tsp ( optional)
Method for making the pastry:
1. Sift the flour,milk powder in a mixing bowl and add the diced butter. Rub the butter into the flour with your fingers until it resembles breadcrumbs.
2. Add egg, sugar powder, almond powder, until the pastry comes together.
3. Make the dough, knead into ball shape, cover and rest it in the fridge for 1 hour before rolling out.
4. Sprinkle the work surface lightly with flour. Flatten the dough gently, then sprinkle the top with flour too. Roll from center to edge, in all directions.
5. Roll the dough to 4mm thickness and place it in a round baking pan, make sure the pastry goes right to the edge of the pan.
6. Prick the bottom of the pastry before baking it.
7. Pre -heat the oven at 180 degree C.
8. Bake the pastry until lightly golden. Once baked, leave the pastry to cool on wire rack.
Method for making the custard cream:
1. Mix the sugar, egg yolk, flour, corn starch , milk and rum well.
2. Sift (1) before boiling it, then, the cream will be very soft. Continue to whisk, whisking thoroughly, continue to whisk on a low heat.
3. Chill it in the fridge.
**Before serving, spread one layer of custard cream across the baked tart and garnish with sliced nectarines.
Mad for Garlic
" Mad for Garlic" is the name of a restaurant in Bundang,Korea. Garlic is the main ingredient for all the dishes....We went there for lunch. This is at the entrance of the restaurant...
Please take a look, the lamp is decorated with garlic...
Capresa salad
Garlic bread
Crab & lobster paste
Garlic snowing pizza
Seafood fried rice
Monday, September 10, 2012
Crab meat & vegetables salad/오양맛살 야채 salad/蟹肉蔬菜 salad
Have you ever tasted the "오양맛살 ( O-yang-mas-sar) from Korea,it is the "crab meat",is available at the supermarket. We also use it to make " kimbab"( seaweed roll ).
您可曾嚐过来自韩国的 “ 오양맛살 ( O-yang-mas-sar),那是包装的蟹肉。 韩国人也用它来做寿司卷。
Cut the cucumber into 3 long parts. Don't throw away the outer layer of the cucumber ( dark green part), also cut it same as this picture. Cut it out, layer by layer, after that, cut it into long stripes. Separate out the outer layer and the inner layer.
先把黄瓜切成3 段。请别将黄瓜的表皮给丢条,以同样的手法将表皮切下来,一层一层的切,然后再切成长细条·。把外皮的部分和内部分开。

This is the "오양맛살( O-yang-mas-sar)
这就是"오양맛살( O-yang-mas-sar)
Divide the" O-yang-mas-sar" into three long parts. Tear it out layer by layer by using your fingers. Separate the outer layer and the inner layer, tear it as thin as possible.
把长条的蟹肉切成 3 段, 用手指将它一层一层的撕开。 把外层和内层也分开来放。
This is one of the brands available at the supermarket .
This is another brand available at the supermarket.
1 cucumber
1 yellow bell pepper
3 long crab meat stick
30g sweet corn
mayonnaise 6 Tsp
20g carrot
1 Tsp onion
tomato sauce 2 Tsp
1 Tsp sugar
a pinch of salt
1. Cut the cucumber as shown in the picture. When you place it on the plate, please place the inner part first, put the outer layer on the top of the inner part, this will show the dark green colour on the top.
2. Tear the crab meat as shown in the picture. Also put the inner part of the crab meat first ,place the outer layer on the top of the inner part, this will show the red colour on the top.
3. Cut the yellow bell pepper into long stripes, same size as the cucumber and crab meat.
4. Place all the ingredients on a big plate as shown in the picture.
5. Put the mayonnaise,carrot,onion,tomato sauce,sugar and salt in the blender, blend it well.
6. Pour the sauce on top of the ingredients, stir and mix it well before you eat,so that all the ingredients will absorb the sauce thoroughly.
您可曾嚐过来自韩国的 “ 오양맛살 ( O-yang-mas-sar),那是包装的蟹肉。 韩国人也用它来做寿司卷。
Cut the cucumber into 3 long parts. Don't throw away the outer layer of the cucumber ( dark green part), also cut it same as this picture. Cut it out, layer by layer, after that, cut it into long stripes. Separate out the outer layer and the inner layer.
先把黄瓜切成3 段。请别将黄瓜的表皮给丢条,以同样的手法将表皮切下来,一层一层的切,然后再切成长细条·。把外皮的部分和内部分开。

This is the "오양맛살( O-yang-mas-sar)
这就是"오양맛살( O-yang-mas-sar)
Divide the" O-yang-mas-sar" into three long parts. Tear it out layer by layer by using your fingers. Separate the outer layer and the inner layer, tear it as thin as possible.
把长条的蟹肉切成 3 段, 用手指将它一层一层的撕开。 把外层和内层也分开来放。
Pour the salad sauce on top of it, stir it and mix it well, so that all the ingredients will absorb the salad sauce thoroughly.
This is another brand available at the supermarket.
1 cucumber
1 yellow bell pepper
3 long crab meat stick
30g sweet corn
mayonnaise 6 Tsp
20g carrot
1 Tsp onion
tomato sauce 2 Tsp
1 Tsp sugar
a pinch of salt
1. Cut the cucumber as shown in the picture. When you place it on the plate, please place the inner part first, put the outer layer on the top of the inner part, this will show the dark green colour on the top.
2. Tear the crab meat as shown in the picture. Also put the inner part of the crab meat first ,place the outer layer on the top of the inner part, this will show the red colour on the top.
3. Cut the yellow bell pepper into long stripes, same size as the cucumber and crab meat.
4. Place all the ingredients on a big plate as shown in the picture.
5. Put the mayonnaise,carrot,onion,tomato sauce,sugar and salt in the blender, blend it well.
6. Pour the sauce on top of the ingredients, stir and mix it well before you eat,so that all the ingredients will absorb the sauce thoroughly.
Friday, September 7, 2012
Fry mini dumpling/미니만두 튀김/炸云吞
This dumpling, we can either use it to fry or to boil as soup. The dumpling skin is very crisp if we fry it.
Today, I use ground pork,onion,spring onion and ginger as the ingredients..
Put a tea spoon of the ingredient in the center of the dumpling skin..
Fold the dumpling skin diagonally...

Fold it inward from both sides...
Use the fingers of your both hands to press it firmly。。。
Here there are.....before frying them...
I serve it with home made red pepper sauce...
ground pork / beef 230g
oyster sauce 1 Tsp
spring onion 2 Tsp
half of the onion
minced ginger 1 tsp
a pinch of salt
a pinch of pepper
dumpling skin
1. Mix all the ingredients well.
2. Place a tea spoon of the ingredient in the center of the dumpling skin. Make the shape as shown above. ( Please refer to the above pictures).
3. Put the cooking oil in a wok , fry the dumpling until well done or till it turns golden colour.
4. Remove from the wok .
5. Serve it while it is still hot. You can either dip it with the tomato sauce or red pepper sauce....
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