Sunday, October 14, 2012

Bladder cherry, Chinese lantern, Japanese lantern, or Winter cherry/꽈리/ 酸漿,錦燈籠,燈籠草

I took this picture when I went to a wet market in Gyeonggi Do,Kwangju.

Physalis alkekengi (Bladder cherry, Chinese lanternJapanese lantern, or Winter cherry; Japanese: hōzuki), is a relative of P. peruviana (Cape Gooseberry), easily identifiable by the larger, bright orange to red papery covering over its fruit, which resemble paper lanter. It is native from southern Europe east across southern Asia to Japan.

The dried fruit of Physalis alkekengi is called Kaknaj in the Unani system of medicine, and used as a diuretic, antiseptic, liver corrective, and sedative.



植物多年生草本,基部匍匐生根。莖高約40-80厘米,基 部略帶木質。葉互生,常2枚生於一節;葉柄長約1-3厘米;葉片長卵形至闊卵形,長5-15厘米,寬2-8厘米,先端漸尖,基部不對稱狹楔形,下延至葉柄,全緣而波狀或有粗牙齒,兩面具柔毛,沿葉脈亦有短硬毛。花單生於葉腋,花梗長6-16毫米,開花時直立,後來向下彎曲,密生柔毛而果時也不脫落。花萼闊鐘狀,密生柔毛,5裂,萼齒三角形,花後萼筒膨大,變為橙紅或深紅色,呈燈籠狀包被漿果;花冠輻狀,白色,5裂,裂片開展,闊而短,先端驟然狹窄成三角形尖頭,外有短柔毛;雄蕊5,花藥淡黃綠色;子房上位,卵球形,2室。漿果球狀,橙紅色,直徑10-15毫米,柔軟多汁。種子腎形,淡黃色。花期5-9月,果期6-10月。


以成熟果實和根入藥。中藥名: 果實: 酸漿;根: 酸漿根。

果實含枸櫞酸、草酸、維生素C、酸漿紅色素(physalien)、酸漿醇(physanol)A,B。根含生物鹼3α-巴豆 氧托烷(3α-Tigloyloxy-troPane)。


酸漿和酸漿根: 酸、苦,寒。酸漿: 清熱,解毒,利尿。酸漿根: 清熱,利水。

     主治 熱咳,咽痛,黃疸,痢疾,水腫,疔瘡,丹毒。酸漿根: 瘧疾,黃疸,疝氣

( sources: wikipedia )

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