Monday, October 29, 2012


We bought this "대봉감/Dae-bong -kam/大峰柿子“ from Ko-chang /고창. It was 425 g.

There are about 3  Dae-bong-kam trees not far away from my house. I took this when I was on my way to the market....

Dae-bong-kam, it is in "heart-shape" instead of the round shape.

" Persimmon", we call it "감/Kam"  in Korean; "柿子/shizi" in Chinese; also known as Japanese persimmon or Kaki.  These fruits are sweet, slightly tangy fruits with a soft to occasionally fibrous texture.

This is the " 대봉감 /Dae-bong-kam" in Korean. In Japan, it is named as " Hachiya" and in Chinese as "大峰柿子“。

This fruit has a high tannin content which makes the immature fruit astringent and bitter. The tannin levels are reduced as the fruit matures. Persimmons like " Dae-bong-kam" must be completely ripened before consumption. When ripe, this fruit comprises thick pulpy jelly encased in a waxy thin skinned shell. ( This sources are from wikipedia)

For my family, we like to place the Dae-bong-kam in the freezer , enjoy it as sorbet/冰沙。

柿子,韩文的发音是 “kam”,果肉非常的甜美。

照片中的柿子,其形状是呈 “心形”,而非一般圆形的柿子。这柿子必须在完全成熟后,或果肉完成变得软绵绵的时候才可食用,否则,其果肉会含有胶汁,和苦涩,难以嚥下。


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