Friday, October 5, 2012

Raspberry Rice Cake/복분자떡 Cake/覆盆子米糕

韩式传统米糕,主要的材料是以白米粉或糯米粉制成,而非面粉。把白米或糯米洗干净后,泡浸在水中;夏天约需 5 -6个小时,冬天则 6-8个小时。泡浸后,濾乾水份,拿到米糕店(떡집)去磨成粉状。所采用的都是天然色素,如艾草粉(쑥가루),南瓜粉(단호박가루),綠茶粉(녹차가루),覆盆·子·汁(복분자즙) 等。。。。
The main ingredients for the traditional Korean rice cake are rice powder or glutinous rice powder, not flour.Wash the rice or glutinous rice ,soak in the water for 5-6 hours in summer, for 6-8 hours in winter.Rinse and drain, bring it to the rice cake shop to grind. Use the pumpkin powder,green tea powder ,raspberry powder,etc for colouring instead of artificial colouring..

I used the raspberry syrup that I made for myself, rice powder and sugar to make this raspberry rice cake.
( This recipe is written in Chinese & English)

白米粉10 cups
白糖10 Tsp
水10 Tsp (照片中的米糕,我使用覆盆子汁代替了水)(p/s :虽然食谱上是写10 Tsp,但还是要看看白米粉的湿度,也许要多加一些,这就要靠多做,用手触摸粉的感觉,从中取得经验)
红枣 少许,松子 做装饰用

1. 先煮滚一锅的水,待用。在韩国有专用来蒸米糕的锅,称为“물솥“
2. 将白米粉和覆盆子汁混合均匀后,放入筛子筛 2次。如果覆盆子汁加的太多,成了糊状,很难筛;若配的好,筛出来的米粉,是很轻盈
3. 把白糖加入已筛过的米粉内,混均后,放入竹制的蒸笼里(대나무찜기)。在未放入蒸笼之前,蒸笼内要放一块与蒸笼面积一样大的紗布 (시루밑),然后才轻轻的将米粉放入
5.将蒸笼放在已煮滚热水的锅上,蒸 35-40 分钟。熄火,先不要打开蒸笼的盖子,让它在锅上待上 5 分钟后,才将蒸笼离开锅子
6. 在一大碟子上铺上一张大张的塑胶纸(可利用塑胶袋,将它剪开,平铺在碟子上),将蒸笼内的米糕倒在碟子上;再用另一个大碟放在米糕的表面,将下面的碟子连同米糕一起倒反过来,拿掉塑胶纸
7.趁热的时候, 在米糕的表面放上红枣,松子作装饰。这回,我也做了玫瑰花,南瓜和葡萄作装饰。

rice powder 10 cup ( soak the rice in the water and grind it)
sugar 10 Tsp
water 10 Tsp (p/s:even though the amount required is 10 Tsp as stated in the recipe, it still depends on the rice powder,whether it is still wet or dry after grinding. You may add some more water or reduce, you have to learn it from your experience ; from the feeling when you touch the rice powder) ( For making this cake, I used raspberry juice instead of water )
Dried red dates, and pine nuts as decoration. I also used the rice flour to make roses, pumpkin and grapes.

1. Boil the water, set aside. In Korea we have special  water pot for steaming the rice cake,we call it "물솥"
2. Mixed the rice powder, raspberry juice, sift for twice. If  it is too wet, is difficult to sift; in contrast,the mixture should be very light and soft.
3. Add in the sugar,mix well. Put the mixture in the bamboo steamer (대나무찜기).Before you put it, should put a piece of cloth (시루밀) in the steamer,sprinkle some sugar on the surface of the cloth,then put in the mixture .
4. Make sure that the surface is flat.
5. Steam it for 35-40 minutes. Switch off the fire, don't remove it, and also don't open the cover of the steamer,  set aside for about 5 minutes.
6. Put a piece of big plastic on the dish , put the steamer and the rice cake on top of it, take off the steamer;put
 another big dish on the surface of the rice cake,turn over the dish on the bottom and remove the plastic.
7. Put the pumpkin seeds,dried  red dates,pine nuts on the surface of the rice cake while it is still hot for decoration.