Friday, October 26, 2012

Steam Buttercup Squash with rice("Dan-hobak yongyang bab")/단호박영양밥/笋瓜盅饭

                       We call it "수삼( Su-sam)" in Korean,small in shape.

Buttercup Squash. we call it 단호박 ( Dan-hobak) in Korean. with a flattish top and dark green skin, normally heavy with dense, yellow-orange fresh.

Buttercup Squash can be roasted, baked and mashed into soups. I do like to use it to make pumpkin puree and salad. Today, I am going to share with you the Korean style  ' Steam Buttercup Squash with rice("Dan-hobak yongyang bab"

笋瓜学名Cucurbita maxima)为葫芦科南瓜属的植物。韩文称为“단호박 (Dan-hobak)




one Buttercup squash
1 cup of mixed rice ( I use brown rice,glutinous brown rice and black rice)
red dates 4 pieces ( slice into thin pieces)
chestnuts 10 pieces
ginkgo 20 pieces
ginseng 10 g ( you may use the dried sliced ginseng , for me, I use "수삼( su-sam),fresh and small ginseng)
black beans 1 Tsp
a pinch of salt


1. Using the tip of a knife, score a circle on the surface of the upper part of the buttercup squash, about 8 cm in diameter. Use the knife to cut it out as the "  squash lid".

2. Remove the seeds. Wash and drain, set aside.

3. Wash the rice and drain it. Add in the red dates, chestnuts,ginkgo,ginseng,black beans and salt.

4. Transfer rice mixture into the electric rice cooker and pour in the water. Leave rice to cook till dry and grainy.

5. Stuff the cooked rice into the buttercup squash and cover it with the "squash lid".

6. Place the stuffed buttercup squash in the steamer, steam it for about 20-25 minutes or till the squash is soft.

7. Serve hot.

笋瓜 一粒
红枣 4 粒 (切成丝状)
栗子 10 粒
银杏 20 粒
人参 10 g (我是用“水参”,您可用乾的人参片代替)
黑豆 1 Tsp


1. 用刀尖在笋瓜的顶面划出一个直径 8 cm 长的圆形。 用刀割除这个小圆形,成为一个小园盖。

2. 除去瓜内的种子,洗净,待乾备用。

3. 将以上的混合米洗净,加入红枣,人参,栗子,银杏,黑豆和盐。

4. 将 (3)放入电饭锅,加入水,将它煮熟(就像平是著饭那样)。

5. 将已煮熟的饭,塞入笋瓜内,盖上小园盖。

6. 将整个笋瓜放入蒸笼内,蒸约 20-25 分钟或直到笋瓜熟为止。

7. 乘热享用。

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