Wednesday, February 6, 2013

"Love Letters" Egg Rolls / 鸡蛋卷

"Love Letters" Egg Rolls / 鸡蛋卷 Bakery
2013/02/06 22:47  

I bought this " Egg Roll Toaster" under the brand of " Takara" from Singapore, it is a product from Taiwan.....
从新加坡买了这台鸡蛋卷机 “ Takara”,那是来自台湾的产品。。。。。

" Love Letters" or " Egg Rolls" is a type of biscuit. The ingredients included egg, flour , sugar and coconut milk....

蛋卷(或寫作蛋捲,又稱 雞蛋捲),是一種餅乾,用雞蛋麵粉烤製,外表呈黃色和圓筒狀的食品,
( source: wikipedia)

Ingredients :
flour 450 g
rice flour 150 g
baking powder 15 g
sugar 450 g
9 eggs
600 ml fresh milk & 50 g coconut powder or  600 ml fresh coconut milk
vegetable oil for  greasing the toaster

Method :

1. Sift flour,rice flour and baking powder together.

2. Mix the fresh milk and the coconut powder.

3. Place the eggs and sugar in mixer and beat until light and fluffy.

4. Add in the sifted flour mixture and fresh milk mixture into (3), to become a batter .

5. Preheat the egg roll toaster for about 3 minutes and grease with the vegetable oil .

6. Pour a spoonful of batter in the centre of the toaster and close  it.

7. Toast the batter until golden brown colour.

8. Remove from the toaster and use a wooden stick to roll it up while it is still hot.

9. Repeat the same process until batter is used up. For the whole process, you have to grease the toaster regularly.

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