Saturday, March 30, 2013
Kimchi ( Written in Malay Language)
As requested by one of the readers to write the recipe of kimchi in Malay language, here it is....
( The original recipe was written on 5-12-2011,under the title of Kimchi :大白菜泡菜/배추김치)
2 buah sawi putih
air garam ( 1 gelas garam kasar, 10 gelas air)
garam kasar 2/3 gelas
lobak putih l kg, iris tipis
daum bawang, 400 g, iris tipis ( kira-kira 4cm panjang)
Korean pear 1 biji, iris tipis
saus :
bubuk cili Korea 1 1/2 (boleh tambah sedikit jika saudari suka rasa pedas)
saus ikan biris Korea (멸치액젓,anchovy sauce) 5 Tsp
pulut beras paste 2 gelas
bawang putih 1 gelas, parut
jahe, 1/4 gelas, parut
saus udang Korea 5 Tsp
gula 1 Tsp
garam ( sila rasakan campuran saus masin atau tidak,kemudian tambah banyak atau sedikit)
1. Belah sawi putih menjadi 2 bahagian.
2. Campur 10 gelas air dan garam, masukkan sawi putih ke dalam campuran air garam,selepas itu, keluarkan sawi putih dari air garam.
3. Taruhkan 2/3 gelas garam di setiap lapisan daum sawi putih dengan rata dan rendam 5-6 jam di air garam lagi, sampai sawi putih terlihat layu. Selepas itu, cuci and keringkan . Mesti keringkan air.
4.Masakkan 2 geals air dan 3 Tsp tepung pulut beras, aduh rata hingga mendidih, inilah pulut beras paste.
5. Campurkan pulut beras paste,bubuk cili Korea,garam,gula, saus ikan biris Korea,bawang putih, jahe,lobak, daum bawang, pear,saus udang Korea and garam.
6. Ambil satu bahagian sawi putih lalu isi dengan campuran di atas, usahakan agar sawi dapat dilipat dan bungkus dengan bagian daunnya.
7. Letakkan di dalam wadah kedap udara dan biarkan 1/2 hari. Selepas itu simpan kimchi dalam lemaries. Selepas one minggu atau lebih lamanya baru makan, kerana proses penyimpan lebih lama akan lebih baik kerana fermentasi sempurna diperlukan dan rasa yang di hasilkan akan maksimal.
Friday, March 29, 2013
"Mu-ma-raengi Muchim" Seasoned Dried Slices of Daikon/凉拌白萝卜乾/무말랭이무침
"Mu-ma-raengi Muchim" Seasoned Dried Slices of
In Korean, " Mu-ma-raengi" means "dried slices of daikon".
This was how the Korean ancestors preserved the daikon in autumn during the
harvest season and ate in winter . Slice the daikon into long stripes and dry
it under the sun. Till now, Korean do enjoy this dish....
在韩文,“Mu-ma-raengi” 是指白萝卜乾条。这是 韩国人的祖先们如何在秋天白萝卜丰收的季节 ,储藏白萝卜,以待冬天食用。 将白萝卜切成长形细条,嗮乾。。。至今,这道菜仍然是韩国人所喜爱的。。
Dried slices of daikon & dried green pepper leaves...
Soak the dried slices of daikon in water ..
Soak the green pepper leaves in the water...
Squeeze out the water...
Ingredients :
dried slices of daikon 50 g
dried green pepper leaves 30 g
minced garlic 1 Tsp
minced ginger 1 tsp
red pepper powder 4 Tsp
soy bean sauce 2 Tsp
corn syrup 4 Tsp
anchovy sauce (멸치액젓) 1 Tsp
sesame oil 1 Tsp
roasted sesame seeds 1 Tsp
Method :
1. Soak the dried slices of daikon in the water for about 15-20 minutes.Please don't soak in the water for too long time, otherwise, it will be tasteless...
2. Soak the dried green pepper leaves in the water for about 15-20 minutes.
3. Wash the daikon and pepper leaves, squeeze out the water respectively.
4. Mix all the ingredients for seasoning.
5. Mix the sauce with the daikon and pepper leaves.
在韩文,“Mu-ma-raengi” 是指白萝卜乾条。这是 韩国人的祖先们如何在秋天白萝卜丰收的季节 ,储藏白萝卜,以待冬天食用。 将白萝卜切成长形细条,嗮乾。。。至今,这道菜仍然是韩国人所喜爱的。。
Dried slices of daikon & dried green pepper leaves...
Soak the dried slices of daikon in water ..
Soak the green pepper leaves in the water...
Squeeze out the water...
Ingredients :
dried slices of daikon 50 g
dried green pepper leaves 30 g
minced garlic 1 Tsp
minced ginger 1 tsp
red pepper powder 4 Tsp
soy bean sauce 2 Tsp
corn syrup 4 Tsp
anchovy sauce (멸치액젓) 1 Tsp
sesame oil 1 Tsp
roasted sesame seeds 1 Tsp
Method :
1. Soak the dried slices of daikon in the water for about 15-20 minutes.Please don't soak in the water for too long time, otherwise, it will be tasteless...
2. Soak the dried green pepper leaves in the water for about 15-20 minutes.
3. Wash the daikon and pepper leaves, squeeze out the water respectively.
4. Mix all the ingredients for seasoning.
5. Mix the sauce with the daikon and pepper leaves.
Sunday, March 24, 2013
"Kkotge-maentang" Spicy Blue Crab Stew/花蟹辣酱汤/꽃게매운탕
"Kkotge-maentang" Spicy Blue Crab
2013/03/25 15:39
In Korean, "Kkotge" means blue crabs. We do steam the crabs,marinated it with Korean read pepper paste or soybean sauce etc...Today, I am using the Chinese liquorice roots(감초/甘草) as one of the ingredients for preparing the broth 。 Recently, I notieced that use the Chinese liquorice roots as one of the herbs to cook "samgyetang/삼계탕/ 人参鸡汤“,the taste is good too....
在韩文里,“kkotge” 是指花蟹。 我们也蒸,或用韩式辣椒酱/酱油来醃之螃蟹等料理方法。 今天,我用了甘草作为材料之一来煮上汤。 最近,我发现到用甘草来作为煮人参鸡汤的材料之一,味道也很好。。。
Radish,kelp,onion,chinese liquorice roots and anchovies as the ingredients for preparing broth..
Blue crabs..
Octopus fangsiao,shrimp and crab...
Crown daisy,bean sprout,green onion,green pepper...
Boil the broth...
Blue crabs 650 g
octopus fangsiao 320 g
shrimps 130 g
bean sprouts 150 g
crown daisy 80 g
green onion 1 Tsp
1 green pepper
salt ( it depends on your taste )
Ingredients for preparing the broth:
water 6 cups
kelp 10 x 10 cm
anchovies 6 pieces
Chinese liquorice roots 3 pieces ( optional)
radish 230 g
1 onion
( after boiling, remove all the ingredients except radish)
minced ginger 1 Tsp
minced garlic 1 Tsp
Korean red pepper paste 3 Tsp
Korean soybean paste 1 1/2 Tsp
red pepper powder 2 tsp
Korean rice wine (청주) or cooking wine 1 Tsp
Method :
1. Rinse the crabs and cut down the center of crab, to separate the body into two pieces.
2. Trim the shrimps and the octopus fangsiao.
3. Trim the roots of the bean sprouts.
4. Trim the crown daisy.
5. Cut the green onion,green pepper, radish.
6. Prepare the broth, boil the onion,Chinese liquorice.radish,anchovies,kelp with 6 cups of wate.
7. Mix the ingredients for the sauce.
8. Pour the broth in a pot, place in the crabs,shrimps and the sauce to boil.
9. When it is almost well-done, place in the bean sprouts, crown daisy and octopus fangsiao ( because if cook the bean sprouts,crown daisy and octopus fangsiao for too long time, it will not be delicious).
10. Add in salt to taste.
11. Serve it when it is hot....
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
"Shabu Shabu Ssambap"/火锅蔬菜饭/샤브샤브쌈밥
Shabu Ssambap"/火锅蔬菜饭/샤브샤브쌈밥
2013/03/20 15:21
On the 17th Mar 2013, my eldest daughter invited our family to have lunch at a restaurant in Seoul,
“珍象”,a Korean restaurant. We have"Shabu shabu Ssambap",each client has his own set of meal....
2013年3月7日,我家老大邀请家人到首尔一家韩式餐馆用午餐,“珍象” 是一间韩式餐馆。我们点了火锅蔬菜饭,每人一套餐。。。
This is the first time I taste the cucumber kimchi with ice,the cabbage kimchi is well" wrapped" too, is not commonly seen in other restaurant...
Side dishes before we started our meal...
Rice was wrapped by the lettuce and garnished with mushroom and egg...
Dip the sliced beef in this hot wok..
After enjoying the main dish, noodles and rice cakes was served...
Place the noodles , rice cakes and vegetables in the hot pot.....
Here it was the noodles & rice cakes...
This was the red bean dessert after meal...
This was the Korean cinnamon tea....
At the entrance of the restaurant....
At the entrance of the restaurantit ,has run for business for more than 20 years...
Friday, March 15, 2013
" Hotteok"/韩式烧饼/호떡
2013/03/15 16:00
In South Korea, ready-made dry hotteok mix is commercially available at the supermarket .The mix also comes with a filling consisting of brown sugar and ground peanuts or sesame seeds. It is very easy to make......
It is really good to have a piece of hot Hotteok in winter...Please enjoy the Hotteok while it is still hot, otherwise, it will not be delicious...
Hotteok is a variety of filled Korean pancake, and is a popular street food of South Korea. It is usually eaten during the winter season.
The types of hotteok have been changing continuously although many favour the traditional cinnamon and peanut filling. Many variations have developed since the early 21st century, such as green tea hotteok, pink bokbunja hotteok, corn hotteok, and more.
Commercial "hotteok" products are developed and and sold by companies "Samyang", "Ottogi" and "CJ". The products are designed to be able to cook at home.
The dough for hotteok is made from wheat flour, water, milk, sugar, and yeast. The dough is allowed to rise for several hours. Handful-sized balls of this stiff dough are filled with a sweet mixture, which may contain brown sugar, honey, chopped peanuts, and cinnamon. The filled dough is then placed on a greased griddle, and pressed flat into a large circle with a special tool with a stainless steel circle and wooden handle as it cooks.
(source: wikipedia)
These are some Hotteok mix available at the Korean supermarket...
Mix all the ingredients,add in the filling and make it for small balls...
Use the spatula to flatten the dough...
Pan fry it till both sides are golden brown colour..
one package of Hotteok mix
cooking oil
1. Add the yeast to the lukewarm water, thorougly dissolved.
2. Mix the flour and the yeast, knead it for 5- 10 minutes, to form an elastic dough.
3. Divide the dough into small balls.
4. Flatten the balls respectively.
5. Put the filling on the surface of the dough and seal it, make it to become the balls again.
6. Heat the fry pan with cooking oil,place the dough on the pan, use the spatula to flatten it.
7. Pan fry it till both sides are golden brown colour.
8. Enjoy the Hotteok while it is still hot.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
"Ban-dal-sokk-bak-ji" Half-moon radish kimchi / 半月形萝卜泡菜 / 반달섞박지
"Ban-dal-sokk-bak-ji" Half-moon radish kimchi
/ 半月形萝卜泡菜 / 반달섞박지
2013/03/13 15:40
In Korean,"Ban-dal / 반달 " means "Half-moon"...This is one of the Kimchi that my mother-in-law liked to make it for my father-in-law ....
在韩文,“Ban-dal / 반달” 的意思是 "半月“。。。这半月形萝卜泡菜是家婆喜欢做给家翁品尝的。。。
2 big radish ( about 1 kg)
spring onion 100 g
coarse salt 1/4 cup,sugar 2 Tsp ( use to sprinkle on the radish)
kimchi stuffing:
glutinous rice paste 1 1/2 cup
red pepper powder 1 cup
anchovy sauce 2/3 cup
garlic 4 Tsp,minced
ginger 2 Tsp,minced
salt 1 Tsp ( after mixed well all the ingredients,taste it whether salty or not, add in some more or reduce)
sugar a little
fresh Korean pear juice 3 Tsp, ( optional )
1 Peel, cut the radish into 1.3cm thick , half-moon shape.
2. sprinkle the radish with 1/4 cup of salt and 2 Tsp of sugar and toss. Let sit for 1 hour,rinse and drain.
3. Cut the spring onions, about 2cm long.
4. In a bowl,mix all the above ingredients well.
5. Put the radish in a container. Store at room temperature for one day. After a day,taste the broth to see if it has begun to ferment. If it has,refrigerate for at least l week before serving
大萝卜2 个 (每个 大约 1 kg)
青葱 100g
粗盐 1/4 杯 及 白糖 2 Tsp ( 用来撒在 切好的萝卜上)
糯米胡 1 1/2 杯
辣椒粉 1 杯
韩式江鱼子露 2/3 杯 ( 멸치액젓 / Anchovy sauce )
蒜蓉 4 Tsp
姜蓉 2 Tsp
盐 1 Tsp (将所有的醃料加入萝卜块后,若太淡,可随个人的喜好多加一些盐和糖)
白糖 少许
韩国梨汁 3 Tsp ( 不放也可以。韩国人在制作泡菜时喜欢加入梨丝和鲜梨汁,做出来的泡菜,味道会更好)
1. 将 萝卜切皮后. 切成约 1.3cm 厚的半月形。 2. 将 1/4 杯的粗盐和 白糖2Tsp,加入罗卜块,醃渍 1 小时后,濾乾水分
3. 青葱切成小段,约2cm长
4. 将所有的醃料调好,加入萝卜块,青葱中,轻轻地拌均
5. 已拌好的萝卜块,放入保鲜盒,置于室温阴凉处 1 天,待发酵后,放入冰箱保存。约 1周后可食用。
大萝卜2 个 (每个 大约 1 kg)
青葱 100g
粗盐 1/4 杯 及 白糖 2 Tsp ( 用来撒在 切好的萝卜上)
糯米胡 1 1/2 杯
辣椒粉 1 杯
韩式江鱼子露 2/3 杯 ( 멸치액젓 / Anchovy sauce )
蒜蓉 4 Tsp
姜蓉 2 Tsp
盐 1 Tsp (将所有的醃料加入萝卜块后,若太淡,可随个人的喜好多加一些盐和糖)
白糖 少许
韩国梨汁 3 Tsp ( 不放也可以。韩国人在制作泡菜时喜欢加入梨丝和鲜梨汁,做出来的泡菜,味道会更好)
1. 将 萝卜切皮后. 切成约 1.3cm 厚的半月形。 2. 将 1/4 杯的粗盐和 白糖2Tsp,加入罗卜块,醃渍 1 小时后,濾乾水分
3. 青葱切成小段,约2cm长
4. 将所有的醃料调好,加入萝卜块,青葱中,轻轻地拌均
5. 已拌好的萝卜块,放入保鲜盒,置于室温阴凉处 1 天,待发酵后,放入冰箱保存。约 1周后可食用。
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