Tuesday, March 12, 2013

"Ban-dal-sokk-bak-ji" Half-moon radish kimchi / 半月形萝卜泡菜 / 반달섞박지

"Ban-dal-sokk-bak-ji" Half-moon radish kimchi / 半月形萝卜泡菜 / 반달섞박지 Kimchi
2013/03/13 15:40  

In Korean,"Ban-dal / 반달 " means "Half-moon"...This is one of the Kimchi that my mother-in-law liked to make it for my father-in-law ....

在韩文,“Ban-dal / 반달” 的意思是 "半月“。。。这半月形萝卜泡菜是家婆喜欢做给家翁品尝的。。。

2 big radish ( about 1 kg)
spring onion 100 g
coarse salt 1/4 cup,sugar 2 Tsp ( use to sprinkle on the radish)

kimchi stuffing:
glutinous rice paste 1 1/2 cup
red pepper powder 1 cup
anchovy sauce 2/3 cup
garlic 4 Tsp,minced
ginger 2 Tsp,minced
salt 1 Tsp ( after mixed well all the ingredients,taste it whether salty or not, add in some more or reduce)
sugar a little
 fresh  Korean pear juice 3 Tsp, ( optional )

1 Peel, cut the radish into 1.3cm thick , half-moon shape.
2. sprinkle the radish  with 1/4 cup of salt and 2 Tsp of sugar and toss. Let sit for 1 hour,rinse and drain.
3. Cut the spring onions, about 2cm long.
4. In a bowl,mix all the above ingredients well.
5. Put the radish in a container. Store at room temperature for one day. After a day,taste the  broth to see if it has begun to ferment. If it has,refrigerate for at least l week before serving
大萝卜2 个 (每个 大约  1 kg)
青葱 100g
粗盐 1/4 杯 及 白糖 2 Tsp ( 用来撒在 切好的萝卜上)

糯米胡  1 1/2 杯
辣椒粉  1 杯
韩式江鱼子露 2/3 杯 ( 멸치액젓 / Anchovy sauce )
蒜蓉  4 Tsp
姜蓉  2 Tsp
盐      1  Tsp (将所有的醃料加入萝卜块后,若太淡,可随个人的喜好多加一些盐和糖)
白糖 少许
韩国梨汁 3 Tsp ( 不放也可以。韩国人在制作泡菜时喜欢加入梨丝和鲜梨汁,做出来的泡菜,味道会更好)


1.  将 萝卜切皮后. 切成约 1.3cm 厚的半月形。 2.  将 1/4 杯的粗盐和 白糖2Tsp,加入罗卜块,醃渍 1 小时后,濾乾水分
3.  青葱切成小段,约2cm长
4.  将所有的醃料调好,加入萝卜块,青葱中,轻轻地拌均
5. 已拌好的萝卜块,放入保鲜盒,置于室温阴凉处 1 天,待发酵后,放入冰箱保存。约 1周后可食用。

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