Wednesday, April 24, 2013

"Oksusu Su Yom Cha" Corn Silk Tea/苞米须茶/옥수수 수염차

"Oksusu Su Yom Cha" Corn Silk Tea/苞米须茶/옥수수 수염차 Beverage
2013/04/25 15:24

Dear readers, have you ever tried to drink " Corn Silk Tea" or when you buy the fresh corns, will you throw away the corn silk ? Please don't throw away it, boil it for tea, it is good for health.
In Korea, we do drink this corn silk tea, we call it " Oksusu Su Yom Cha". " Oksusu" means "corn".....
It is good for patients who has high blood pressure, diabetes,rhinitis or hepatitis etc..

亲爱的读者们,您可曾喝苞米须茶?当您买了新鲜的苞米回来,是否就将苞米须扔掉? 请别将它扔了,用它来煮茶喝,有益健康。。。
在韩国,我们也喝这茶。在韩文 “ Oksusu” 的意思是 “苞米”。。。对高血压,唐尿病,鼻炎,肝炎都有医疗作用.

Remove the corn silk from the corn...

Wash it clean and boil it in the water for about 10 to 15 minutes...
洗干净后,加入水,煮 10 到 15 分钟。。

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