Monday, May 6, 2013

" Yongeun Twi Gim, Ae Ho Bak Twi Gim"/ Fried Lotus Roots & Zucchini/炸莲藕片和节瓜片/연근 튀김 , 애호박 튀김

" Yongeun Twi Gim, Ae Ho Bak Twi Gim"/ Fried Lotus Roots & Zucchini/炸莲藕片和节瓜片/연근 튀김 , 애호박 튀김 Vegetable
2013/05/06 19:52   

 In Korean, we call lotus roots as " yongeun"/연근;  zucchini as "ae ho bak"/애호박. "Twi Gim" means "fry"......

1/2  lotus roots 
1/2  zucchini
Korean Frying mix ( 튀김가루,  is available at the Korean supermarket)
or  100 g  flour
     1/2 tsp baking powder
     1/4 tsp salt
     1 egg yolk
      200 ml ice water

 2   ice cubes

Dipping sauce:
soy bean sauce 1 Tsp
vinegar 1/2 Tsp
roasted sesame seeds
red pepper powder, a pinch

1. Slice the  lotus roots and zucchini into pieces.
2. Beat egg yolk gently and add iced water and 2 ice cubes.
3. Pour the egg mixture into flour mixture, mix well.  Dredge  pieces of  lotus roots and zucchini in batter, lotus roots and zucchini  are completely covered by the batter and start deep frying.
4. Heat vegetable oil in a fry pan and fry it.
5. Serve  hot with vinegar soy sauce.

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