Monday, August 26, 2013

"Kyeong Bok Gong Han Joeng Sik"/景福宫韩定食/경복궁한정식

This irestaurant is " Kyeong Bok Gong Han Joeng Sik" at the Seo Pangyo in Seongnam city........................................................................................................................
这是一间“景福宫韩定食”餐馆,位于城南市 ,西板桥。

In Korean, we call it " Myeong Yi" vegetable...
在韩文,这蔬菜的名字叫 “ Myeong Yi”

This is Korean rice wine, " Mak-go-li"

                                              This is Korean barbeque...
                                    This is "suyuk"수육,boiled pork valley...

                               This is Alaska Pollack with red pepper sauce...

                                              This is cold jelly fish.....

This is " Muk "Muk is a jelly made of buckwheat, mung beans, or acorns from which the starch has been extracted by grinding, steeping, and straining. The dregs from the straining are boiled down until they thicken into a gelatinous substance, which is then allowed to cool and congeal in a mold. Koreans commonly eat mukcut into small squares mixed with lettuce, cucumber, or other vegetables and garnished with a spicy sauce.

                    After having the main dishes, they served anothr set of stone bowl rice...



                                                            Cinnamon Tea

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