Friday, August 9, 2013

"Samkak Ju-Meok-Bap" Triangle Ju-Meok-Bap/三角寿司卷/삼각주먹밥

Samkak Ju-Meok-Bap" Triangle Ju-Meok-Bap /三角寿司卷/삼각주먹밥                                                                          
2013/08/10 14:17

Dear friends , what will you prepare for your lunch box if you go for picnic ? Here are my lunch boxes...homemade fried bean curd rice,triangle ju-meok-bap,fried mini pancake,fried spicy anchovies and sausage bread...Eat the "samkak ju-meok-bap" together with the fried spicy anchovies, is very delicious .Today, I am going to share with you how to make the  " Samkak ju-meok-bap" triangle ju-meok-bap/三角寿司卷/감각주먹밥....

亲爱的朋友们,当您去郊游的时候,您会准备些什麽便当呢 ? 这是我的便当。。自制炸豆腐皮饭团,三角寿司卷,炸迷你煎饼,辣酱江鱼,还有泡菜。。。三角寿司卷配上辣酱江鱼一起吃,味道特别好哦! 今天是与大家一起分享如何制作三角寿司卷。。。

                      Place a piece of "kim" seaweed on each of the "samkak ju-meok-bap"

Eat the "samkak ju-meok-bap" with the fried spicy anchovies, the taste is very delicious..

                                  Mix the tuna with the mayonnaise well...

Put the cooked rice in a big bowl,add in vinegar,sugar,salt and sesame oil while it is still hot,mix well.Set aside.

                    Put the rice in the triangle mould,leave a space in the center...

                                                    Add in the tuna...

Add in some more rice after placing in the tuna...,press it firmly and place in another part of the mould, to become triangle shape ...

cooked rice 400 g
vinegar 1 1/2 Tsp
sugar 1/2 tsp
a pinch of salt
sesame oil 1/2 Tsp
one piece of "kim"/seaweed ,cut into rectangle stripe

Method :
1. Put the cooked rice in a big bowl,add in vinegar,sugar,salt and sesame oil while it is still hot,mix well.Set aside.

2. Remove the oil or water from the tuna can, put the tuna on a heated pan, heat it up. Remove from pan and mix it well with the mayonnaise.

3.  Put the rice in the triangle mould,leave a space in the center...

4. Add in the tuna...

5. Add in some more rice after placing in the tuna...,press it firmly and place in another part of the mould, to become triangle shape ...

6. Put a piece of "kim" /seaweed on each of the "samkak ju-meok-bap" .

白饭 400 g
醋 1 1/2 Tsp
糖 1/2 tsp
麻油 1/2 Tsp

1. 将已煮熟的白饭放在一大碗里内,趁热的时候,加入醋,糖,盐和麻油,拌均待用。

2. 除去罐头tuna内的水分,在锅内将它弄热,离锅,在碗内将tuna和沙拉酱拌均。

3. 将饭放入三角模型内,中间留一个空间。。。

4. 加入tuna。。

5. 在加入tuna后,再加入一些饭。。。按紧它,再放上另一片模型,使它成为三角形状。。

6. 在每一三角寿司卷上放一片紫菜片。

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