Monday, December 30, 2013

Dolls In Hanbok/韩服娃娃。。。

Dear friends,2014 is around the corner.Kam from Kimchi House would like to wish all the friends from all over the world " Happy New Year 2014"in advance.
For the year of 2013, we talk and share about the food. Today, I would like to share with you the beauty of Hanbok,this was exhibited on dolls fair.

I appreciate all the readers who were visiting my blog for the past one year ,even though I am rather active on Facebook instead of blogspot.

More pictures are available on

亲爱得读者们,2014年近在眉梢,在此预祝读者们 “新年快乐”。2013年,与大家分享韩食没事。在这岁末,与大家分享韩服之美,摄于娃娃展。

也在此谢谢这一年来到访Kimchi House的读者们,虽然我比较活跃于 Facebook ,不太活跃于 Blogspot。


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