Saturday, December 21, 2013

Sesame Tapioca Bread /芝麻薯面包/깨찰빵

Sesame Tapioca Bread /芝麻薯面包/깨찰빵 Bakery
2013/12/21 17:11  

The ingredients for the Sesame Tapioca Bread are the tapioca flour,bread flour, shortening,egg,vegetable oil,sesame,water salt. In Korea, we can get the Sesame Tapioca Bread Mix easily from a few manufacturers...

                           This is one of the Sesame Tapioca Bread Mix available

After whisking the egg and the milk,add in the sesame tapioca bread mix to form a dough. Divide the dough into 40 g each... 
将蛋和牛奶搅拌后,加入芝麻薯面包粉,搓成面团。 将面团分割成每粒 40 g。。

Use the spray to spray water on the surface of the dough before you put it in the oven...

Sesame Tapioca Bread Mix 1 pack ( 250 g )
1 egg
fresh milk 90 ml

Method :

1. Put one egg and 90 ml of fresh milk in a mixing bowl,whisk it.

2. Add in the Sesame Tapioca Bread Mix, to form a dough. Divide the dough into 40 g each.

3. Place the dough on a baking pan, use the spray to spray water on the surface of the dough before you put it in the oven. The surface of the bread will be crispy.

4. Bake it for 30 - 40 minutes at 180 degree C.

芝麻薯面包粉 1 包
鲜牛奶 90 ml

1. 将一粒蛋和 90 ml 的鲜牛奶放入一大碗内,搅拌均匀。

2. 加入加入芝麻薯面包粉,搓成面团,将面团分割成每粒 40 g。

3. 将面团放在烘盘上,在还未将面团放入烘炉之前,用喷水器,在面团的表面喷水。面包的表面会脆脆。

4. 以 180 度 C,烘 30  - 40 分钟。

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