Monday, March 10, 2014

Temple Food/ 禅食/사찰음식 ( Part 2 )

Temple Food/ 禅食/사찰음식 ( Part 2 ) Others
2014/03/11 15:13

Smashed potatoes & peas are the main ingredients for this dish/土豆泥和青豆泥的完美撘配。。。

Dear friends, have you ever thought to use the "Nurungji (crust of overcooked rice) to  prepare the mushroom dish? 朋友们,您可曾想过用锅巴与蘑菇烹调出令人垂涎三尺的蘑菇料理 ?

                                              Bamboo Rice / 竹筒饭

                                  Lotus Roots preserved in sugar /糖渍莲藕片

                                  Lotus Leaves Dumpling( "Mandu")/荷叶饺子

                                 Lotus Roots preserved in sugar /糖渍莲藕片

                                         Skewered Mushrooms /蘑菇串

                           Oyster Mushrooms with red pepper sauce / 辣酱平菇

                                           Grilled Mushroom /香烤蘑菇

                  Parsnip Leaves ( Bang-peong-namul) Rice Roll /欧洲防风叶饭卷

                                                    Rice Balls /饭团

                                         Stuffed Tofu with sauce /焖豆腐

                                  Mushroom with pumpkin paste / 蘑菇南瓜泥


  1. Thank you once again for the beautiful pics of temple nice. I love your blog on Korean food. Last yr I went to Korea and got to taste authentic Korean food. Love the kimchi, seaweed, bibimbap, chicken ginseng etc. Also bought delicious chocolate and pure honey from Jeju Island. Nice people and good food. Would love to go there again.

  2. Dear Mettateoh,
    Welcome to Korea !Next time, please inform me before you come, hopefully I can provide you some useful information....
