Tuesday, May 6, 2014

떡쌈시대 " Tteok Ssam Si Tae "

떡쌈시대 " Tteok Ssam Si Tae " Food Tour
2014/05/06 18:53

Dear friends, have you ever tasted the "Samgyeapsal"(pork belly)  together with the rice cake (Tteok ) ?
亲爱的朋友们,您可曾以三层肉( Samgyeapsal)和韩式米糕 ( Tteok) 一起享用 ?

Place a piece of grilled pork belly ,kimchi etc on a thin rice cake,wrap it.
Is this new for you ?
将已烤好的的三层肉,泡菜等,放在一片薄薄的韩式米糕上,然后将它包卷起来。 这吃法是否是很新鲜呢 ?

                                 Place the" Samgyeapsal",onions, potatoes ,kimchi on the grill...
                                 将三层肉,洋葱,马铃薯,泡菜 放在烤盘上烤。。。

Dipping sauces : red pepper sauce,fillet sauce,soy sauce,perilla powder, bean powder.. 
酱料 : 辣椒酱,猪排酱,酱清, 紫苏籽粉,黄豆粉。。。

                                 Grill the "Samgyeapsal" till well done...

This is the restaurant " Tteok Sam Si Tae/떡쌈시대"  that I was invited to have dinner...
受邀前往这家餐馆“Tteok Sam Si Tae/떡쌈시대” 用晚餐。。。

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