Monday, June 9, 2014

"Hang Ah Ri" Cylindrical Container/窑器/항아리

"Hang Ah Ri" Cylindrical Container/窑器/항아리 Kitchen Ware
2014/06/09 20:35

On the 17th May,2014, I was cycling from Ungilsan Station(운길산역) to Pal Dang Dam (팔당댐),it was about 60 km for me to cycle on that day. On the way, there is a shop selling the traditional Korean cylindrical containers. Korean use these cylindrical containers to store kimchi,red pepper paste,salt,soybean sauce,soybean paste, etc since Neolithic Age till now.  These cylindrical containers are made of clay. I like these very much, if compared with the plastic or glass containers....We have the size as big as l.2 m high or mini size of 7 cm,etc...The Kimchi stored in this containers are very delicious....

2014年5月17日,我骑着脚车/自行车从Ungilsan Station(云吉山驿站)出发至八堂水霸,全程来回 60 公里。途中,经过一家售卖韩国传统窑器的商店。自新石器时代这窑器就便开始采用至今,韩国人用它来
储藏泡菜,辣椒酱,盐,酱油,豆酱,等。我非常喜欢这窑器,如果与塑胶或玻璃容器。 这容器,大则1.2m ,小则7m。等。。用这窑器所储藏的泡菜,味道特别好。。。

                                       My mini cylindrical containers

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