Monday, July 7, 2014

Seasoned "Sam-Chae "Allium Hookeri /凉拌宽叶韭根/삼채무침

Seasoned "Sam-Chae "Allium Hookeri /凉拌宽叶韭根/삼채무침 Vegetable
2014/07/07 17:00

Allium Hookeri , we call it " Sam-Chae"/삼채 in Korean. Today , I am going to use the roots of the Allium Hookeri to make a dish....
Allium Hookeri/宽叶韭,在韩文,我们称它为“삼채。今天,我将用它的根部来做一道菜。。

In Korea, we do eat it in raw , fry or boil it to drink as tea....

Allium hookeri is a plant species native to India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar (Burma), Bhutan, and southwestern China (Sichuan, Xizang (Tibet) and Yunnan). Common names include Hooker chives (in India), 宽叶韭 kuan ye jiu in China, etc.

Allium hookeri produces thick, fleshy roots and a cluster of thin bulbs. Scapes are up top 60 cm tall. Leaves are flat and narrow, about the same length as the scapes but only 1 cm across. Umbels are crowded with many white or greenish-yellow flowers.

Medicinal use of Allium hookeri:

Although no specific mention of medicinal uses has been seen for this species, members of this genus are in general very healthy additions to the diet. They contain sulphur compounds (which give them their onion flavour) and when added to the diet on a regular basis they help reduce blood cholesterol levels, act as a tonic to the digestive system and also tonify the circulatory system.

Edible parts of Allium hookeri:

 Bulb - raw or cooked. Leaves - raw or cooked. Flowers - raw. Used as a garnish on salads.

Other uses of the herb:

The juice of the plant is used as a moth repellent. The whole plant is said to repel insects and moles.

宽叶韭学名Allium hookeri)为葱科葱属的植物。分布在斯里兰卡印度不丹以及中国大陆云南四川
(source: wikipedia and Natural Medicinal )

                                         These are the  fresh Allium Hookeri Roots  .

Ingredients :
Fresh Allium Hookeri roots 120 g
Korean red pepper paste 15 g
corn syrup 10 g
sesame oil 1/2 tsp
roasted sesame seeds  1/2 tsp
minced garlic 1/2 Tsp

Method :
l. Trim the roots ( the upper portion ).

2. Wash it gently, drain it.

3. Mix  the Korean red pepper paste,corn syrup,sesame oil, sesame seeds and minced garlic in a mixing bowl.

4. Mix the sauce and the Allium Hookeri roots evenly.

5. Place it on the dish and enjoy to eat ! It is a simple dish..

材料 :
新鲜的宽叶韭根  120 g
韩式辣椒酱  15 g
韩式麦芽糖 10 g
麻油 1/2 tsp
芝麻 1/2 tsp
蒜蓉 1/2 Tsp

做法 :
1. 修一修宽叶韭根 (最上端的部份)。

2. 轻轻的洗一洗,除去水份,待乾。

3. 在一碗内,将韩式辣椒酱,韩式麦芽糖,麻油,芝麻混合均匀。

4. 将酱料和宽叶韭拌均。

5. 放在碟子上,即可享用。是道非常简单的凉拌菜肴。。

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