Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Dear friends, if you travel to Jeju Island In Korea for holidays, I strongly recommend you to enjoy your meal at this restaurant, " 물메골 ". Even though this is a vegeterian restaurant, but I am sure you will really enjoy the food. On the arriving day in Jeju Island, we went there for lunch; on the departure day, we  purposely had meal there again ......Thumb up for the homemade soy bean paste.......
亲爱的朋友们,若您到访济州岛,我极力推荐您到这家餐馆用餐," 물메골 ". 虽然是间素食餐馆,但我相信您会爱上这几道简单,但美味的菜肴。 抵达济州岛的那一天,我们到这用餐;在离开的那一天,我们也特地前往享用。。。

                                        At the entrance of the restaurant...

All the sauces are homemade, red pepper paste, soy bean paste, soy bean sauce...

This was the Lotus Rice Set Lunch, used the lotus leaf to wrap the rice and steam it...Please look at the soup that is next to the lotus rice. This was the first time I tasted , was rather sticky  .The waitress told me that the local peoples like to use flour as one of the ingredient to boil soup.....

Among the dishes I tasted, this was my most favourite dish, egg plants and korean rice cakes with soy bean paste...

Fresh lotus root, cucumber and green pepper with red pepper sauce...

                                   Jeju tangerine salad sauce, was very  special...

                                    They  used the bean to make the "meat"...

                                  Dried radish leave with  soy bean sauce...


                                                       Lotus leaf rice..

                                 They used the natural materials to dye fabric ...

                                           They do sell the cup wares...

                                                 An old heater. stove...

                                                  This is the address....

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