Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Green Onion Kimchi/葱泡菜/파김치

Spring onion kimchi, is it very new to you....
(This recipe is written in Chinese & English )

 spring onion 1 kg
Korean anchovy sauce, we call it "멸치액젓"
glutinous rice paste 1 cup
red pepper powder 1 cup
ginger 4 tsp, minced
garlic 1/2 cup, minced
sesame seeds 2 Tsp
sugar , to taste

1. Wash the spring onion, rinse and drain.

2. After that, put in on a flat dish,  sprinkle 1/2 cup of anchovy sauce on top of it, marinate it for about one hour.  Must turn the spring onion for 1 or twice during this process.  Remove the anchovy sauce from the spring onion, set aside.

3. Add in the red pepper powder, the anchovy sauce that was removed from step (2), add in another 1/2 cup of anchovy sauce,garlic,ginger and sugar in the glutinous rice paste.

4. Season the spring onion  with sauce from step (3), add in sesame seeds.

5. Put it the container, place it under the room temperature for half day before you store it in the refrigerator.

( p/s: when I make this kimchi, I like to add in one pear's juice ( Korean pear,the skin is brown color) for marinating it, the taste will be better).


青葱 1 kg
韩式江鱼子露 1 杯 ( 멸치액젓 / Anchovy sauce )
糯米胡1 杯
辣椒粉 1 杯
姜蓉 4  tsp
蒜蓉 1/2 杯
芝麻 2 Tsp


1)  先将青葱洗净,濾乾水份。
2) 青葱濾乾后,放在平盘上,用1/2 杯 江鱼子露撒在青葱上,浸泡 1小时后,濾出江鱼子露待用,过程中须翻动 1,2次,使它均匀。
3) 在糯米胡中加入辣椒粉,加入浸泡过青葱的江鱼子露,另外的 1/2杯江鱼子露,姜蓉,蒜蓉,白糖,做成醃料。
4) 将醃料均匀地塗在青葱上,最后加入芝麻。
5) 放入保鲜盒,置放在室温半天后,让它入味后,放入冰箱保存。


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