Thursday, December 18, 2014

"Kimchi With Love"/爱心泡菜/사랑나눔김장.

"Kimchi With Love"/爱心泡菜
In Korea,autumn or the beginning of winter is the season for every Korean family to make kimchi, we call it " Kim Jang". Korean do gather together to make kimchi for those who are homeless,poor or old peoples, for winter consumption. These are " The Kimchi with love".在韩国,每逢秋末或早冬,那是韩国家家户户忙着做泡菜的季节,我们称为“Kim Jang”。韩国人也聚集在一块,集体为那些独居,贫困,乐龄人士做泡菜。这些都是“爱心泡菜”。

Staffs from Hanwha Chemical participated this " Kimchi With Love" event...

Yesterday,17/12/2014, staffs from Hanwha Chemical, they participated this event at social welfare center in Seoul.

                  Not only the female staffs, male staffts too...

                                They really did a good job.....

                        Kimchi was put in the boxes for delivery...

Thank and appreciate the staffs from Hanwha Chemical for this charity event!

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