Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Happy Lunar New Year / 新年快乐/ 새해 복 많이받으세요...

새해 복 많이받으세요...

These are triplet from the TV programme " Return of Supermen". Their names are " 대한",  " 민국", " 만세", in Hanja is "大韩民国万岁". This photo is from the calendar that I have.

With these triplet, we greet all of you " Happy Lunar New Year "

这三位孪生兄弟是电视综艺节目“超人回来了”中的主角之一。他们的名字是" 대한",  " 민국", " 만세", 也即 "大韩民国万岁". 非常逗人疼爱 的小朋友。。。这张照片是取自我所拥有的日历。

谨此与这三位孪生兄弟敬祝大家 “ 新年快乐,万事如意”。

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