Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Abalone Porridge/鲍鱼粥/전복죽

Abalone Porridge/鲍鱼粥/전복죽                                                                     
In Korean, we call the Abalone Porridge as "전복죽 ( Jeon-buk-juk). Korean like to eat this porridge, especially when they are sick.Korean do eat the intestine of the abalone in raw by dipping the sesame oil. We do steam it, boil, braise or simmer it in soy sauce,etc.
Today,I am going to share with you another recipe instead of  using chicken broth as in  my previous recipe.
My previous recipe is available at http://kkimchi88.blogspot.kr/2012/04/abalone-porridge.html

在韩国,我们称鲍鱼粥为 “전복죽 ( Jeon-buk-juk)”. 韩国人喜欢吃鲍鱼粥,特别是当身体不适时。韩国人也生吃鲍鱼的内脏,沾上麻油就生吃。我们也用采用不同的烹调法,如蒸,焖等。
上回所写的食谱,可参考 http://kkimchi88.blogspot.kr/2012/04/abalone-porridge.html

Abalone,  from the Spanish abulón), , is a common name for any of a group of small to very large edible sea snails, marine gastropod molluscs in the family Haliotidae. Other common names are ear-shells, sea ears, as well as muttonfish or muttonshells in Australia, ormer in Great Britain, perlemoen and venus's-ears in South Africa and pāua in New Zealand.

The flesh of abalones is widely considered to be a desirable food, and is consumed raw or cooked in a variety of different dishes.

Abalone have long been a valuable food source for humans in every area of the world where a species is abundant.

The meat of this mollusk is considered a delicacy in certain parts of Latin America (especially Chile), France, New Zealand, Southeast Asia, and East Asia (especially in China, Japan, and Korea). In Chinese speaking regions, abalone are commonly known as bao yu, and sometimes forms part of a Chinese banquet. Similar to shark fin soup or bird's nest soup, it is considered a luxury item, and is traditionally reserved for special occasions such as weddings and other celebrations. However, the availability of commercially farmed abalone has allowed more common consumption of this once rare delicacy.

In Japan, live and raw abalone are used in awabi sushi, or served steamed, salted, boiled, chopped, or simmered in soy sauce. Salted, fermented abalone entrails are the main component of tottsuru, a local dish from Honshū. Tottsuru is mainly enjoyed with sake.
Kimchi House: Abalone Porridge/鲍鱼粥/전복죽
본문으로 이동
鮑魚,古稱鳆,又名鏡面魚九孔螺明目魚將軍帽,(美式英文abalone, 英式英文ormer)是一種海生軟體動物,屬於腹足綱鮑科的單殼海生貝類。棲石質河岸,以藻類為食。
鮑魚除了是海中的软体动物外,亦是中國傳統的名貴食材,古稱鰒魚,山珍海味中的一種。漢朝王莽就愛吃鳆鱼。曹操喜欢吃鳆鱼,曹操死后,曹植曾向徐州刺史臧霸要二百只來祭祀。 鮑魚通常在水溫度稍低的海底出產。出產地有日本北部、中國東北部、广东南海北部湾、北美洲西岸、南美洲南非澳洲等地。公認最佳產地為日本(乾鮑)及墨西哥(罐頭鮑)。

(source : wikipedia)

                Use radish, kelp and anchovy as the ingredients for boiling the broth

                                                                 Fresh abalones..

                                                      The intestine of the abalones..

                                                  Sliced abalones and the intestine...

                                                 Carrot,mushroom,onion, zucchini...

                                                                          Boiling the broth..

                                                  Fry the vegetables and the abalones..

    Remove the radish, kelp and anchovy from the broth, pour in the cooked rice..

                                         Add in the fried vegetables and abalones..

                                                             Shell of the abalones ..^-^

3 big size of abalones
9  mushrooms
rice 400 g ( uncooked rice )
250 g radish
l piece of kelp, 10 x 10 cm
10 pieces of anchovies
9 cups of water
l  onion
l carrot
1/2 of zucchini
v egetable oil/ olive oil or grape seeds oil
1 tsp sesame oil
1 Tsp of perila oil or sesame oil
salt, to taste


1. Clean and wash the abalones,  sliced in thin pieces.

 2. Mushroom ,carrot, zucchini and onion, coarsely sliced in small cube form .

3 When we cook porridge, it will take longer time;therefore, I use the high pressure cooker to cook the rice. Set aside.

4. In a fry pan,  heat it up with 1 1/2 Tsp oil,   add in the carrot, zucchini  onion , mushroom and abalones, sprinkle a pinch of salt and pepper, 1tsp of sesame oil, fry until the onion become soft. Remove  all the ingredients from the fry pan.

5. Pour the cooked rice into a cooking ware, add in the broth , stir it well, cook with the medium heat for about 10 minutes...

6. Add  the  cooked ingredients in the  porridge,  mix it well; add in salt .Keep on stirring and cook it till well done.

 7. When it is well done, add in 1 Tsp of perrilla  oil, mix it well. ( If you don't have the perrila oil, you may use sesame oil )
( Is optional whether you want to add in the intestine or not )

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