I have just done another version of my "kkaen nip Jang A Jji" Perilla Leaf Kimchi/紫苏叶泡菜/깻잎장아찌. It takes time to ferment ~~Theses perilla leaves are from my weekend farm ! The colour is beautiful ~~
刚完成了另一个食谱的"kkaen nip Jang A Jji" Perilla Leaf Kimchi/紫苏叶泡菜/깻잎장아찌.
需待发酵~~这紫苏叶是来自我的周末菜园 !紫苏叶的颜色很漂亮 ~~
Perilla frutescens (L.) Britt. (syn. Perilla nankinensis (Lour.) Decne., etc.) is a cultivated plant of the mint familyLamiaceae. It is the species identification encompassing two distinct varieties of traditional crop in East Asia:
The Japanese shiso leaves come in green, red, bicolored, and crinkly (chirimen-jiso) varieties, as noted. Parts of the plants eaten are the leaves, flowers and buds from the flower stalks, fruits and seeds (mericarp), and sprouts.
Japanese use green shiso leaves raw with sashimi. Dried leaves are also infused to make tea.[citation needed] The red shiso leaf is not normally consumed fresh, but needs to be cured, e.g. in salt. The pigment in the leaves turns from purple to bright red color when steeped in umezu, and is used to color and flavor umeboshi
韩国人用紫蘇(Perilla frutescens)的种子压榨食用油,或者用种子磨成粉加入汤中作调味品
(source: wikipedia)
This is very simple and easy, the ratio for Korean soy bean sauce, vinegar and Korean corn syrup is 1 : 1 : 1. No need to boil, just mix and stir it well...
这是非常简单和容易, 韩式酱清,醋 和韩式麦芽糖的比例是 1 : 1 : 1. 无需煮,只需混合均匀就行了
Wash and drain the perilla leaves...
Put the perilla leaves in a glass container and pour in the sauce. Store it in the refrigeratoar. Let it to ferment for at least 2 weeks, the longer the better !
将紫苏叶放入玻璃容器里,倒入酱料。让它发酵最少 2 周, 时间越长越佳 !
This perilla leaf kimchi is rather salty ,therefore, when you eat it, eat it piece by piece. Put a piece of perilla leaf kimchi on top of a spoonful cooked rice , eat it together, then, you won't feel salty.....
需待发酵~~这紫苏叶是来自我的周末菜园 !紫苏叶的颜色很漂亮 ~~
Perilla frutescens (L.) Britt. (syn. Perilla nankinensis (Lour.) Decne., etc.) is a cultivated plant of the mint familyLamiaceae. It is the species identification encompassing two distinct varieties of traditional crop in East Asia:
- ) P. frutescens var. crispa, the aromatic leafy herb called by its Japanese name shiso, which in turn is aloan word from the Chinese: 紫蘇; pinyin: zi-su; Wade–Giles: tsu-su. The plant occurs in red (purple-leaved) or green-leaved forms. The now less fashionable English name "beefsteak plant" has been superseded by the Japanese-derived name shiso in the mass media and popular literature.
- ) P. frutescens var. frutescens or var. japonica, the oilseed crop, source of perilla oil and a common food ingredient in Korean cuisine, both as "wild sesame" in seed form, and as "sesame leaves". The provisional English name "wild sesame" is a literal translation of the Korean name Hangul: 들깨; RR: deulggae; MR:tŭlkkae. In Japan this type of perilla is called egoma (エゴマ or 荏胡麻 ) (from 荏, Japanese: e-; Chinese:荏; pinyin: ren; Wade–Giles: jen; Korean: 임 im), and is not shiso
The Japanese shiso leaves come in green, red, bicolored, and crinkly (chirimen-jiso) varieties, as noted. Parts of the plants eaten are the leaves, flowers and buds from the flower stalks, fruits and seeds (mericarp), and sprouts.
Japanese use green shiso leaves raw with sashimi. Dried leaves are also infused to make tea.[citation needed] The red shiso leaf is not normally consumed fresh, but needs to be cured, e.g. in salt. The pigment in the leaves turns from purple to bright red color when steeped in umezu, and is used to color and flavor umeboshi
- 紫蘇(学名:Perilla frutescens),古名荏,又名蘇、白苏、桂荏(《爾雅》)、荏子、赤苏、红苏、香苏、黑苏、白紫苏、青苏、野苏、苏麻、苏草、唐紫苏、皱叶苏、鸡苏、臭苏、大紫苏、假紫苏、水升麻、野藿麻、聋耳麻、孜珠、兴帕夏噶(藏语)等,是唇形科紫苏属下唯一种,一年生草本植物,主產於东南亚、台湾、中国江西、湖南等中南部地区、喜马拉雅地区,日本、缅甸、朝鲜半岛、印度、尼泊尔也引进此种,而北美洲也有生长。
韩国人用紫蘇(Perilla frutescens)的种子压榨食用油,或者用种子磨成粉加入汤中作调味品
(source: wikipedia)
This is very simple and easy, the ratio for Korean soy bean sauce, vinegar and Korean corn syrup is 1 : 1 : 1. No need to boil, just mix and stir it well...
这是非常简单和容易, 韩式酱清,醋 和韩式麦芽糖的比例是 1 : 1 : 1. 无需煮,只需混合均匀就行了
Wash and drain the perilla leaves...
Put the perilla leaves in a glass container and pour in the sauce. Store it in the refrigeratoar. Let it to ferment for at least 2 weeks, the longer the better !
将紫苏叶放入玻璃容器里,倒入酱料。让它发酵最少 2 周, 时间越长越佳 !
This perilla leaf kimchi is rather salty ,therefore, when you eat it, eat it piece by piece. Put a piece of perilla leaf kimchi on top of a spoonful cooked rice , eat it together, then, you won't feel salty.....