Sunday, September 27, 2015


즐겁고 행복 가득한 추석 보내세요~~
Today is the 15th of August in lunar calendar, is the Thanks Giving Day in Korea, we call it "Chuseok". Happy Chuseok for all my friends~~

Chuseok (Korean: 추석), originally known as hangawi (한가위 from archaic Korean for "the great middle (of autumn)"(한ᄀᆞᄇᆡ)), is a major harvest festival and a three-day holiday in Korea celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar. Like many other harvest festivals around the world, it is held around the autumn equinox.
As a celebration of the good harvest, Koreans visit their ancestral hometowns and share a feast of Korean traditional food such as songpyeon and rice wines such as sindoju and dongdongju.
There are stories that have passed from generation to generation about the making of songpyeon :

For the mum or grandma, will tell the grand daughter, " you will get a beautiful child if you makes the songpyeon in beautiful shape".

For the unmarried, they can find a beautiful wife or a handsome husband when the songpyeon they make has a beautiful shape......

华族赏月饼过中秋,韩族则吃松饼/songpyeon庆“秋夕”(韩国人称中秋节为 “秋夕”/Chusok/추석),这是一年内最大的节日之一。历经了多少个世纪,依旧可以见到韩国人,在“秋夕”的前一日或二日,家庭的成员们都会围绕的坐在一起,一边做松饼,必变谈笑风生。

"Songpyeon/송편/松糕“是米糕的一种。依地区而异,有些地区的居民用马玲薯粉或蕃薯粉做面团,一般上的家庭都用米粉。 内陷也有差异,有些是用红豆,栗子,红枣或芝麻。

一代传一代,流传了有关“松饼”的故事:老一辈的妇人家,都会对晚辈女儿家说 ”手儿巧,搓个美松饼,将来好生个漂亮的娃娃 “。


One of the major foods prepared and eaten during the Chuseok holiday is songpyeon (송편; 松편),a Korean traditional rice cake which contains stuffing made with ingredients such as sesame seeds, black beans, mung beans, cinnamon, pine nut, walnut, chestnut, jujube, and honey. When making songpyeon, steaming them over a layer of pine-needles is critical. The word song in songpyeon means a pine tree in Korean. The pine needles not only contribute to songpyeon's aromatic fragrance, but also its beauty and taste
Songpyeon is also significant because of the meaning contained in its shape. Songpyeon's rice skin itself resembles the shape of a full moon, but once it wraps the stuffing, its shape resembles the half-moon. Since the Three Kingdoms era in Korean history, a Korean legend stated that these two shapes ruled the destinies of the two greatest rival kingdoms, Baekje and Silla. During the era of King Uija of Baekje, an encrypted phrase, "Baekje is full-moon and Silla is half moon" was found on a turtle's back and it predicted the fall of the Baekje and the rise of the Silla. The prophecy came true when Silla defeated Baekje in their war. Ever since, Koreans started to refer to a half-moon shape as the indicator of the bright future or victory. Therefore, during Chuseok, families gather together and eat half-moon-shaped Songpyeon under the full moon, wishing themselves a brighter future.

Friday, September 18, 2015

" Tonkatsu Deopbap" Rice topped with pork cutlet /炸猪排烩饭/돈까스덮밥

My youngest daughter and I have cooked the " Tonkatsu Deopbap" Rice topped with pork cutlet /猪排烩饭/돈까스덮밥 respectively.
我家老幺和我最近分别烹调了"  Tonkatsu Deopbap" Rice topped with pork cutlet /炸猪排烩饭/돈까스덮밥

In Korea, we can buy the frozen pork cutlet  or fresh port cutlet at the supermarket. But, I made it myself.

在韩国的超市可以买到冰冻或现做的猪排。 但,我自己做了。


Share with you how we made it :
1. Fry the port cutlet.

2. 50 ml Japanese soy sauce, 50 ml water, chopped onion, boil together (for me, I added in the mushroom ,but my daughter didn't )

3. Cut the pork cutlet into small pieces.

4. Put the pork cutlet into (2) and boil it for 3 minutes.

5. Crack the egg into a bowl and stir it.

6. Pour the egg on top of the pork cutlet and cook for 4 minutes.

7. Put rice into a bowl.

8. Place the port cutlet on top of rice and pour it the gravy.


1. 炸猪排。

2. 50 ml的日式酱清, 50 ml 的水, 洋葱条( 我有加入蘑菇,小女则无),一起煮。

3. 将炸好的猪排切条。

4. 把切好的猪排放入 (2), 煮 3 分钟。

5. 在碗里打入一粒蛋,打散它。

6. 把打好的蛋倒在猪排上,煮 4 分钟。


8. 将猪排放在白饭上并淋上汁。

Monday, September 14, 2015

Chestnut Tree & Jujube Tree.

14/9/15,autumn is around the corner ! Share with you the chestnut tree and jujube tree.

The fruit is contained in a spiny (very sharp) cupule 5–11 cm in diameter, also called "bur" or "burr". The burrs are often paired or clustered on the branch (source: wikipedia)

Chestnuts depart from the norm for culinary nuts in that they have very little protein or fat, their calories coming chiefly from carbohydrates. Fresh chestnut fruits have about 180 calories (800 kJ) per 100 grams of edible parts, which is much lower than walnuts, almonds, other nuts and dried fruit (about 600 kcal/100 g). Chestnuts contain very little fat, mostly unsaturated, and no gluten.(source : wikipedia)

To preserve their freshness for a few months with no artificial refrigeration, the chestnuts can be soaked in cold water for about 20 hours immediately after harvest, after which they are dried in the shade, then layered in dry sand(source:wikipedia)

 In Korea, jujubes are called daechu (대추) and are used in Daechucha teas and samgyetang.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Yeongyang Red Pepper Festival/英阳辣椒庆典/영양고추페스티벌 2015 ( Part 2)

Asaki Pepper Pickled

Dear friends, share with you the food exhibited on the Yeongyang Red Pepper Festival. Red peppers are the ingredients for the food.

亲爱的朋友们,与您分享在英阳辣椒庆典上所展出的食物。 辣椒是这些食物的材料

                             Enoki mushroom & Chili pancake

                        소고기고추장볶음 쌈밥/Beef stir-fried with red pepper paste in leaf wrap rice

                                                 Spicy spagettii

                         Grilled chicken breast and pepper leaf salad / 닭가슴살 구이와고추잎 샐러드

                     Royal stir -fried rice cake ( use the red pepper oil )/고추기름을 이용한 궁중떡볶이

                                               Chili pepper pancake / 고추전

                                                Pickled peppers / 고추장아찌

Yeongyang Red Pepper Festival/英阳辣椒庆典/영양고추페스티벌 2015 ( Part 1)

Yeongyang Red Pepper Festival is held in Seoul recently. Yeongyang is located in Gyeongsangbuk-do. Yeongyang red peppers grow in highland, they are rich in sugar, vitamin A & C. It has smooth surface and less seeds, is moderate spicy and sweet .
英阳辣椒庆典,最近在首尔举行。 英阳位于庆尚北道。 英阳辣椒,培植于高原地区,含有丰富的糖份,维他命A & C。 它的表面滑嫩,内含有少量的种子。