Friday, September 18, 2015

" Tonkatsu Deopbap" Rice topped with pork cutlet /炸猪排烩饭/돈까스덮밥

My youngest daughter and I have cooked the " Tonkatsu Deopbap" Rice topped with pork cutlet /猪排烩饭/돈까스덮밥 respectively.
我家老幺和我最近分别烹调了"  Tonkatsu Deopbap" Rice topped with pork cutlet /炸猪排烩饭/돈까스덮밥

In Korea, we can buy the frozen pork cutlet  or fresh port cutlet at the supermarket. But, I made it myself.

在韩国的超市可以买到冰冻或现做的猪排。 但,我自己做了。


Share with you how we made it :
1. Fry the port cutlet.

2. 50 ml Japanese soy sauce, 50 ml water, chopped onion, boil together (for me, I added in the mushroom ,but my daughter didn't )

3. Cut the pork cutlet into small pieces.

4. Put the pork cutlet into (2) and boil it for 3 minutes.

5. Crack the egg into a bowl and stir it.

6. Pour the egg on top of the pork cutlet and cook for 4 minutes.

7. Put rice into a bowl.

8. Place the port cutlet on top of rice and pour it the gravy.


1. 炸猪排。

2. 50 ml的日式酱清, 50 ml 的水, 洋葱条( 我有加入蘑菇,小女则无),一起煮。

3. 将炸好的猪排切条。

4. 把切好的猪排放入 (2), 煮 3 分钟。

5. 在碗里打入一粒蛋,打散它。

6. 把打好的蛋倒在猪排上,煮 4 分钟。


8. 将猪排放在白饭上并淋上汁。

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