Friday, September 11, 2015

Yeongyang Red Pepper Festival/英阳辣椒庆典/영양고추페스티벌 2015 ( Part 2)

Asaki Pepper Pickled

Dear friends, share with you the food exhibited on the Yeongyang Red Pepper Festival. Red peppers are the ingredients for the food.

亲爱的朋友们,与您分享在英阳辣椒庆典上所展出的食物。 辣椒是这些食物的材料

                             Enoki mushroom & Chili pancake

                        소고기고추장볶음 쌈밥/Beef stir-fried with red pepper paste in leaf wrap rice

                                                 Spicy spagettii

                         Grilled chicken breast and pepper leaf salad / 닭가슴살 구이와고추잎 샐러드

                     Royal stir -fried rice cake ( use the red pepper oil )/고추기름을 이용한 궁중떡볶이

                                               Chili pepper pancake / 고추전

                                                Pickled peppers / 고추장아찌

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