Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Kimchi With Love From Songnam Residents & Hanwha Techwin /爱心泡菜

In Korea, we are now in autumn, this is the season for every Korean family to make kimchi, we call it "Kim Jang". Korean do gather together to make kimchi for those who are homeless, poor or old , for winter consumption. These are " Kimchi With Love ".
Today, 11th Nov 2015, volunteers from Songnam residents and staffs from Hanwha Techwin, they hold this event at Central Park in Songnam.
Thousands pieces of Chinese cabbages, radishes and other ingredients, sponsored by Hanwha Techwin, it costs about 61,500,000 Korean won.
Not only in Songnam, theses kinds of events are held in many cities recently.

    Part of the ready made kimchi are pending for delivery~~

                                                 This event is sponsored by Hanwha Techwin ~~

                                                            Volunteers gather together to make kimchi~~

                                                      Appreciate their contribution for making kimchi~~

                                                                              Everybody is busy ~~

                                              Make the kimchi one by one, with only one goal "Kimchi with love "~~

                                                           Kimch is packed and put in the box for delivery~~

These are only part of the empty baskets on a big truck, this truck delivers the ingredients for making kimchi~~

                                                             This volunteer is doing the packing job~~

                                                             They start to deliver the kimchi boxes~~

                                                 Thanks Hanwha Techwin for sponsoring this event~~

                                                                          Thanks for the LOVE ~~

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