Saturday, November 7, 2015

Pickled Green Pepper / 고추장아찌/醃渍青椒

Dear friends, if you have been in Korea, have you tasted the " o-yi-gochu"/오이고추, this is the green pepper, is crunchy  but  not spicy, normally , we eat it by dipping the "samjang"/red pepper paste. Today, I am going to share with you this pickled green pepper by using the "O-yi-gochu"/오이고추 as the ingredient. Is very simple and easy~~
亲爱的朋友们, 如果您曾到访韩国,那您可曾尝过“Oi-gochu", 是青椒,非常的爽口,但却不辣。一般上,我们用它来沾上 ”samjang"/辣椒酱吃。 今天,与您分享这醃渍青椒,非常简单和容易~~

In Korean, " O-yi" means cucumber, "gochu" means chili  

I have another version for the pickled green pepper  at

                                               These are the "Oi-gochu"
                                                     这是 “Oi-gochu”

                                                  Slice the green peppers into pieces

"O-yi-gochu" 오이고추 / Green Peppers 

Sauce :
Sugar, vinegar, Korean soy  sauce ; the ratio is l : l : l (use the measuring cup )

Method :
1. Wash and drain the green peppers.

2. Slice the green peppers.

3. Pour all the sauces in a container and stir well, make sure that the sugar is melt.

4. Add in the peppers, make sure that the sauce is enough to cover the surface of the peppers.

5. Close the lid. 

6. Marinate it for at least 3 days, the longer the better, the taste will be more better.

"O-yi-gochu" 오이고추/ 青椒

白糖,醋,韩式酱清 ; 比例是  1 : 1 : 1 ( 以量杯为基准)

方法 : 
1. 将青椒洗净,濾干水分。

2. 将青椒切成小片段。

3. 将所有的酱料倒入一容器内, 须确保白糖已溶解。

4. 加入青椒, 须确保它足以盖过青椒的表面。

5. 盖上盖子。

6. 醃渍至少 3 天, 越久越入味。

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