Saturday, March 12, 2016

" Sae Bal Na Meul " / 세발나물

Spring is around the corner ! Share with you one of the vegetables available in spring ~~ . These vegetables are mainly available in the Jeollanam Do ( 전라 남도 )province, at Jin Do (진도).
Sae Bal Na Meul " / 세발나물 is also called "갯나물" in Korean, because these vegetables are planted at mud flat /tideland. In Korean, "갯벌" means mud flat/ tideland. The leaves are round and thin. It contains vitamin , mineral, calcium and dietary fiber. It is also good for those who are on diet because it will help to get rid of sodium from the body.

Does anybody know the name of this vegetable in English or Chinese. Thanks in advance ~~

大地回春 ! 与您分享这一道春天的菜肴~~。 这蔬菜生长在全罗南道Jeollanam Do ( 전라 남도)的 珍岛(진도 /Jin Do)。
在韩文,Sae Bal Na Meul " / 세발나물 也被称为 "갯나물",取意自这蔬菜生长在泥滩中。在韩文,"갯벌" 是指泥滩。这蔬菜的叶子呈细长圆形状。 它含有丰富的维他命, 矿物质, 钙质,蔬菜纤维质。对于那些有意节食的朋友,它也是好选, 它能排除体内的重碳酸钠。

可否有朋友朋友知晓这蔬菜的英文或中文名称 ? 先谢了 ~~

                                  Fresh Sae Bal Na Meul " / 세발나물

                    Blanch the Sae Bal Na Meul " / 세발나물 in the boiling water

          Put the Sae Bal Na Meul " / 세발나물 in your palms and press out the water.

Korean soybean sauce, red pepper sauce, corn syrup/Chinese plum syrup,minced garlic, roasted sesame seeds

Ingredients :
Sae Bal Na Meul " / 세발나물 230 g
Korean soybean sauce 1 Tsp
Korean red pepper sauce 1 Tsp
Minced garlic 1 Tsp
Roasted sesame seeds 1 tsp
Corn syrup/ Chinese plum syrup 1 Tsp

Method :
1. Wash the Sae Bal Na Meul " / 세발나물 .

2. Boil a pot of water.

3. Blanch the Sae Bal Na Meul " / 세발나물 in the boiling water, remove from the water as soon as possible.

4. Remove from the boiling water and wash it in the cold water.

5. Take it out from the water, put the Sae Bal Na Meul " / 세발나물 in your palms and press out the water

6. Mix all the ingredients for the sauce in advance.

7. Put the Sae Bal Na Meul " / 세발나물 in a big bowl and mix it well with the sauce.

Sae Bal Na Meul " / 세발나물
韩式豆酱   1 Tsp
韩式辣椒酱 1 Tsp
蒜蓉    1 Tsp
芝麻 1 tsp
梅汁 / 麦芽糖 1 Tsp

方法 :
1. 洗净Sae Bal Na Meul " / 세발나물蔬菜   。

2. 烧开一锅水。

3.. 将蔬菜放在热水中轻轻烫一烫。

4. 从热水中取出蔬菜,再放入冷水中洗一次。

5. 除去水份,将蔬菜放在手掌中,挤出水份。

6. 预先调好酱料。

7. 在一大碗内,将蔬菜和酱料拌均即可。


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