Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Seasoned Crown Daisy / 凉拌筒篙 / 쑥갓 무침

Dear friends, these are the beautiful flowers of crown daisy from my weekend farm !

Crown daisy , Glebionis coronaria, formerly called Chrysanthemum coronarium, is a species of flowering plant in the daisy family. It is native to the Mediterranean region. East Asia. It is also cultivated and naturalized in East Asia and in scattered locations in North America.
Glebionis coronaria is used as a leaf vegetableEnglish language common names include garland chrysanthemumchrysanthemum greens,[edible chrysanthemumchop suey greencrown daisy, and Japanese-green.
leafy herb, the garland chrysanthemum is one of the few annual plants in its genus. It has yellow ray florets grouped in small flower heads .
Korean cookery uses the greens in soups, stews, and alone as a side dish (banchan). In a hotpot, it is added at the last moment to the pot to avoid overcooking.
茼蒿学名Chrysanthemum coronarium),別名打某菜春菊茼蒿菜皇帝菜,是一種菊屬植物,原產於地中海南岸。茼蒿在歐洲原本是庭園中美麗的觀葉植物,但在宋朝引進中國後,卻成為餐桌上美味的佳餚。
  • 臺灣俗稱打某菜。由於茼蒿的嫩株富含水份,一經受熱炒煮,體積極度縮小,經常下鍋前看似一、二鍋的量,炒煮後則僅剩一小盤。不明事理的先生認為太太偷吃或偷藏,因而拳腳相向,打某菜之稱由是傳開。
  • 菊花菜冬子蒿
  • 春菊是日本所使用的羽裂葉茼蒿,但「青味」(草味)較重。[
  • 英文名稱為 Garland Chrysanthemum,意指其花(頭狀花序)形似代表勝利的花環,亦是林奈命名學名種小名採用 coronarium 之意
  • 開花時,基部葉片枯萎。植株中部以下的葉無柄,窄橢圓形或披金形,葉緣開裂1-2回甚至3回,裂瓣為卵形或線形。植株上部的葉子漸小。
  • 茼蒿的含豐富的維生素的含量也較高。[
  • 茼蒿具有菊科植物特殊的蒿氣[具健胃作用,能幫助消化、舒緩咳嗽現象。
  • 茼蒿富含葉綠素,能活潑造血功能具潔血作用,預防成人疾病
  • 茼蒿含豐富膽鹼,具補、降壓益的作用。
  • (Source : wikipedia)

                                   Seasoned Crown Daisy / 凉拌筒篙

                             These crown daisy are from my weekend farm~~

                                             Blanch the leaves in the boiling water ~~

                            The ingredients of the sauce are Korean red pepper paste, garlic, sesame seeds,sesame                                      oil~~
                            酱料的材料是韩式辣椒酱,蒜蓉,芝麻, 麻油~~

                                             Squeeze out the water ,add in the sauce  mix it well ~~ 
                                             挤出水份,加入酱料,拌均 ~~

Ingredients : 
Crown daisy 170 g
Korean red pepper paste  1 Tsp
Minced garlic 1 tsp
Sesame oil 1 tsp
Roasted sesame seeds 1 tsp
Corn syrup   or Chinese plum juice 1 tsp 

Method : 

1. Remove the leaves from the stem and wash it clean.

2. Blanch the leaves in the boiling water.

3.  Remove from the boiling water and wash it in the running cold water.

4. Take it out from the water, put the leaves in your palms and squeeze out the water .

5. Mix all the ingredients for the sauce in advance.

6. Put the leaves in a big bowl and mix it well with the sauce. 

材料 :
筒篙 170 g
韩式辣椒酱 1 Tsp
蒜蓉 1 tsp
麻油 1 tsp
芝麻 1 tsp
麦芽糖 或  梅汁 1 tsp

做法 :
1. 将叶子从茎上摘下,洗净。

2. 将叶子在热水中轻轻的烫一烫~~

3. 从热水中取出叶子, 在清水中洗一洗。

4. 挤出水份。

5. 预先调好酱料。

6. 将筒篙和酱料拌均即可享用。

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